So, I did it! For the 2nd year in a row I started a new tradition and ate a McRib for Thanksgiving ... and it was delicious! What have you got if not traditions! I don't know what is in this crack food but I will eat it again. Maybe not this year again but come next year, I am looking forward it to. Also had a Starbucks to drink it down which was free since I had my rewards. So all-in-all a good night after work!
Weekly Update:
I went to a Black Friday Sale! I heard that Target was starting at 6PM on Thursday night so I thought why not. I always wanted to get an iPad and they had them for about $125 off the retail price (for the one I wanted to get). I got to the store about 15 minutes before 6 and there was a line about 100 yards+ long. But, I was there and nothing else to do so I jumped in line. There was a lady in front of me with a baby and as employees walked the line passing special tickets out for a TV or a map of the store, she just grabbed everything AND THEN asked what it was. She didn't want any of it and just threw them into the cart. I mean, ask because maybe someone else wants it? She did turn to me and asked if I wanted the TV coupon (to avoid the line and get that particular offer) but I didn't need a TV. When the store opened, I went straight to electronics but it wasn't too crazy in general than I thought it would be. The line for the electronics counter was about 20 people ahead of me but it turned out they were together like families so that 20 turned out to be more like 6. So that line only took about 20 minutes (slowest cashiers ever!) and I got the iPad with the offer and I ended up signing up for their Red Card which then took another 5% off. Not enough to cover tax but enough to make it way less. So my total savings was closer to $140 off at the end which is pretty dang good. When I left the counter, the line behind me then was down the aisle at least 100 people long. Glad I went when I did!
At the movies:
No surprises as the tropics take the weekend ... new at #1 is Moana earning a 5-day total of 81.1 million, on pace to get close to 300 mil cume domestic. Word-of-mouth is strong on the film which should carry it through the New Year. Slight drop to #2 is "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" earning another 45.1 mil as it makes its way to 200 mil, might get that within the next 2 weeks. Dipping down to #3 is "Doctor Strange" with an extra 13.4 mil as it passes the 200 mil cume mark and will fall short of 250. New at #4 is "Allied" with a debut of 18 mil and should have more award buzz on this one. Rounding off the top 5 is "Arrival" with 11.3 mil more and possibly will drop out of the top 5 next week.
New films that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Bad Santa 2 comes in at #6 with only 6.1 mil and that is all Santa delivered for that one.
Quote of the week:
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."
Facts & Tips:
David Rice Atchison was President of the United States for only one day.
"Look Buffy, you may be hot stuff when it comes to demonology or whatever but when it comes to dating, I'm the slayer!" - Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase in the TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
Pre-Thanksgiving Edition
Thanksgiving is just around the corner, just four day away in fact! No plans but to work that day since its just another day at the office for me. Well, at home but still working. No invites to go any where so home it is and last year was the same thing. I ended up getting a McRib from McDonald's which could be a new tradition maybe? Hopefully the McDonald's near me has them because I heard not all of them will be carrying them this year. Don't know and I am not sure why its seasonal. I mean nothing about it screams winter season or holiday about it. If anything it would feel more Summer time with the BBQ sauce. But we shall see, got one last year and maybe I will try and get one this year for Turkey Day!
Weekly Update:
It finally has been getting cold! I mean the nights in the 50's? I may just have to break out the heater or better yet, use the house heater! That one though tends to smell like gas or at least at first. But it does make the house a little toasty compared to just one room. But the grass is slowly growing again out back, its had its issues with dogs and the overall heatwave and dryness we have been going through. The problem is the gardeners haven't been mowing what grass is there so the very tall parts are making it hard to determine where I need to put more seed down. I understand he wants to let the current blades grow but at the same time, I need to know where to focus on. But hopefully by the end of the year, it will look close to normal again!
At the movies:
A new #1 at the box office and to be expected. Taking the crown is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them earning a solid 75 mil and right at expectations! Solid word-of-mouth and should carry it north of 200 mil. Holding at #2 is "Doctor Strange" with another 17.7 mil as it closes in at the 200 mil cume mark. Could have it by end of next weekend. Holding in at #3 is "Trolls" earning an extra 17.5 mil and just passing the 100 mil cume. Hanging on to #4 is "Arrival" with another 11.8 mil in its 2nd weekend. Rounding off the top 5 is "Almost Christmas" with 7 mil and its almost done too.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Two this week and both not really surprising. Up first is The Edge of Seventeen earning 4.8 mil and in at #7. This film did not seem or feel like a wide release and maybe should have kept it to small markets first with a platform release. New at #8 is Bleed for This with only 3.3 mil and actually way below expectations. Again possibly would have done better in small markets than the wide release platform.
Quote of the week:
"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water." - Rabindranath Tagore
Facts & Tips:
The original name of Nashville, Tennessee was Big Salt Lick.
"So ... wanna touch my boobs?" - Joan "Chyna" Laurer as Freeda in "Frank McKlusky, C.I."
Not sure what happened but it wasn't good. All the predictions showed someone else to be elected but I think they underestimated the rural, non-educated (some High School and less), white vote. What is sad is those non-educated are a direct result from the Bush administration and his failed "No child left behind" program which did the exact opposite. So because of that, those hundreds of thousands blamed the current presidency and party. It is not even a week old and there are thousands protesting the election with marches and chants. However, on the flip-side, those who have fun are coming out of the wood work with an massive increase in hate crimes. I guess they figured if the newly elected president can do it, so can they. Reports of death threats to many who happen to be darker in skin color. Friends having direct racial slurs being told to them and their back-up is its their president now. The winners are now even more outspoken but sadly, more violent! From beatings to vandalizing, to the KKK coming out in celebrations, it is crazy. Even our current terrorist threat ISIS is supporting the new presidency along with the Russian President. This doesn't send up any red flags?
Weekly Update:
Been a busy week and to kick off my award season, my first ever Miss Golden Globe party! The Miss Golden Globe is where they select the daughter(s), sometimes son, of a celebrity who will be handing out the globes during the ceremony. The party was thrown by both InStyle and Fiji Water so have to give them a nice shout out for a great party. I think also Monet? They had a photo booth set-up there which was kind of neat. This year it was Sylvester Stallone's three daughters; Scarlet, Sophia and Sistine. It was a pretty fun party and go to meet some folks:
*Stephen Henderson - know him best from "Tower Heist" and a really nice guy!
*Jimmi Simpson - loved him in the TV show "Psych" and a great guy!
*Milo Ventimiglia - know him best from the original "Heroes" TV show and a nice guy.
*Naomie Harris - the new Moneypenny from the film "Spectre" and so so sweet!
*Emily Hampshire - from TV's "12 Monkeys" and very sweet.
*Yara Shahidi - from the show "Black-ish" and very sweet.
*Trevante Rhodes - from the film "Moonlight" and a great guy!
*Aja Naomi King - from "Birth of a Nation" and extremely awesome!
*Rebecca Hall - from "The Prestige" and so nice!
*Thomas Haden Church - From the TV show "Wings" and a nice guy.
*Aaron Taylor-Johnson - from the films "Kick-Ass" and an AMAZING guy!
*Christian Slater - so many, "Pump Up the Volume" first comes to mind ... GREAT guy!
At the movies:
No surprise at the box office as "Doctor Strange" holds tight to the #1 spot for the 2nd weekend in a row. Earning another 43 million, this film is now over 150 mil cume. Should be on its way to break 200 easily but probably not 300 as we quickly approach the holiday season. Holding on to #2 is "Trolls" with another 35.1 mil and just shy of 100 mil. It should hit 100 by week's end or sooner at this rate. New at #3 is Arrival with a decent 24 mil opening. A bit higher than expectations and word-of-mouth is good on this film. New at #4 is Almost Christmas with 15.6 mil and spot on expectations. Rounding off the top 5 is "Hacksaw Ridge" with an extra 10.8 mil and had a very small drop-off.
New films that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Shut In comes in at #7 with only 3.7 mil. Pretty much at expectations as timing for this film was not that great.
Quote of the week:
"Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." - Omar Khayyam

Facts & Tips:
Canada has the longest coastline of any country in the world.
"What do tigers dream of when they take their little tiger snooze? Do they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit? Don't you worry your pretty striped head, we're gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed. And then we're gonna find our best friend Doug, and then we're gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug, Doug, oh, Doug, Dougie, Dougie, Doug, Doug! But if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweakers" - Ed Helms as Stu Price in "The Hangover."
One of my favorite times of the year, turning our clocks back an hour thus meaning an extra hour of sleep or being lazy. Why being lazy or sleeping? Because it takes place at 2 AM and who is up at that time? Well I am sure a lot of people are but not me! So I set my clocks back an hour just before going to bed and your internal clock still wakes you up a bit but knowing you can take your time getting up. But the morning has a bit more light earlier but it started to get dark around 4 PM and by 5 PM it was pretty much night. Does throw your visual clock off quiet a bit but that is OK, I just like the extra hour of sleep.
Weekly Update:
As we slowly approach the end of the year and get closer to the holidays, its also an election year. Two candidates which can change not only the US history but the world. One is a qualified stateswoman who is over-shadowed by mis-information of e-mails. The other, a pretty racist, sexist and overbearing reality-TV personality with no political experience. There is only one clear choice but this country is so misinformed and blind leading the blind could cause a lot of harmful change. The one person has a clear message to bring continued growth to our nation which has prospered or improved over the past 6-years after an incredibly dark period of economic failure. The other, promises change but its bringing back racism and basically war. Not war outside but potentially a civil war. This country is a fragile gift, one will carry that on, the other will open it and break it, then not care and toss it away. It will be an interesting next 2 to 3 days pre, post and during election night itself!
At the movies:
No surprise who takes #1 but also above all expectations! New at #1 is Doctor Strange as it earns a hefty 84.9 million for a non-holiday weekend! Word-of-mouth is very strong on this film and should easily break 100 mil by mid-week. Also new at #2 is Trolls with a surprising 45.6 mil. Also well above all expectations but the jury is still out on this one. Another new one at #3 as Hacksaw Ridge earns 14.8 mil which is very close to expectations but luckily didn't get over-shadowed at the box office. Big drop to #4 is "Boo! A Madea Halloween" earning another 7.8 mil as it quickly comes to a close. Rounding off the top 5 is "Inferno" with another 6.3 mil and also quickly burning out.
Quote of the day:
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." - John C. Maxwell
Facts & Tips:
Grizzly bears run as fast as the average horse.
"Steve, wouldn't you say that a man who thinks, should also be able to understand and forgive?" - Jayne Meadows as Betty Duquesne in "College Confidential."