Got a little bit of a heat wave this past weekend, not sure where it came from but we went from being 60 to in the low 80's! Was not expecting that and it felt warm too! We haven't had much in the way of breezes to give us some cool downs, even when it was 50 outside, it felt in the 70's inside due to no breezes moving the air around. But the forecast calls for rain later in the week and a drop in temperature... this always worries. The hot, cold, hot, cold changes usually comes with earthquakes for us here. Supposedly there was one recently that was in the 4.0 category not far but I never felt it which is nice not to feel those things. But I hope this isn't a sign for another to come when it drops again. But I do welcome the rain, we have yet to get enough of it here and we still need it desperately!
Weekly Update:
Why has chicken gotten so expensive? So I've noticed when buying things like chicken wings or chicken breast, any kind of fast food that you can order chicken. It feels like back in the day (for example) you could get 4 chicken wings (well, wings and legs) for $1 and now it feels like for one piece it's about $1 to $1.50 a piece! When did that become so expensive? Maybe it's just me but I do feel like it has gone up quiet a bit and I thought chicken was a pretty inexpensive protein or meat to buy and eat or add to your food. Now I try to buy in more bulk quantities and freeze it. Not massive bulk but enough where I could possible get at least 6 meals out of one package or a Costco whole chicken, that will yield me a lot. After I eat the meats from it or use it for other dishes, I boil the entire remains and strain out all the bones to make like a stew or soup-like rice dish that then also lasts me another 10 meals... now that is value!
At the movies:
Buzzing to the #1 spot after it's 3rd week is The Beekeeper with 7.4 million and now just shy of 50 mil cume. Probably won't get too much further but overall not too bad for this time of year. Dipping down to #2 is Mean Girls with 7.3 mil and also not bad overall. Holding at #3 is Wonka with 5.9 mil more and now just shy of 200 mil domestic cume, should get there probably by mid-week. Bumping up a spot to #4 is Migration with 5.2 mil as it now passes the 100 mil mark after 6 weeks. Slight drop to #5 is Anyone But You with 4.8 mil and also another one that won't hit 100 but still did well.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week, in at #6 is Fighter with 3.7 mil to open but it was also on less than 1000 screens. Not a standard wide release but still was out there.
Quote of the week:
"We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Facts & Tips:
Oxygen supply influences the color of a fire's flame.
"I've been trying to force myself into situations that I'm not comfortable with. I saw the flyer in the store window, and I made myself go in. I don't even like comic books." Kate Micucci as Lucy in the TV series The Big Bang Theory.
Never just a pet

People get cats, dogs, birds, fish, etc. ... as pets or folks refer to them as pets. They are never just pets or shouldn't be considered that but just family. You spend time, money and effort on them making sure they are feed, safe, and ideally comfortable. They reciprocate with one pure simple thing, love. Sure they may protect you, guide you or warn you of something but that could just be their instinct but ultimately they just want to be with you and love you for all you do... or don't do but they don't care. They are the true example of unconditional love. Orion was a perfect example of that and he was always there when I needed him. When I came home from an event, work or just doing errands he was mostly at the gate looking at my direction waiting for me to come home. He had super hearing so he would usually hear the garage door open unless he was asleep but as soon as I walked him, he would wake up. He never asked for anything special but the basics; go out to go to the bathroom so he doesn't go inside the house, feed him when he's hungry and be there. He was born from Shadow (originally named Onyx) in a German Shepherd dog rescue in April of 2009, the last of 9 puppies I believe. He was always extremely shy or perhaps he was scarred at all the adoption events that he would always hid. In October of that same year he came home and Shadow had already been adopted by us and she didn't want to bite his head off as she did with all other dogs. Orion would make a good companion for her and being her last pup, so adopted into the household on 10/25/2009. He never had any major surgeries and remained healthy through all those years. Some fatty tissues masses here and there scared us but turned out to be nothing and every blood test ran through the years came back perfect. His ears never did stick up so he always looked like a black lab and a puppy till the white hairs started coming in but even then, still had the puppy look. Eventually his back legs started to give out and he lost his ability to jump up on things like the bed, couch and car without assistance. Then much later he started developing what the vet believed was dementia or early stages of that and he was stuck going in circles till he couldn't stand anymore. So, it was time for him just shy of his 15th birthday (just over 102 human years if go by the 1 = 7 theory). On Saturday, January 20, 2024 we said our last good-byes to such a sweet puppy on a very raining day. Good night Orion...
Weekly Update:
And it rained... finally some solid rain for a couple of days. Not a lot of days but enough to kind of clean all the dust from the ground and re-water everything. It was enough that I got to break out the umbrella a few times. I like my umbrella's, they are big golf ones and by that I mean they are the kind that fit in a golf bag and when opened, about 4 people could stand under them and be covered. I have had these umbrella's for a very long time and rarely get to use them. Also being very big and long, they make a decent walking cane if I should need one but since I don't, it's just easy to walk with because of that design. But, I'm glad I have a couple of these and also got them for a tremendous deal way back when. Funny thing, I don't golf but hey an umbrella is still an umbrella.
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1 for a 2nd week is Mean Girls with an extra 11.7 million and now hitting 50 mil domestic cume. Probably won't get much further but not a bad number for the award season time frame. Also holding its spot at #2 is Beekeeper with 8.5 mil extra and will likely start dropping soon. No change at #3 is Wonka with 6.4 mil as it makes its way to 200 mil and should get there soon. Holding at #4 is Anyone But You with 5.4 mil and also another film doing well considering the time it was released. And completing the no change weekend set at #5 is Migration with 5.3 mil and so close to 100 mil, should get it by end of this coming weekend.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week at I.S.S. comes in at #7 with a wide-release and only making 3 mil for it's debut. No idea where this one came from but it will be going out in no time.
Quote of the week:
"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard
Facts & Tips:
Every minute about a billion tons of water falls on Earth.
"Our babies are gonna be smart and beautiful." - Johnny Galecki as Leonard Hofstadter in the TV series The Big Bang Theory.
Brrrr it's cold outside?

Frost warning?
Last Monday Southern California received a "frost warning" and to bring in your pets and any plants that may be receptible to cold. I guess is when expected temperatures will be below 40 degrees but I don't know, I feel like we have had temps in the 30's before? Maybe it just felt like it was that low but in reality it was at 40 degrees even perhaps? Maybe part of that equation does not include wind chills and just the raw temperature itself? I don't know how these things work but in general it was cold all week during the day when you stood outside but any where in the direct sunlight it was pretty dang toasty (for me). But as always, I prefer the cold over heat because it's easier to warm up than to cool down (or at least way cheaper!).
Weekly Update:
Do you ever get this emails (and I'm sure you do) of warning you that your Netflix or Hulu accounts will be terminated or have been hacked. Or even Amazon Prime, things of that nature... I mean, OH NO! My accounts! But then you wait and think... hey, I don't have an Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime account to begin with! These things really annoy me and do they think people will just click the link (which I am guessing many end up doing that happen to have one or all of those accounts). Moral of this story... never click a link and if you think something is wrong with your account, call them directly from their own website info. It really is that simple. Or take a step back, look at the email, see the source and other things that are always so wrong on there, it is nothing but fake. Do not jump the gun on it, pause and read the details.
At the movies:
New at #1 is Mean Girls with a post-holiday opening of 28 million. Not a bad number for this time of year, mixed reviews on the film as well so we'll see how it does in the coming weeks. Also new at #2 is Beekeeper with 16.8 mil and kind of standard for this kind of film. Drop down to #3 is Wonka with 8.4 mil as it gradually continues to potentially hit 200 mil. Jumping up a spot to #4 is Anyone But You with 6.9 mil and still doing well at the box office. Rounding off the top 5 and dropping down a notch is Migration with 6.2 mil and another that could still reach 100 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as The Book of Clarence comes in at #9 with only 2.6 mil to open on a pretty standard wide-release pattern, not good numbers.
Quote of the week:
"Into each life some rain must fall." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Facts & Tips:
Earth is the only known planet were fire occurs.
"You're better than me in everything. Except reading." - John Bradley as Samwell Tarly in the series Game of Thrones.
Frozen foods and weather

I noticed a new trend in frozen foods (mostly) and that is the opening of the bag is no longer on the top but towards the upper front. Why is this happening?? The front opening and closure is a terrible idea in my opinion. I have mozzarella sticks from Costco and this is a good example of them. When I try to open them, it's not easy because I can't grab the two sides. And then trying to close them, you press down but what about the contents in the bag? This is not made for convenience at all, and I'm not sure if it's saving any money in bag production? Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to go back and try again. I also noticed on some tempura shrimp and when I tried to close it, I was crushing them so I just didn't bother and used a clip to close it. Someone needs to fix this or just change it back to top loading.
Weekly Update:
How is it both cold and hot? This past week the weather outside was pretty chilly, like a Winter snap chill but if you stand in the sun, it feels very warm to hot! It's like the opposite of being in the shade where it's hot but if no sunlight it's cooler. But not really used to this because if its cold outside, its cold every where (which is fine) but it felt odd being in the sun and it being warm, almost hot! But where is the rain? Originally we were due some rain this week but we pretty much received nothing which is very sad. They kept touting this being the worst El Nino predicted this year but... where?
At the movies:
Still holding to #1 is Wonka with 14.4 million but in general this is a lull in terms of box office anyway. We'll see a lot of "throw-away" films as the award season is upon us for the next 4 to 5 weeks. New at #2 is Night Swim with 12 mil to open and honestly not a bad number for this film. Down to #3 is Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom with 10.6 mil and finally hit 100 mil domestic box office cume. Holding at #4 is Migration with 10.3 mil and could potentially hit 100 mil in the end before it's out. Rounding off the top 5 is Anyone But You with 9.5 mil and overall did OK at the box office.
Quote of the week:
"There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself." - Louis XIV
Facts & Tips:
Commercial airplanes maintain a cabin pressure of about 6,400 feet (just over 1 mile) above sea level.
"Peanut Blart and jelly! What, what, what's up, man?" - Adhir Kalyan as Pahud in Paul Blart: Mall Cop.
New Year, same crap

New Year's Edition
You know, 2023 was probably just as terrible as 2022 (for me). I'm not sure if any of it will turn around, I have no hope for 2024 off the bad and it's barely even day one. But with the latest track record, going to be another crappy year, I just know it and feel it. I would say the years have been progressively worse, just about the same. If it wasn't one thing wrong, it was something else so what same or old thing(s) will 2024 bring? I know some things will definitely be the same but what new thing will rear it's ugly head up? Only time can tell and have to wait for the sudden impact! I hate to say this expression what "what's the worse that can happen?" because you know what, it, them, they will find a way!
Weekly Update:
So around this time of year you hear a LOT of car ads and I feel like I may have brought this up before but the "sign and drive" event... how dumb of a saying is this? Do others drive and then sign or just drive and not sign for an event? I don't understand this saying because to me it's like saying chew and swallow when you eat event. Please do not swallow and then chew because, well, it won't work by that time. It's like the event is ALMOST explaining the process that will happen when getting a car at Volkswagen. Kind of surprised it isn't the Come into the dealership, be greeted, test drive, talk numbers, sign and drive event. That would be way more accurate and descriptive too. Some companies need a lot of marketing help.
At the movies:
A battle for first is going on! Despite the overall box office being a bit lack-luster this year, WB is sure holding ground with the #1 and 2 spots for a 2nd week in a row. Back to #1 is Wonka with 23.9 mil more as it finally hits the 100 mil mark after 3 weeks. Slight drop to #2 is Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom with 19.5 mil and still shy of 100 mil and could still get there with a struggle. Holding at #3 is Migration with 17.2 mil more and shortly will migrate out. New at #4 is The Color Purple (also WB) with 13 mil to open. This has been out for a week or two already with limited runs and also an earlier opening so in total it has earned 45.3 mil to-date. Drop down to #5 is Anyone But You with 9 mil and also another that will be out soon once more films open up in the coming weeks.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
A couple this week, up first at #6 is The Boys in the Boat with 8.3 mil to open and much like The Color Purple, a to-date total of 21.9 mil. At #8 is Ferrari with 4.1 mil (to-date: 10.9 mil) and these will unlikely see top 5 action but I think the goal was awards for now.
Quote of the week:
"The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke
Facts & Tips:
Denver sits at 5,280 feet elevation (1 mile above sea level).
"Apparently mean girls don't grow up, they just get older." - Ashley Richards as Jenna Hamilton in the TV series Awkward.