Weekly Update:

Not much of a week except some busy work but this coming week have a few lunches and a big charity event coming up. So the first half will be busy and then the 2nd half will be semi-quiet ... I'm looking forward to the later half! OH I guess the big thing for me is I finally got a new phone which so far I am pretty happy with. I went from the old Blackberry (which has served me well when it came to e-mail and general phone use) to the new Samsung Epic 4G. The big thing about this move is I finally dumped AT&T (WORST service EVER!!) to Sprint and so far I haven't had a dropped call and someone left me a message yesterday ... I got it the same day, wait, the same hour ... no no, within the same 5 minutes! So not even a week old, so not much to say about it at the moment.

Not a big surprise at the box office but what really is shocking is the #2 spot. In at #1 the lack luster comedy Just Go With It coming in with 31 million for its debut. Just behind it is the life story of "singer" Justin Bieber in Justin Bieber: Never Say Never with 30.3 mil. Can you have a life documentary style movie if you are under 20? Or even under 18? Seriously? Coming in at #3 is the classic story re-told of Gnomeo & Juliet which is basically Romeo & Juliet put to lawn gnomes! Looks cute but the preview and ad campaign is very disappointing but it does earn 25.5 mil. Drop down to #4 is "The Roommate" with 8.4 mil extra. Rounding off the top 5 is the action film The Eagle with Channing Tatum playing a Roman ... not so much.
Quote of the week:
"A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice." - Nadine Gordimer
Other News:

So with the Academy Awards around the corner and one of them up for Best Picture is the "Social Network," a list came out about The Best Movies About Geeks ... let's see how it is shall we? These do not seem to be in any particular order either. Of course the before mentioned is on the list and rightly so, the story of the creator behind Facebook and that is pretty geeky. I don't think this was a big screen movie but a TV docu-drama called "Pirates of Silicon Valley" which was the story of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and how Microsoft and Apple were created. I remember it being interesting. The next one is "Iron Man 2" which ... I don't think its a movie about geeks but FOR geeks really. Sure Tony Stark might be a geek or just brilliant? The next film is only a couple of years old called "21" and not really a geek movie or even about geeks. Counting cards in Vegas isn't really geeky because a geek (or nerd for that matter) wouldn't really do that. Next is "Pi" which I have never seen or heard of. Looks very old as well so who knows. Do you want to play a game? "Wargames" is definitely a movie about a geek who learns how to hack and gets in some serious trouble ... classic. Another one I have never seen or heard of called "Steal This Film" and ... we move on. This next one I never saw but heard of called "Hackers" and it looks geeky enough. Next is a film I have not seen again but have heard of called "Sneakers" ... is this another word for hackers? I'm not sure about this next one ... "Matrix" seems more like a geek nightmare. It has cool effects and such but maybe another movie for geeks than about them. This one seems like a different category but "Fanboys" is mentioned ... shouldn't this be a movie about fanboys? Another Keanu movie is "Johnny Mnemonic" which I never saw and according to the box office ... neither did anyone else. "Code Rush" is next ... looks old and never seen or heard of it before. Now this one ... it says it all ... "Revenge of the Nerds!" I classify nerds and geeks in the same boat so this one is spot on in my book. Johnny 5 alive in "Short Circuit" but I feel this is borderline geek because its more about a robot than the creator who is the geek. This one had a failure of a remake recently but "Tron" is on the list. Classic sci-fi computer graphics but not a movie about geeks but for them.

Pigeons have been trained by the U.S. Coast Guard to spot people lost at sea.
"To a night the four of us will never forget!" - Bradley Cooper as Phil Wenneck in "The Hangover."
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