United States: A New Hope

This past Wednesday, the United States started anew with hope again and civility. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were both sworn in. It was nice to listen to someone who can speak in whole sentences and words of wisdom. We just had this centuries version of "The Dark Ages" and now it's time for the Enlightenment Era once again. It was truly a moment of leading by example instead of just do what I say, not what I do. It was also a very different inauguration but still felt very full and full of hope! Now do not get me wrong, this isn't the fix and there is so much to do. But the hemorrhage has finally stopped and the damage is done. Will we get it fixed soon, of course not. Will we get it fixed within the next year or 3? Probably not. The damage was so severe these past 4-years, it will take us at least 8 to 10 years to recover from, if we can recover at all. But at least we are putting a stop to the continuing damage and slowly will heal.
Weekly Update:
RAIN! It came back and what is even cooler (pun intended) is snow has landed in the mountains again!! Why is that so nice and important? Because come Spring and Summer time, that is one of the sources of water we rely on as it melts away and flows down the mountain to the the rest of us! Now I heard we only got about an inch at the nearby mountain ranges such as Big Bear and Lake Arrowhead but I do see more rain coming this week so hopefully that means more snow. And as long as it stays nice and cold, that snow will last longer till it starts to melt. This whole Winter has been extremely dry (even had some fires) except for maybe 1 or 2-days in December. So all of this is so needed right now!!
At the movies:
A new #1 takes the crown this week, The Marksman earns a weekend total of 2 million but does have an overall cume of 6 mil as it opened last week. Likely a smaller run and expanded this past weekend. Holding at #2 is "The Croods: A New Age" with 1.8 mil and now past 40 mil cume! Drop down to #3 is "Wonder Woman 1984" with 1.6 mil as it closes in on the 40 mil mark and should get that in a week or two (tops). Holding at #4 is "Monster Hunter" with 820k and just now hitting 10 mil total. Rounding off the top 5 (and dropping down) is "News of the World" with 810k and so close to 10 mil cume, should get there with no problems though.
Quote of the week:
"A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them." - Carl Jung
Facts & Tips:
In Webster's Dictionary, the longest words without repeating letters are "uncopyrightable" and "dermatoglyphics."
"A box fell on my head at UPS six years ago. Now I just collect disability and ride trains." - Eric Peterson as Eric on the TV series "The Big Bang Theory."

MLK Day Edition
Today we celebrate the legacy and remember a humble yet powerful man. Not powerful in terms of money or power but of resilience and resolve. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American Baptist minister in the 1950's and 60's. He fought, marched and peacefully protested for rights, not just black but basic human rights. That all men are created equal and should be treated as thus. In this current day-and-age, the resurgence of hate caused from the last 4-years US administration has lead us to a brink of a new civil war much like from the 1800's. People vs white supremacy and there is no coating or hiding that fact. The far-right vs everyone else with an ounce of common sense and decency. This is not part of that dream and not what America is. These people who are up in arms, THEY need to go back to where they came from. We need you Mr. King, now more than ever.
Weekly Update:
It's Summer in January! Seriously this week has had the temps in the high 80's but not breaking 90. I think one day it was 89 degrees technically! The nights were cool to cold, I actually kept my windows open a few nights but this is not usual for us this time of year. It is Winter but will it mean this Summer will be even hotter than previous years?? I want the chilly weather where I need to put on a jacket! Wishing I had something warm to drink (sugar-free hot chocolate with marshmallows!) and a bread bowl of clam chowder. I am not a warm or hot liquid person but occasionally it's nice to have and enjoy with the cold temps!
At the movies:
Keeping the crown for another week at #1 is "Wonder Woman 1984" with an extra 3 million and now just over 30 mil cume. I'm not sure what the actual equivalent of that is with pre-closure numbers but I imagine at least 150 mil. Holding at #2 is "The Croods: A New Age" with 1.8 mil more and continuing it's course to 40 mil. Holding at #3 is "News of the World" with 1.2 mil and steady. Holding at #4, "Monster Hunter" with 1.1 mil and still on track as well. Rounding off the top 5 and holding is "Fatale" with 670k and very slowly dropping.
Quote of the week:
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Facts & Tips:
An earthquake in 1812 cause the Mississippi River to flow backward.
"Of my friend, I can only say this. Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most human." - William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan."
Terrorist Attack from within

Usually do not write or mention too much on the political side of things but with the resurgence of Nazi-like party and behavior, should be worth mentioning! Last Wednesday as Congress was doing their job for both parties, insurgents from the trump campaign raided the Capitol Building in DC. This was nothing less than an terrorist attack and pre-planned by the trump administration (or what is left of it). They are seen video-blogging moments before it happened at an offsite tent location with the man himself and his cohorts. One of the sons even stated, "It's starting!" which means they knew it was going to happen. How much evidence does one need when it comes not only from the source, their own vid-account and direct from their own mouths? This is the culmination of his 4-year tirade of hate, lies and division. What about the police officer they knocked down and beat to death? Once they were for the police when they were beating those part of the BLM Movement but when it's against their terrorist attack, they are in the way? Everything these people complained about that is happening to them (such as being arrested) is now unjust... It is funny how when things like this in other countries happen that threaten Democracy, the US is one of the first to send help to protect that Democracy... can anyone send us help? Canada? Hello?
Weekly Update:
I love water... I hate water! Ok, we need water to survive and it also does so much for us in keeping things clean, us healthy and just nice and refreshing. Yet water damage is so bad when it occurs. The thing with water is it flows all over when nothing is obstructing that flow and in order to not obstruct it... it has to be, well, water-tight! It can go through everything from cracks to gaps and if enough water flows or enough pressure is behind it, it will make that crack or gap even bigger! OH water, why are you so difficult yet loved... I don't know.
At the movies:
Still flying high at #1 is "Wonder Woman 1984" earning another 3 million in it's third week. With a cume over 30 mil and now on track to hit about 40+. Holding ground at #2 is "The Croods: A New Age" with another 1.8 mil as it approaches the 40 mil mark and still on track to reach it. Also holding at #3 is "News of the World" with 1.2 mil and on track for 10 mil cume. Holding at #4 is "Monster Hunter" with 1.1 mil and also on track to hit 10 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Fatale" with an extra 670k and will likely get close to 10 but not reach it fully. Traditionally this time of year is a lot of re-releases and "throw-away" films as we normally would be post Golden Globes and getting film out there for the Academy to view on the big screen but... a very different year right now.
Quote of the week:
"To live happily is an inward power of the soul." - Marcus Aurelius
Facts & Tips:More energy from the sun hits Earth every hour than the planet uses in a year.
"How's this for our new Friday night line-up? Eight o'clock, "Druids on Parade," then "The Volcano Worshipper's Hour," followed by "Underwater Bingo for Teams" and... "Fun with Dirt!"- 'Weird Al' Yankovic as George Newman in "UHF."
Did 2021 start off good?
the OFFICIAL New Year's Edition
All I can say is 2021 started just as bad as 2020 did, fireworks. They started around 7PM, why? Why are you starting fireworks at that hour? Are you celebrating every time zone because last I checked, 8:52 PM wasn't one. And why all night ending in a big finale at 5:30 AM the next day?? I had a dog who was crying/whining, panting, walking all around, trying to snuggle, sitting, pacing all night because of that. Then the next night, still had some fireworks (thankfully not past 1AM) and same thing. I used to enjoy fireworks but not anymore, especially if they feel the need to go all night and morning when people do want to sleep or have to work and need sleep PLUS have pets who get freaked out and we care for them. Whoever you are, please go to jail because it was also very dry and started to get windy the next day which means a high risk of fires (image is not my dog).

Weekly Update:
I was hoping for some nice rain this week but didn't really get any! We did get one day of solid rain and at one point, I saw ice crystals on the ground! I was so happy to see like 10 crystals on my door mat! But alas, that is all there was and the rain stopped and didn't come back to share more water with us from the heavens. I saw our nearby mountains covered in snow so that is awesome to see. However the upcoming forecast shows no rain in the next 10-days. We have had a very dry Winter as it is so I hope that changes soon because we (as always) desperately need the water!
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1 is "Wonder Woman 1984" with 5.5 mil extra and now shy of 30 mil cume at the box office. Good numbers with all things considering and almost shows that the day-and-date model of theatres and streaming may work? Still at #2 is "The Croods: A New Age" with 2.2 mil as it now heads to 40 mil. Still has a way to go to reach it but obtainable. Drop down to #3 is "News of the World" with 1.7 mil and the news may be grinding to a halt. Popping back up to #4 is "Monster Hunter" with 1.3 mil as it tries for 10 mil total but, doubt it will make it. Rounding off the top 5 is "Fatale" with 700k and probably the last we will see of it.
Quote of the week:
"To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal." - A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Facts & Tips:
A neuron star is as dense as stuffing 50 million elephants into a thimble.
"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." - Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone."