Our weather here has really been crazy and unpredictable over the past two years. I use to be able to check yahoo weather or any other weather website and get the 5-day forecast with a huge degree of accuracy. Now, I checked it 2 weeks ago and it called for days of rain, had none and in fact got warmer. This past week checked it again and it said rain/showers from Saturday through Monday, maybe Tuesday ... Saturday coulds, Sunday freakin sunny ... what is going on?Weekly Update:This past week was a very busy and crazy work week ... and also kind of depressing and fustrating at the same time. Work was really getting on my nerves and mostly due to other people not working. I guess it was just one of those weeks and hopefully it will get better, maybe I need a vacation?
At the movies:A big surprise as Epic Movie takes the box office crown this weekend with an amazing 19.2 million. This spoof laugher did well but probably won't last after this. Lighting up at #2 is the high-caliber action Smokin' Aces with a nice 14.2 mil for its debut. Still holding in at #3 is "Night At The Museum" with an extra 9.5 mil and a cume of over 216 mil domestically. Showing in at #4 is Catch & Release with a light sum of only 8 mil. Finishing off the top 5 is "Stomp the Yard" with an additional 7.8 mil.New wide release films that did not make the top 5: WOW, this is a BIG surprise, MGM's Blood & Chocolate with only 2.1 mil, shocking (sarcasm in case you didn't realize). This film actually weighs in at #15 for the box office week.Comment Response:Do I think Clinton is a good candidate? - From the current pool of candidates, HANDS DOWN the best. You can rule out any Republican at this point because the damage that has been done by Bush and his continued failed programs along with Iraq, the Democrats have a lock on the next 4 years. If a candidate had a history of being a drunk it won't matter because it didn't matter for Bush. Now with a Democrat majority in congress, both parties either "thanks" or "blames" the president ... depending on who you are. And they can do the same come election time.Other News:John Kerry announced last week he will not run in the next election which is a good thing. He would make a better President than Bush however the entire package Kerry brings is very disturbing. When I say package, I am referring to his wife who is a complete LUNATIC and borderline diva. I can see us going to more wars with her as a first lady because of something she did or say to another "first lady" or its people of another country. During the last election campaign, she said some of the oddest and slighty offensive things. Her attitude was almost Marie Antoinette-ish, let the poor eat cake.Violence and body count escalated again last week in Iraq and Bush is
still peddling and pushing his HUGE troop increase plan. Does he not realize by doing this he is also doing two things? 1) increase the target pool (which will increase the death toll) of US Troops and 2) will draw more resentment from the people of Iraq not to mention draw more terrorists to Iraq to fight the war there. Very sad to say but I hope for every 1 US Soldier they send, he/she comes with 5 body bags to accomodate for solider + civilian bystanders killed.Facts & Tips:Grapes are the most popular fruit in the world.
"Hey Romy, remember Mrs. Divitz's class, there was like always a word problem. Like, there's a guy in a rowboat going X miles, and the current is going like, you know, some other miles, and how long does it take him to get to town? It's like, 'Who cares? Who wants to go to town with a guy who drives a rowboat?"- Lisa Kudrow as Michele Weinberger in "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion"
Why does Google suck so much? Can anyone tell me this? Again I use the search engine because it defaults when using this blog system and again it gives me nothing that I can use from the result of the search. I pop over to Yahoo and get 4 to 5 relevant items ... what's the deal?! I would think they pull from similiar or same resources. On top of that, the old to new blog change-thingy-system is a pain in the REAR!!! You heard me, PAIN!! That really sucks and its just so annoying.Weekly Update:So last Tuesday my friend Irving had me come visit him while he was working on some DVD extras and one of the people they interviewed with was Edward James Olmos!! Talk about a very mellow and nice guy. He did a movie for one of his sons and it was interesting to hear about how it all came together and what he thought of his son's work ethic and directorial debut. But a really really nice guy.On Thursday I had another Young Variety event which was a pretty good success at a new venue. Right after that though I caught up with some friends at the Smokin' Aces after-party. I was very lucky and got into the "special room" to get some snaps with:*Jason Bateman- very cool and mellow guy.*Peter Berg- nice enough guy.*Alicia Keys- Extremely nice and a knock-out!*Barry Shabaka Henley- NICE guy!*Chris Rock- an ok guy.*Ned Vaughn- very nice guy.At the movies:
Holding the line is "Stomp The Yard" as it takes the box office crown for the second week in a row with another 13.3 million. Right behind it and holding very strong is "Night At The Museum" with an additional 13 mil and a cume now over 205 mil! Also holding in at #3 is "Dreamgirls" with finally a positive gross of 8.7 mil (4% higher than the previous week). However to put it into a little perspective, the screen count increased AGAIN about another 25%. New at #4 is The Hitcher with only 8.2 mil. January is just not a month to release a horror picture, if something were to hit, its just dang lucky. Rounding off the top 5 is the "Pursuit of Happyness" with another 6.7 mil.Comment Response:None at this time.
Other News:On Saturday, Senator Hillary Clinton of New York entered the 2008 Democratic Presidential run for the white house! From any woman out there, I think she is the best candidate not only from a gender perspective but a political one. This upcoming race for the presidency is going to be extremely interesting with all the issues being left behind either damaged or unresolved. From fuel/global warming, to health care, to terrorism, to out of control government spending, to Iraq!! The US is a body that is completely crippled from a HUGE accident and the current adminstrations, what I like to call, "one bandaid" fix doesn't cover anything. Also in the mix for the upcoming race is the first seriously viable black candidate, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois. In my opinion, the democrats have the next presidency in the bag, president Bush has made sure of that. I thought it was always interesting in the past how the Democrats were known for higher taxes but little spending and Republicans for less tax yet more spending. During the Clinton Administration it was about stable to lower taxes and deficit becoming a surplus (we were SO close too). Then Bush Jr came into the game and changed that image 180 degrees for Republicans with high and NEW taxes along with the biggest deficit in US History! Between Obama and Clinton, I think Clinton could take it ... Obama does have many strengths over weaknesses but to me, Clinton has all strength to no weaknesses.Speaking of Iraq, over the weekend 25 soldiers were killed in one of the bloodiest days in two years there.
Facts & Tips:There are more telephones than people in Washington, D.C."Hey, Biff. One more thing. After we beat you, the Warriors die and the Ducks fly."- Kenan Thompson as Russ Tyler in "D3: The Mighty Ducks"
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. EDITIONI love me the three day weekends and I know I have said this before, each month should have at least one 3-day weekend. Its a great break-up in the weekly work routine and at the same time recognizes something or someone we should appreciate. I am sure some folks don't even know or care why they have it off but just have it off ... that is fine too. I also know some states do not recognize the holiday let alone the man (Arizona sucks), which is wrong on other levels. To me he was a dreamer, a believer, and an inspirational leader.Weekly Update:This past week had many highs and lows, busy some days and then others I was almost brain-dead from boredom ... odd how things fluxuate like that. This week is going to be a nice short one because of today being off for me. I do have at least one event to attend to for charity on Thursday night which should be fun. Otherwise I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend already!! I do have some trips to plan for February for Norcal though and meetings/presentations I have to give, thrill.At the movies:
Step up as Stomp The Yard takes the box office crown this weekend with a 4-day total of 26.4 million. That is a pretty solid number for this time of year. Holding in at #2 is "Night at the Museum" with an additional 21.5 mil and now over 190 mil cume. Also holding at #3 is "Pursuit of Happyness" with an extra 11 mil. Singing in at #4 is "Dreamgirls" with 10.2 mil, this movie doesn't seem to be doing that well because it had almost a 100% increase in screen count yet dropped 4% in gross. Writing in at #5 is "Freedom Writers" with another 8.7 mil.New to the box office that did not make the top 5 is actually a few films. At #6 is Universal's Alpha Dog with only 7.6 mil and maintains the lack-luster record for the studio over the past few months. In at #8 is Primeval with only 7.5 mil, I think horror films are out for the moment. Rounding off the lowbies at #9 is the MGM smash(ed) hit Arthur & The Invisibles only finding 5.8 mil at the box office.Comment Response:Happy New Year back at ya Adena! Although Bush's adminstration may have had record contributions for AIDS in South Africa, its also a sort of scale of economics and I thing because of Bono and the Red chairty and campaign, personally for me its so minimal when you take a look at the whole Bush legacy.Other News:Huge winter storms hitting all over, over 30 have been killed from it. That is sad to hear and at the same where was this last month? Out here its been very sunny however really cold for this area (almost 35 degrees!!). I know that is nothing but when your average night temp is around 60 and day 80, that is cold.
Tips & Facts:The smallest county in America is New York County, better known as Manhattan."Oh, you have no idea. You got me straight trippin', boo!"- Eugene Levy as Howie Rottman in "Bringing Down the House"
Its hard coming back to a work week (even a short one) after you had a week of doing nothing ... I miss the week of doing nothing but I guess that would either get old eventually and you can't live off of that ... can you? All last week was pretty tired but traffic was good, so enjoying while it lasts. I think I have a few more weeks of good traffic till the schools start up again, dang students and their driving on the freeways taking up my lanes and time!!!Weekly Update:
Over the weekend I visited the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda to see the special model train exhibit. I like trains and especially the miniature set ups they do of towns and landscape. I have to say, this one was very unimpressive to me. The trains themselves were all very cool and the various collections were great. The displays they had them on running in loops just seemed plain and slapped together. Some parts had great details like the bridges. I have seen better display set-ups at Department 56 stores.
At the movies:Spend another "Night At The Museum" as it takes the weekend crown for the THIRD week in a row with an additional 24 million and a cume of 164.1 mil! This holiday laugher keeps going and going plus its just a fun movie altogether! In at #2 for the weekend is "Pursuit of Happyness" with an extra 13 mil and now puts it at 124.2 mil total. Holding in at #3 is "Children of Men" with an additional 10.3 mil as it expands over 1000% (yes, 3 zero's) and a cume of 11.9 mil. New at #4 is Freedom Writers starring Hillary Swank with a soft opening of 9.7 mil. A decent showing for this time of year as new movies are more or less throw-aways. Rounding off the top 5 is "Dreamgirls" with an extra 8.8 mil and with the Golden Globe buzz, it might make some money.Other new movies that did not make the top 5: Lionsgate started off their New Year at #6 with Happily N'Ever After with 6.8 mil. This "Shrek"-like animated comedy looks cute but I guess the timing may not have been ideal with such a low opening. In at #11 is New Line's comedy Code Name: The Cleaner with only 4.6 mil for its debut ... sad that they ended 2006 with such a terrible record (maybe the worst for all the studios) and now '07 starts off like this. New at #21 this weekend is the Fox Faith film Thr3e with only 740k ... wow, that sucks and this sub-division of movies they are trying to put out is and has been an utter joke.Comment Response:None at this time.Other News:There is a new plan on the table for an additional 10,000 troops to be sent to Iraq and leaves it open for another 10,000 to be added by spring ... what??! All I can see from a plan like this is stopping the civil war and then having a nation and insurgents against the US. Instead this would create even more of a war against the US since the opportunity to kill US Soldiers is greatly increased. The plan also calls for at least another year and a half time line from the start of it ... another year and a half?? Well, I guess we need something to remember Bush for/from since he hasn't left anything else of note-worthy-ness ... thanks!Facts & Tips:
Playing in a marching band is considered moderate exercise."An Englishman. Well, its almost like a woman."- Ian Gomez as Larry Almada in the TV series "The Drew Carey Show"
"The weather outside is frightful ... " wait a minute!! Its freak'n sunny and warm outside here! Where is my winter rain? Where is the below 50 degree weather? WHERE?! Last year was a summer-winter and it looks like this makes it two in a row. Global Warming is true and its here folks. Deny it all you want but the signs and proof are out there. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!Weekly Update:This past week was great for me, staying up late and sleeping in. I miss that and its just nice having an extended time of that (more than just the weekend). I did have to work one day last week however, was out of there just after noon. Sure was boring, no calls, hardly any e-mails, just nothing to do ... aaaahhhh. But tomorrow its back to the "grind stone" so to speak but at leasts its already a short week before the weekend!!! But all-in-all I think my batteries are recharged for the new year.At the movies:
Spend another "Night at The Museum" as it takes the New Year crown for 2007 in its 2nd week of release with an additional 46.7 million and a cume well over 100 mil already! Hanging on to #2 is Will Smith's "Pursuit of Happyness" with another 24.7 mil and also breaking the 100 mil mark already. Hanging on to #3 is "Dreamgirls" with 18.7 mil and already taking a dive as it expanded this past week to more locations. When a movie expands by over 800% and suffers a 40% drop, bad news. In at #4 is "Charlotte's Web" with an extra 15 mil. Holding at #5 is "The Good Shepherd" with 14.3 mil and struggling to make the 50 mil mark. No big movies opened this week, just some very limited and smaller indie or Oscar-run films to make it for qualifications.Comment Response:
None at this timeOther News:This month has seen a lot of great and memorable people pass away. Just recently former President Gerald Ford died at 93. He was the oldest living President to date and also the only President not to be elected into office.During the Christmas weekend, over a dozen US soldiers were killed in Iraq which means 4 per day. A quick recap by year:2003- 486 killed, 2408 wounded2004- 848 killed, 8001 wounded2005- 846 killed, 5947 wounded2006- 814 killed, 5676 wounded2007- 6 killed making it a grand total of 3,000 killed in Iraq.
Facts & Tips:The fastest recorded speed of a racehorse was over 43 mph."We don't know how long we're gonna be stuck here. We might have to repopulate the world."- Matt LeBlanc as Joey Tribbiani in the TV series "Friends"