Did you remember to set your clocks an hour back on Saturday night or Sunday morning? I always say this, I like this particular DST because this is where we get an hour extra to do whatever we want. I usually use it to get an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour to do nothing! This does signify that winter is almost here as it starts to get darker much sooner and stays darker much later in the morning.
Weekly Update:
So mid-week I returned from my mini-vacation and drove a TON. The drive wasn't as nice coming home as it was going there but it was still neat to see some things along the way like a sunset in New Mexico. However, a sunrise in New Mexico was better for some reason. I did stop off at this stand alone gas station that was really nice and oddly enough ... had a classic car museum inside of it. Talk about random things. Now the station was called Russell's and I think it was the name of the exit as well but is there a town called this? No idea but it was close to the border of Texas on the New Mexico side if you happen to be in the area ... check it out if you like classic cars along with an Elvis and Marilyn Monroe theme.

Not a huge surprise at the box office as the animated comedy Megamind took the crown with a 47.7 million opening. Word of mouth is so-so on this film so not sure if it will have the needed legs. New at #2 is the comedy Due Date with 33.5 mil and another film that has a mild temperature word of mouth. At #3 is a film I never heard of called For Colored Girls opening with 20.1 mil. In at #4 is "Red" with an additional 8.9 mil as it continues to hang in there. Big drop down to #5 is "Saw 3D" with another 8.2 mil as it struggles to see a 50 mil cume but may not.
Quote of the week:
"Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything." - Frank Dane
Comment Response:
I haven't see either Paranormal movies but I hear the first one is way better which is generally the case. Hereafter I heard was ok.
Other News:

The other day I came across an interesting article about the top 5 "clunkers" to avoid for 2010. What did not surprise me about the list, they were all American make vehicles! So let's take a look at this list and see if you have any of these cars. These do not seem to be any particular order so first is the Chevrolet Aveo (Subcompact Sedan)- Consumer Reports (CR) rates this as the most dangerous car and least reliable. JD Power (JD) has it as two stars or lower on dependability. I am not sure how many stars JD goes up to but it has to be at least 4 or 5. Next is the Chevrolet Colorado (Pickup Truck) - CR has it as most dangerous truck and JD two stars or lower. Next is the Chrysler Sebring Convertible (Convertible) - CR list it has worst resale value and JD again two stars or less. Fourth in the list is Chrysler Sebring Sedan (Sedan) - CR worst resale value and JD two stars or less. Finally the GMC Canyon (Pickup Truck) - CR list it as most dangerous truck with JD two stars or less. So what does this tell me? Don't buy American, simple as that.

Lemons ripen after you pick them, but oranges do not.
"You know, some people... send flowers, or cards, or... give people hugs. I... make sure their paper work's all in order. I thought I'd try something different." - Jason Bateman as Henry Weston, the Mutant in "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium."
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