It has been some very strange weather as of late. More clouds and such with a tease of rain but nothing. I was at dinner the other night and when I arrived at the restaurant it was bright and sunny. But then you can see off in the distance, a huge wave of dark rain clouds. It was slowly making it's way towards this area every time I looked up. It was like that scene from the movie "Independence Day" when the space ships were moving in and created that massive cloud cover. But what was funny is as it got closer and closer, it shifted and then now I could see it moving past and not actually coming my way! That was the bummer part because I was looking forward to getting it with some much needed and wanted rain!
Weekly Update:
What week is this? What year is it?!?! I have no clue anymore. I don't know who this guy is in this picture I found but apparently they are the poster child for "confused" across the globe! And ... rightfully so it appears or seems like. How did I not get this gig with my every day look I wonder? I guess it was both timing and being at the right place. I wonder what he was thinking? I am thinking what he is thinking probably and yes, we are now both confused.
At the movies:
After the dust has settled, the official numbers are in. A BIG surprise in an opening weekend number for Avengers: Endgame but of course taking the #1 spot (and will maintain it for awhile) and coming in with a total of 357.1 million. Record-breaking for a holiday and non-holiday weekend, repeat business will carry this close to a billion. And right behind that at #2 is "Captain Marvel" with 8.3 mil which now has surpassed the 400 mil mark. Not a lot of flight in this one but that total is still huge and gives Disney/Marvel the lead for a long while. Drop down to #3 is "The Curse of La Llorona" with 8 mil more and also not a lot on this one. Drop down to #4 is "Breakthrough" with 6.8 mil and quickly dropping out. Rounding off the top 5 is "Shazam!" with 5.6 mil and doing OK for it's 4th week.
Quote of the week:
"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Facts & Tips:
The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn.
"I travel alone." - Lucy Lawless as Xena in the TV series "Xena: Warrior Princess."
COLD! It feels like winter this past week but without the needed rain. Temps during the day have been about 60 which is very unseasonable cold for here! We should be having rain and we should be a lot warmer to. It's like we are seeing late January, early February weather now and what will that mean for next month? Nights have not reflected the day, still high 50's to low 60's so not freezing but still chilly. We need some stability here people! This is not typical Southern California weather at all!
Weekly Update:
Not a lot going on this past week but I did plan for a few things in the weeks to come. Have a small event this coming Thursday at Downtown Disney for a test and trail venue. Not sure what it is yet but hopefully will be fun and interesting. And then the following week another on site event for an upcoming attraction. Again not sure what to expect but hopefully interesting. The attraction event I have been to before for other things and quiet frankly they were pretty boring. But, maybe this will be different, will have to wait and see.
At the movies:
Big surprise at the box office as The Curse of La Llorona takes top honors with a hefty 26.5 million to open. Screen count double than earlier expectations as well. Word-of-mouth is fair on this one so it should double itself to finish eventually. Slight drop to #2 is "Shazam!" with another 17.3 mil and past the 100 mil cume mark. New at #3 is Breakthrough with 14.6 mil and not a great opening for this post Disney/Fox merger film. Still flying around at #4 is "Captain Marvel" with 9.1 mil as it now hits 400 mil cume domestic. Rounding off the top 5 is "Little" with another 8.5 mil.
New movies not in the top 5:
We had one movie sneak in with about 1800 runs, Disneynature Penguins comes in at #12 with 2.4 mil and this type of film will have a bigger life in the after-market.
Quote of the week:
"A rebirth out of spiritual adversity causes us to become new creatures." - James E. Faust
Facts & Tips:
"Guy" was once an insult for anyone dressed in poor clothes, originating from the burning of effigies of the infamous British rebel, Guy Fawkes.
"I'm driving back to L.A. Tonight." - Rick Fox as Glenn in the TV series "The Big Bang Theory."
Our weather is so confusing lately. So all the nights are cool, maybe mid 60's which is fine and normal. But the days ... what in the world is going on here?? One day it was like mid-60's and then it hits 80's! None of this makes any sense with no rhyme or reason. Oh, what was that thing called, April Showers? Not a drop of rain but at times it looked like it might because of how dark and cloudy it got. Had some wind days which is not normal for here either ... what is happening?!
Weekly Update:
At work we are playing a game ... we have broken up into two teams and each week get a turn (based on certain factors) to call out numbers and try to sink the other teams ships ... yep, we are playing Battleship! I would say in general I am pretty good at games and out of the 4 weeks, I have had 3 turns so far and all three of my calls have been hits! I have to say, I remember playing this game and using a certain pattern for my shots but with other people also playing, kind of messes it up. But nonetheless, I will try to stay on the course and hopefully win this one.
At the movies:
The newest super hero hangs on to #1 for a 2nd week as "Shazam!" earns another 25.1 mil and now just shy of 100 mil cume. Should get that probably tomorrow. New at #2 is Little with 15.5 mil and right on target. New at #3 is Hellboy with only 12 mil to open, fell very short of expectations for this re-make re-boot of a film that originally did so-so. Big drop to #4 is "Pet Sematary" with 10 mil more and it continues to stay dead. Rounding off the top 5 is "Dumbo" with 9.2 mil and this one has it's ears clipped to go further.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
In at #8 is After which actually doubled it screen count but still did not reach double digits with 6.2 to open, no surprises here. New at #9 is Missing Link with only 5.8 mil to open and under predication for this style of film but also not as appealing as its predecessors.
Quote of the week:
In this world nothing can be certain, except death and taxes." - Benjamin Franklin
Facts & Tips:
Clicking your computer mouse 1,400 times burns one calorie.
"I am a choreographer. That's what I do. You are cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded. What you do is a tiny, pathetic subset of dancing. I will attempt to turn your robotic routines into poetry, written with the human body. Follow me, or perish, sweater monkeys." - Ian Roberts as Sparky Polastri in "Bring it On."
I went to the mall the other day and some people got into their car to leave, so I followed them to get their spot. Like anyone, would sort of follow and wait so when they pull out, I pull in, simple. So, the couple gets in their car, brake lights come on and then they sit there ... waiting ... waiting ... why did you bother to start your car and press the break lights when you don't intend to leave right away? I thought there are like unwritten rules for busy mall parking lots and this is one of them: get in car and leave so next person can start their shopping experience. About after 2 or 3 minutes they finally pulled out. I know that doesn't sound like much but count to 120 to 180 Mississippi's and let me know how that goes.
Weekly Update:
Made my yearly trek to Las Vegas for the annual Cinemacon convention held (once again) at Caesar's Hotel. It was again a quick trip like last time, in fact less than 24 hours. Arrived Tuesday night around 10PM and left Wednesday by 7PM to get back home. But while there got to meet a few people during a really nice event at Gordon Ramsey's Pub and Grill inside Casear's Palace:
*Rian Johnson - Director of Star Wars Episode VIII and a really nice guy.
*Ana de Armas - from the upcoming film "Knives Out" and stunning.
*David Harbour - from the new "Hellboy" movie and a very cool guy.
At the movies:
A big new movie at #1 as Shazam! flies in with 56.8 million. Good word-of-mouth on this movie and will easily surpass the 100 mil mark. New at #2 is Pet Sematary with 25 mil to open and well above expectations. Fair reactions so should do OK numbers in the end. Big drop down to #3 is "Dumbo" with 18.2 mil and appears it could struggle to break 100 mil in the end. Holding on to #4 is "Us" with another 13.8 mil as it has made more than its fair share at the box office. Rounding off the top 5 is "Captain Marvel" with 12.7 mil as it tries to reach 400 mil cume domestic, could still do it.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as The Best of Enemies comes in at #6 with 4.5 mil and pretty much as expected.
Quote of the week:
"We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork." - Milton Friedman

Facts & Tips:
An average cumulus could weighs more than 70 adult T.rexes.
"The world is waiting for you. Good luck, travel safe, GO!" - Phil Keoghan on the TV series "The Amazing Race."
Ok, its barely just now Spring and its getting hot! It doesn't feel too bad but not moving, no wind, it feels very hot and the dogs are panting like crazy. I really hope this isn't a pre-cursor of the coming Summer because it will not be nice at all! Fortunately the nights are good but not to cold that I can have my windows open ... not sure if that is good or bad to be honest because will that mean the nights will also be heating up as well? Gah, this is all not normal for us.

Weekly Update:
It felt like a pretty uneventful week. Not even sure if I did anything or maybe it was so busy it felt like a blur? Either way, not much to say about it since I can't remember any of it! Maybe I am just super tired and need to sleep for a few days but ... no can do! I do need a break or a vacation of some kind maybe. Folks always tell me that but at the same time it does usually cost money and takes away time in which I could be using to make money. Interesting how that works, you know? Savings sure go quickly that way.
At the movies:
Flying high at #1 is Dumbo with a stunning 45 million to open. Above most expectations and should reach 100 mil for domestic box office. Holding ground at #2 is "Us" with another 33.6 mil and passes the 100 mil mark. It may be short on 200 but will get very close. Slight drop to #3 is "Captain Marvel" with 20.1 mil more and steadily climbing to 400 ... but could fall short as well. Hanging on to #4 is "Five Feet Apart" with 6.3 mil and getting further apart. New at #5 is Unplanned with 6.1 mil and right about expectations.
New movies that didn't make the top 5:
Just one that snuck-in at 1100 runs, at #10 is The Beach Bum with a not so surprising 1.8 mil opening.
Quote of the Week:
"O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?" - Percy Bysshe Shelley
Facts & Tips:
Franklin Pierce was gifted two small "sleeve dogs" - he kept one and gave the other to Jefferson Davis.
"Fat Amy, you have a lovely vagina." - Hailee Steinfeld as Emily in "Pitch Perfect 2."