Weekly Update:

This was a crazy week for me! Well the weekend was pretty crazy I should say. Let me see, where do I start ... ok so on Tuesday I headed to Santa Monica for something, nothing really worth mentioning but just a long drive out there. Then on Saturday EARLY morning I had to head up to Burbank for the 1st Annual Variety Santa Fun Run. This was pretty cool because you had about 80 people dressed in Santa outfits doing a run/walk around this 1/4 mile course. One guy ran 10 miles in the full Santa outfit. I was pretty funny to see and we had other things going on including a photo opp with a pretty real looking Santa, Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks, Megamind and an elf making balloon animals. It was a very cool event. Then after that I went to a holiday party that evening which I was completely exhausted and falling asleep parts of the night. Sunday I didn't have to get up too early but I helped out at the MDA Charity Golf Tournament which was right in my backyard so that was nice. It rained a little bit here and there but quickly went as it came which was good. I'm tired ... and this upcoming week has more stuff going on!!

Surprise this weekend at the box office as last week's #2 movie takes the crown this week at the #1 spot! Disney's "Tangled" suffered an average drop but takes the weekend crown with 21.5 million as it is not just shy of 100 mil cume. Slightly larger than average drop to #2 is "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part I" with 16.7 mil as it quickly gains on the 250 mil cume mark. At #3 is "Unstoppable" with another 6.1 mil and I think it will stop! At #4 is "Burlesque" with another 6.1 mil and struggling to make at least 30 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is "Love and Other Drugs" with 5.7 mil extra.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week with a brand new studio that bought an older brand new studio! The new studio is Relativity and they recently acquired Overture which has been in business for maybe 2 years. Their brand new comic-style action film (with Ninjas) called The Warrior's Way earns enough to come in at #9 for the debut of the film and the studio and earning a hefty 3.1 million. Now the release pattern was below 2,000 screens but then if you look at the per screen average ... very poor performance (1,881 per screen). On the flip side of that coming in at #13 at only 18 screens across the nation is Black Swan with 1.4 million. Small number but for 18 screens its average is 77k per screen which is MUCH stronger than any of the top 5 this weekend.
Quote of the week:
"If you would have gold in all your days, ascertain where it will exist in the future, and be there when it occurs." - Voltaire
Other News:

So for in 2010, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled 44 toys for the fiscal year. Forbes put a short list of some of the most unsafe toys for 2010 and in no particular order: Classic Sport Super Bounce Pogo Sticks ($40 retail). The reported hazard was aluminum rivets that can cause support clamp to detach. Personally I think any Pogo stick is inherently dangerous to begin with ... who thought up this concept! Next on the list doesn't mention a brand but it is a Rocking Horse ($105 to $185 retail). Hazard were reins were long enough to form a loop around a child's head and posing a strangulation risk. I never found a rocking horse to be much fun when I was little. Next is the Horse-on-a-stick ($6 retail) and these are basically the horse head on a long stick that you would put between your leg and run around with. Hazard is the same as the rocking horse with the long reins posing a strangulation hazard ... is this really a toy? Next is Bathtub Subs ($7 retail) which looks like a big plastic sub like toy. Hazard is intake valve on the bottom of the toy can suck loose skin. Looks kind of boring to me. Last but not list on this short list is Infant Toys with Inflatable Balls ($20 to $68 retail). Hazards were all the valves on the inflatable portions could easily come off and pose a chocking risk ... wow, they sure don't make toys like they use to.

Lemon wood is carved into chess pieces.
"There's no such thing as a Sharktopus." - Ralph Garman as Captain Jack in the TV movie "Sharktopus."
I WANT RAIN TOO! I keep hoping it will strike...but we've been in such a long dry spell that I'm afraid to see what my grass looks like come Spring/Summer.
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