Finally, come and gone!

Holiday Edition
They have finally come and gone... honestly, I really do hate the holidays. They kind of mean nothing to me, people just give gifts when you can do that any time you want. Spending time with each other? Again, could do that when you want but choose to do it at this time for no real reason. Kind of a waste of both time, energy and especially money. I would rather just stay at home, in the dark and fall asleep maybe while watching youtube or something pointless like that. I really have become Scrooge but without the long-john pajamas and a cold house... well, I guess I could have the house cold and I could buy those PJ's so cool, I'm Scrooge! BAH HUMBUG! Yep, that sounds WAY better than Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas... nothing merry or happy about it so this makes things way easier! I will say this, I do prefer the Scrooge McDuck version of Scrooge... he wears spats, spats are cool.
Weekly Update:
People are stupid... so many inconsiderate folks out there. In their cars, in the stores, in the streets, all over. I went to Costco on Saturday (big mistake but I needed carrots for Orion!) and as soon as I walked in, this family of 5 were in front of me and they basically made a wall of themselves walking in. And when one person stopped, they all stopped and hence me and the dozen of others behind them all stop. They were 100% oblivious to their surroundings and only focused on themselves. Finally when they stopped where others can go down an aisle to go around, me and about 10 other shopping carts did that and we just kind of looked at each other nodding our heads and rolling our eyes. I need a movie called Bad Shopper, a new holiday version instead of Bad Santa.
At the movies:
With the weekend holiday, today is like a Sunday now so everything shifted a bit. Holding on to #1 is Avatar: The Way of Water with a decent 56 million extra and now just over 250 mil domestic cume. Sizeable 58% drop which isn't a great sign considering it was week 2 going into a holiday that generally will boost or maintain the numbers, this did not. New at #2 is Puss in Boots: The Last Wish with a fair 18.3 mil to open, not a strong holiday number though. Also new at #3 is Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody bringing in 5.3 mil and likely to drop fast. A lot of new films but that is normal for this time of year... at #4 is Babylon with 3.5 mil and another one that will linger and drop quickly. Rounding off the top 5 is Violent Night with an extra 3.1 mil and will soon tap out.
Quote of the week:
"Tis not enough to help the feeble up, but to support them after." - William Shakespeare
Facts & Tips:
A suction cup will not work in outer space.
"I 'can' sing, I just choose not to sing. Especially in front of other people."- Zooey Deschanel as Jovie in Elf.
So cold and so dry!

Winter? Where did all my rain go?! It stayed nice and cold but all the water disappeared and now it feels very dry again. It is kind of funny to think of Winter and you think moisture, rain, snow, all the things associated with water and never it being dry. Well that is what we are used to hear as the opposite occurs when it is super cold, no moisture and things like lips and hands can crack, well the skin anyway. Our Summer's are dry but our Winter's are actually worse in that area. It gets so cold there is no moisture unless we get some rain. It sounds funny but that is how it works unfortunately. I hope we have our version of a white Christmas Day and it rains, even a drizzle will be nice... just make it as gloomy as you can! That would make it a perfect Winter... no sun, just gloomy weather.
Weekly Update:
Social media stories... can these either go away or give us the option to hide them at least? On Instagram they aren't that big of a deal but on Facebook they already take up 1/4 to 1/3 of my page and I simply do not care of them. If it's worth me watching, post it, I've seen some do both on Instagram and why? At least on Instagram they are a small bubble unlike Facebook they are a huge block and quiet simply... annoying and intrusive to my feed. Take them away, leave them on Instagram (since they are the same company) or give me the option to hide!!! How hard is that to do? I bet millions of users would rejoice in that.
At the movies:
Swimming into the #1 this week just before the holidays is Avatar: The Way of Water with a hefty 134 million. Substantial increase from the original opening (about 66% more) but the rest of this year will be the big tell on this film. Reactions are some what mixed but reviews may not matter with this one. Drop down to #2 is Black Panther: Wakanda Forever with 5.4 mil extra as it continues into the 400's domestic cume. Also slipping down to #3 is Violent Night with 5 mil and it continues to fade out. Still showing at #4 is Strange World with another 2.2 mil and this film also fading out. Rounding off the top 5 is The Menu with an extra 1.7 mil and likely the last we will see of this film for this year.
Quote of the week:
"Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief." - Jane Austen
Facts & Tips:
Tomatoes are considered both fruits and vegetables- the answer depends on whom you ask.
"You OK? Look like you've seen a ghost." - Brandon Barash as Jake DiMera on the TV series Days of Our Lives.
Here comes the rain...

FINALLY some rain and not just a drizzle or a drop here or there. Actual rain for hours at a time, solid heavy rain too. Didn't come till the end of the week but nothing for next week but still it was a nice solid shower which I can only hope more is on the way then! We need the rain!!! Desperately and so much of it. I keep saying if we had 10-straight days of heavy rain, get some flooding, we are still in a draught because it won't be enough to last us this year by itself... well maybe for this year but we need to start collecting and storing reserves some how. But that much rain will barely fill our reservoirs. But also rain is cool and keeps everything nice and green... cleans away the dirt and grim from all the population that has come back to SoCali. And free car washes too!
Weekly Update:
What can be worse than car traffic... human traffic. Like people do not know how to walk or block aisles at the store or walk in the middle of the street... or just stop when you are in a row of people moving along. I've noticed that a lot lately and it's starting to get very annoying. The big thing is when you are entering a store and there is only one entrance... and someone with a shopping cart stops, right at the entrance and has their cart going the long way... so no one else can continue to enter till they move or at least make their cart straight forward. I just amazes me how people are so oblivious of their surroundings especially of others around them. No, you are not the center of the universe contrary to unpopular belief. So don't block the way!! (Picture stock image, not mine).
At the movies:
Still reigning supreme at the box office for it's 5th week is Black Panther: Wakanda Forever with another 11.1 million and just past 400 mil cume for domestic box office! Unlikely to go too much further but an amazing milestone to hit! The after market will be huge on this one of course. Holding ground at #2 is Violent Night with 8.7 mil extra and not bad till we hit the Holiday for overall box office numbers. Also holding on to #3 is Strange World with 3.6 mil more. Average drop is low so that is good. Still serving at #4 is The Menu with 2.7 mil and continues to get some award buzz. Closing out the top 5 is Devotion with 2 mil more and will be the first to drop off.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one on limited release at #8, MET Opera: The Hours which is a very limited event run (about 800 screens) and had a very low pre screen average. These type of events are for few extra dollars and not meant to blow out the box office.
Quote of the week:
"Not knowing anything is the sweetest life." - Sophocles
Facts & Tips:
"just setting up my twttr" was the first ever tweet.
"Since word came to the temple that you betrayed Apophis I have thought of you ever day." - Musetta Vander as Shan'auc in the TV series Stargate SG-1.
Cold and rain!

Finally two of my favorite things arrived this week... rain with very gloomy weather and cold! I like the cold as my philosophy is that it's easier to warm up than to cool down. Not to mention much cheaper (like 300% cheaper) to run gas (for heat) vs electricity (for AC). Last month, though I did use the AC a couple of times was still under half of what it has been. Now, if this can just last for 6 more months or more, I will be happy. I love gloomy weather, darkness and the cold... just a few of my favorite things. Forget sunshine and happiness, we don't need that around here.
Weekly Update:
Winter traffic (or holiday rush) is upon us. Sadly, people do not how to drive when it's raining or not, just traffic is bad. I was in a parking lot and people were driving on the wrong side of the lane or straight down the middle. Folks not stopping at stop signs, red lights or not moving when it's green. All common sense is just gone and gas prices were up yet it did not deter anyone from not driving it feels like. I have always said, I do not mind paying WAY more for gas if it means less cars on the road. If you think about it, the less traffic, the less gas you will consume because stop and go traffic will burn your fuel up faster than cruising at 50 to 60 MPH. Well... it will only get worse through New Year's at least but I am sure it is like this in all big cities. People have come out of their caves.
At the movies:
Continuing to hold the crown for another week is Black Panther: Wakanda Forever with another 17.6 million and now just shy of 400 mil! It should get there by end of next week but does it have enough legs to get to 1/2 a billion when it's done? New at #2 is Violent Night earning 13.3 mil for it's debut and not a terrible number in this lull week at the box office. Dip down to #3 is Strange World with an extra 4.9 mil as it continues to quickly drop out. Holding ground at #4 is The Menu with 3.6 mil more and continues to serve a bit longer. Rounding off the top 5 is Devotion as it hangs on for one more week and earns 2.8 mil.
Quote of the week:
"Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching." - Thomas Jefferson
Facts & Tips:
In 2015, the Oxford word of the year was the tears of joy emoji.
"LEFT CHEEK! LEFT CHEEK! LEFT CHEEK!" - Tyrese Gibson as USAF Tech Sergeant Epps in Transformers.