Weekly Update:

This past week was kind of fun in general. Thursday I attended an annual event down at the Del Mar Race Track just North of San Diego. This is probably my 6th time going and it was nice because they had us inside the dinning room instead of in the stands. There is something nice about being in the stands because you can see the entire track without standing up but going during the summer, it can get pretty toasty pretty fast especially if you are sitting in the sun. Being indoors ensures always being cool however you do not see the entire track, just the outside lanes unless you stand or go outside on the smoking balcony where, well, there are people smoking. But it was still a great event, started off slow and my first race I won a huge $1.40 on top of my $2.00 bet. I let it ride on the next race and lost. Then pretty much lost on the 3rd race but only about $7 so no big deal. The last race I decided to 1) make it my last for the day and just put $2 on a horse I thought had a cool name (Sheekey from Ireland). Turned out, the horse won and I thought, "Cool, I probably won an additional $.80 on top of my $2.00" I literally had twenty cents in my hand to hand the lady so I can get my three bucks and when she put the ticket into the machine, the screen came up $25! I paused and said, "Is that my ticket??" and she handed me my $25!! I turned to my friend and said, "I just got $25 on a $2 bet for that horse to win!" My friend got excited because he did the same thing but put $5 down and walked away with $62 ... the day ended on a good note as we went home right after that! The picture shown is the photo finish of the race I had won ... talk about CLOSE!!!
Barely taking the box office crown for this weekend is the spoof Vampires Suck earning a 5-day gross of 18.6 million since it opened last Wednesday. Big drop to #2 is "The Expendables" with an additional 16.5 mil. Slight drop to #3 is "Eat Pray Love" with 12 mil more. New at #4 is the urban comedy Lottery Ticket 11.1 mil and at least double what I expected. Rounding off the top 5 is Piranha 3D earning only 10.4 mil which is way below expectations considering the up-charge on 3-D.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Two this week which neither one are very surprising. At #7 is the family sequel of Nanny McPhee Returns opening to 8.3 mil. Sitting at #8 is the rom-com The Switch with 8.1 mil, just shy of being a movie.
Quote of the week:
"Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder." - Arnold Toynbee
Other News:

Infestation or epidemic ... or both? Recently the US has been hit with an unusual invasion ... bedbugs! "Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite" is an old saying but if you sleep tight or not the little critters are going to bite you. A couple of weeks ago the city of Cleveland was in a state of emergency as their tourism industry was hit with this infestation practically overnight! Travellers staying in hotels ranging from the econo-lodges to 5-star resorts were waking up with bumps all over their bodies. The cause, bedbugs! It was getting so bad that the state called an emergency meeting that involved the Governor, EPA and Homeland Security to figure out what to do with this problem. As they try to figure it out however, the little critters are spreading. A movie theatre in New York City, one of the highest grossing locations in the US, had to shut its doors last Thursday due to bedbugs. Hotels along the Eastern US coast are getting more reports as I'm sure travellers are taking them with them as they go from stop-to-stop and word is some airlines are starting to get hit. Bedbugs themselves feed on human blood but can remain dormant and not eat for years if necessary. Pesticides have been developed in the past to deal with them but as they survive, they evolve and the current insecticides no longer are effective. They are getting worse and it is becoming more and more of a serious matter ... check your beds before you turn in for the night at a hotel, it could save you a trip to the hospital not to mention a good night's sleep!
Facts & Tips:

The eye makes movements 50 times every second.
"We may be small but our hearts are LARGE... metaphorically speaking." - Steve Coogan as Octavius in "Night at the Museum."
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