Make up your mind!!

Hot, cold, rain, dry, hot, cold, hot cold... this weather is so up and down! Beginning of the week started cool to cold and it rained a day. Then it went to warm to hot (hot being in the 80's but felt hotter with no wind). Then it dropped down to 40 at night and the weekend in the high 70's. This weather makes no sense for SoCali! We may not have seasons but it's always been a gradual change from warm to cold, cold to hot, like a steady build up or down. Just not used to this because I once had to run the heater in the early morning and late at night but mid-day, the AC! I am not looking forward to that electric and gas bill for this month.
Weekly Update:
USPS... you are an interesting thing. I've noticed when I use their own packaging and say it's priority mail 2-day, it seems to get there in 2-days or less. But, when I use some kind of random plain brown box or re-used packaging of some kind, priority mail can take up to a week or more sometimes. Same price for shipping but doesn't come with insurance included, it feels like they kind of treat it less priority. So USPS Priority box,, 2-days or less for about a medium size box about $15.00. Brown box, almost the same dim weight, priority 2-day mail, maybe 7-days, $15.00 still. It's nice their packaging comes with insurance included up to a certain amount but still, they should all be treated the same. A box is a box.
At the movies:
Holding on to the crown for a 2nd week is "Uncharted" with an extra 23.3 million and now very close to the 100 mil mark! Possibly could get that by end of this coming weekend at this pace. Also holding on to #2 is "Dog" with 10.1 mil and barking along. After 11 weeks, still in the top 5 at #3 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with 5.8 mil and now at 779.8 mil. Holding at #4 is "Death on the Nile" with 4.5 mil as it continues to float along. And with no changes this week, #5 is "Jackass Forever" with 3.2 mil as it crosses the 50 mil mark.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Two new films this week that didn't fair to well. In at #8 is Studio 666 with only 1.6 mil and not a good number but with type of movie, it usually boosts music sales so it may be good for the Foo Fighters in the long run. New at #9 is Cyrano with only 1.4 mil. Not a huge release, less than 1,000 screens but still a poor per-screen average.
Quote of the week:
"Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion." - Martha Graham
Facts & Tips:
Water can boil and freeze at the same time.
"There are four types of clowns: A tramp, an Auguste, a whiteface and a character. I am a classically trained Auguste clown named Fizbo." - Eric Stonestreet as Cameron Tucker as Fizbo the Clown in the TV series "Modern Family."
Let it hail, let it hail, let it hail

SNOW!!! Ok not really but it felt pretty dang close. On Tuesday night it started lightning and thundering and it was freezing (just below 40 degrees) and started to rain! But then the rain turned into hail and it was so nice! But, it only lasted maybe 20 to 30 minutes and then it all stopped, even the rain. But it was pretty cool (literally) because everything was covered in the hail that it almost looked like a lightly snow covered slopes, grass and a bunch of cars. It was pretty different to see and fun at the same time. It was almost like having more than one season here in Southern California! At least it was still water coming down, but again NOT ENOUGH! Not that we can control how that works but things we do are affecting our weather patterns and more. I fear this is all leading to another dry and hot Summer, again. At least it's been cold at night so it feels like night!
Weekly Update:
It is interesting how meetings now are mostly through online venues such as Zoom. It has allowed people from further areas stay connected more and easier which is nice. But it also seems like it gives people the ability to set up meetings but not attend and expect you to be there for them... THAT is annoying. Someone has been setting up all these meetings with people and either doesn't say anything or comes in later or doesn't come in at all... why am I conducting these meetings I didn't set up? A bit annoying.
At the movies:
Swinging into #1... Uncharted with a hefty 44.2 million for this holiday weekend. Very solid number but week 2 will determine how far it will go. Also new at #2 is Dog with 15.1 mil and a reasonable number for this family film. Coming back up to #3 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with another 7.2 mil and now hitting 770 mil domestic box office. Big drop down to #4 is "Death on the Nile" with 6.3 mil and floating out. Rounding off the top 5 is "Jackass Forever" with 5.2 mil and should be bumped out by next week.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just 1 this week as The Cursed comes in at #10 with 1.7 mil and a very poor opening.
Quote of the week:
"Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt." - Herbert Hoover
Facts & Tips:
A caterpillar has more muscles than a human.
"You wanna know the thing about you that makes you special? It's not the singing or the dancing or the way you threw the ball. It's that you could move people." - Dot-Marie Jones as Shannon Beiste in the TV show "Glee."
Summer times blues...

Yes, yes it is still technically Winter for another 5 weeks but this past week of weather here has been brutal! Temps in the 90's during the day and at night it said low 70's but felt warmer because there were no breezes going on. Breezes make such a huge difference in our weather here too. This must be a sign of what Summer will be like this year, just like last year, hot and dry. We are almost a year-round Summer season which is not a good thing!! More draught in the forecast I bet, very very sad. Global warming is real people, if you don't believe it you are 1) in denial 2) stupid and 3) part of the problem.
Weekly Update:
So I tried to do some light shopping this weekend and it was INSANELY busy at all the stores I went to! One of the Ralph's I go to, the parking lot was packed and I had to the Christmas drive up and down a couple of times to find a spot! I couldn't figure out why every where so so busy and then it dawned on me when I saw things like chips, sodas and alcohol on sale... SuperBowl Sunday. I honestly have no interest in the game or anything surrounding it... I used to or be excited for the commercials but for some reason, simply do not care. AND it's in Los Angeles this year as well at the new Sofi Stadium and with a the team that is home to that stadium, The Rams. But all of it is just meh and sort of "who cares."
At the movies:
Another new #1 this week as Death on the Nile takes the crown with an 12.8 million to open. Not a great number but we are in the off-season more-or-less for the box office so it is fair. Drop down to #2 is "Jackass Forever" with 8.1 mil as it tries to climb to the 50 mil mark but may take a bit longer to get there. New at #3 is Marry Me with 8 mil and possibly hoping for a nice Valentine's Day boost tomorrow. Slowly dropping down to #4 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with 7.2 mil more and still climbing. Rounding off the top 5 is Blacklight with 3.6 mil and this film will quickly fade to black.
Quote of the week:
"It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit." - Antoine Rivarol
Facts & Tips:
Toe wrestling is a competitive sport.
"I don't like watching football with people that don't cares about the game, they talk." - Ed O'Neill as Jay Pritchett on the TV series "Modern Family."
Cold and dry...

It's been rather chilly this week but also very dry! The tip of my nose and fingers have been so cold but on top of that my fingers have been so dry and very chapped! I've been using this lotion at night that is great but I think I need to do it 2 or 3 times a day maybe. But also, this lotion isn't cheap but so effective and I'm on my last tube since the Sephora at Downtown Disney didn't carry it the last time I went for one of their bi-yearly sales... I was sad. I think it runs about $20 to $30 a tube and I used to get it when they had this 20% off sale so its a decent chunk of change. I mean right now I have enough for awhile even if I do apply twice a day but for how long... I do not know. I need to get at least another tube by Summer I think so I hope Sephora carries it again. My guess is they removed a lot of product to make more aisle space due to covid. So hopefully if and when things return to semi-normal, they will bring it back in stock!
Weekly Update:
Boxes... I know, what did you just say? Yep, I said boxes! I find it interesting how if you need to buy a box say from Office Depot or Staples, they will range in prices from about $1.00 to $9.99 depending on the size you want and usually it's just for ONE box (unless you get a pack of very small ones). But when you order something from Amazon or another shipping type place, the cost of the box isn't included but they do have a pretty hefty price tag (at least to me) if I need to buy one. Of course USPS gives you them for free but you have to ship with them to get the pricing or discount on the box you use/get from them and I tend to do that more often. But I have a lot of boxes and though I want to toss them (in the recycle bin), I can't! Because there have been MANY times I need a specific box and I don't want to pay about $3.50 (average) for something I have (or had) tons of. I do hope to eventually be close to no boxes left as I continue to declutter and sell things through E-bay but just found it interesting how a simple thing of carboard is kind of expensive.
At the movies:
A bit of a shake-up this weekend as a new #1 takes the spot! Kicking it's way to #1 is Jackass Forever with 23.5 million to open. These films usually have a quick burn so nothing suggests this won't do the same. New at #2 is Moonfall with 10 mil for it's debut. Not a whole lot around this one so it could drop quickly. Stepping down to #3 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with 9.6 mil extra as it continues it's box office winter dominance. Drop down to #4 is "Scream" with 4.7 mil and actually could hit 90 mil at this pace. Rounding off the top 5 is "Sing 2" with 4.2 mil and just humming along.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as The Wolf and the Lion comes in at #10 with only 675k to open and probably will be it on this film.
Quote of the week:
"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness." - Dalai Lama
Facts & Tips:
When a koala is born, it is about the size of a jelly bean.
"That's good. My uncle was a general at the Salvation Army, until he went crazy and led a surprise attack on the Good Will Store. There was blood and platform shoes everywhere..." - Diedrich Bader as Oswald Lee Harvey in the TV series "The Drew Carey Show."