Saturday marked the 9 year anniversary of the tragic events that occurred to what is known as 9/11 when four known planes were hijacked of which 3 crashed into buildings and one in a field causing no other damage due to heroic efforts of the passengers on board. I do remember that day well as I was asleep in bed hitting the mute button as the reports slowly rolled in not believing what I was hearing. 3,497 people perished from the attacks that day and about 90% of them being civilians (taking out police, fire and other officials). This is the 2nd attack in US history from an outside force surprising us but the first one (December 7, 1941) being Pearl Harbor were strictly military targets. Let's not forget ...
Weekly Update:
Hmmm, what happened this past week for mentioning ... not much if I think about it. Mostly stayed at home and did nothing except nap and sit in front of the computer. It was pretty dang quiet now that I think about it. This upcoming week should be pretty uneventful as well except a lunch here and a dinner there but that is about it. I lead a very thrilling life! But hey, I like it and I can call it my own. Luckily during this past week the weather was nice and it did not get hot at all during the day. I like the sun and all but I hate the crazy heat that comes with it. The breezes made it very nice and bearable so I hope that keeps up!
At the movies:

No surprise here who took the box office crown as there was only one new movie opening post summer season. Video game franchise Resident Evil: Afterlife takes the #1 spot with a 27.7 million opening. Holding decently at #2 is "Takers" with another 6.1 mil. Average drop to #3 is "The American" earning an extra 5.9 mil. Quickly dropping to #4 is "Machete" with another 4.2 mil as it struggles. Rounding off the top 5 is "Going the Distance" with 3.8 mil as it clearly couldn't make the distance.
Quote of the week:
"How delighted would be all the kings, czars and fuhrers of the past and commissars of the present to know that censorship is not a necessity when all political discourse takes the form of a jest." - Neil Postman

GAME ON! Today (or last Thursday I suppose) was the start of regular season NFL football. Have to put in the NFL or our European and ... well, anyone not in the US would think soccer. I do not have a favorite team but I use to be partial to the SF 49'ers due to Steve Young back in the day when he played. But really now ... hmmm, no team really strikes me and since I don't have a home team since the Rams left there isn't really anyone to root for. I guess I will just wait till the playoffs and pick a team that I would like to see win it all this year. I do have certain teams I do not care for like The Browns and maybe Cincinnati. Not saying I hate these teams but for some reason they are my least favorites. One thing I will say is that watching a football game on TV is WAY more interesting than baseball or golf. Going to a game live is about equal though because being at the stadium or arena just has its own energy. Go Foosball!
Facts & Tips:

A "jiffy" is actually 1/100 of a second.
"A man's strength can be measured by his appetites. Indeed, a man's strength *flows* from his appetites." - John Saxon as Roper in "Enter the Dragon."
I used to hate watching American football live but I recently attended the BYU/Air Force game and my appreciation for the stadium atmosphere has been rekindled, albeit my appreciation for rooting for the losing team has not!
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