This past weekend was Daylight Saving Time where we "spring

Weekly Update:
Been one heck of a busy week with some consulting work and some minor odds and ends. But those minor things do add up and this coming week looks to be even busier with more of the same stuff along with a charity event mixed in. I was pretty slow for months and then all of a sudden BAM it all comes at once. I would have preferred a gradual busy-ness instead of this but what can ya do! During the week I did get to visit the set of this Disney TV show called "Pair of Kings" which by the looks of it seems like "Gilligan's Island" but for kids. The sets were pretty cool though and played some billiards with bamboo cue sticks ... neat. I did met a couple of the cast and got a quick shot with one of them:
*Geno Segers- Really cool guy.

Action reclaims the box office as we get closer and closer to summer but Spring Break is about to start. In at #1 this weekend is the sci-fi action Battle: Los Angeles with a decent 36 million. Slight drop to #2 is "Rango" with an extra 23 mil as it quickly heads to 100 mil cume. New at #3 is Red Riding Hood with 14.1 mil. Drop down to #4 is "The Adjustment Bureau" with another 11.5 mil and losing some steam fast. Rounding off the top 5 and debuting with a very low opening is Mars Needs Moms with only 6.8 mil.
Quote of the week:
"The surest way to remain a winner is to win once, and then not play any more." - Ashleigh Brilliant
Other News:

Without question the big news of the week is the devastating 8.9 earthquake that was just off the coast of Japan on Friday. This magnitude is known as a Great Earthquake and the biggest in recorded history for that region. But the real damage and problems is the aftermath of the tsunami which is waves and waves of water sweeping in from the shorelines making its way inland bringing cars, houses, various debris with it. Also, since the initial earthquake hitting, there have been 100's of after shocks ranging from the low 2's to as high as 7.0! Normally in Southern California we get hit with 5's and 6's and those are really big rockers, they are getting dozens of them 5.0 and stronger! The amazing thing is we find that Japan's infrastructure is simply amazing and they have built their cities prepared for earthquakes. The loss of life from the just the earthquake was next to nothing. The loss of life from the tsunami's however has easily surpassed 1,000 (along with thousands of injured and still hundreds missing). The quake itself did cause a lot of damage, don't misunderstand that nothing happened but structural damage is still severe and fires are breaking out. The loss of life is primarily from the continuous tsunamis and as the after shocks continue, they create more ripples in the waves. These waves have reached the shores of the US but damage was minimal or nothing on the West Coast mainland. And to add more fuel to the fire (no pun intended), multiple safety malfunctions are occurring at numerous nuclear power plants with partial meltdowns. Rebuilding of this nation will be a huge undertaking but these are a very dedicated and industrious people ... I am sure once the water has refrained and the quakes stop, we will see a stronger rebuilt Japan very quickly. Hopefully they will be able to start that very soon!

Butterflies were formerly known by the name Flutterby.
"We're Americans, please shoot the people chasing us!" - Michael Shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson in the TV Movie "Stargate: Continuum."
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