I am not use to taking more than one shower a day but I have had to do that a lot lately. Also been bringing an extra shirt with me in the car just in case. Twice this past week I did use that extra shirt but I am not sure if I 100% needed to but felt I should just because. One of those days I wish I had brought a third shirt!!! This weather is just simply not natural for us here in Southern Cali! Heat, sure but it is mostly dry. I tend to just be uncomfortable but now I am that plus all sweaty and that is just not good. You know what is interesting if I keep moving I do not sweat, it is when I stop then it hits all at once ... I don't understand the physics of that or why it happens like that! But please, make the humidity go away and now! I would like a good rain storm to wash it all way.
Weekly Update:
Had a pretty busy and fun week this week. More busy than fun but at least I got some fun in there! So the only big thing aside from running all over the place, we had our annual Variety Poker Tournament at the Paramount Studio Lot. This is one of my favorite lots to visit and hang out at. While there I ran into a lot of old friends and made a few new ones. Also managed to grab a picture here and there with some people:
* A.J. McLean - part of the band Backstreet Boys and a pretty chill guy.
* Samm Levine - from "Inglorious Basterds" and awesome guy!
* Rex Linn - know him best from "Rush Hour" and a really nice guy.
* Patrika Darbo - from various TV shows such as "Growing Pains" and very sweet.
* Tommy Habeeb - producer of the show "Cheaters" and cool guy.
* Giles Marini - Currently on "Devious Maids" and a really awesome guy!
* Tito Ortiz - UFC MMA fighter and really down to Earth.
* Corey Maggette - Former NBA player and not sports commentator and way cool guy.
* Dennis Haskins - "Saved by the Bell" fame and very cool guy!
At the movies:
Small things continue to dominate the big Summer box office as "Ant-Man" holds on to #1 for a second weekend with an extra 24.8 million. This helps it just barely cross over the 100 mil cume mark and should have enough tiny legs to get halfway to 200 mil. New at #2 is Pixels with a soft opening of only 24 mil. Below overall expectations but also kind of what we expect from a Sandler film. Holding ground at #3 is "Minions" with 22 mil and now at 260 mil cume domestic. Should get to 300 at least when it is all said and done. Holding at #4 is "Trainwreck" with another 17.3 mil and not a bad number despite the bad press of the theatre shooting. It just happened to be this movie the incident took place in but there was no significance to it, just random and senseless. New at #5 is Southpaw with 16.5 mil to open. Very low number but as mentioned last week this film had low buzz and I think that box office reflects that a bit.
New movies that did not open in top 5:
Just one this week as Paper Towns only opened with 12.5 mil and enough for the #6 spot this week. Below expectations but even those were not that high or strong. This film might have some legs but not enough.
Quote of the week:
"I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale; handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail; only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick; I'm so mean I make medicine sick." - Muhammad Ali
Facts & Tips:
Cleveland, OH is home to the first electric traffic lights.
"I do not understand American workers. They come five minutes late, leave two minutes early. They stay home when they are sick. They put themselves above company." - Gedde Watanabe as Oishi Kazihiro in "Gung Ho."
I am not sure what season it is anymore. Is it warm, is it cold, is it humid or is it just plain heat? It is such a wish-washy weather pattern and they say global warming doesn't exist. I remember when Summer was warm, sometimes hot but never humid here. I remember the nights being either cool or warm and again, our air was not heavy like it is now. I remember Winters being cold but never freezing but instead we have Summer Part II. This is all messed up. Just make it stop already ... I don't know how but some how please! I miss consistency and normal temperatures for where I live. I am sure other parts of the world are messed up as well so they would appreciate it too I am sure!
Weekly Update:
What happened this weekend? BUSY is what happened. I ended up driving all over the place for different things, mostly for other people but that is OK. I have a few friends who are doing Uber and Lyft, I wonder if I should try that? I end up driving all over the OC and LA at times. Not sure about having strangers in my car though but both companies seem to be doing really well and if I am not doing anything anyway, maybe I can make a few bucks. I will have to think on that a bit more but my car does need a tune-up and an oil change again soon. Maybe I will decide after I get that done when I get that done.
At the movies:
One of the smallest heroes takes the big screen and the #1 spot! Crawling into the #1 lead is Ant-Man with a decent 58 million for its debut. Just shy of expectations but still very solid. Average drop to #2 is "Minions" with another 50.2 mill and now well over the 200 mill cume mark. Still doing well and should hit 300 when it is all said and done. New at #3 is Trainwreck with a showing of 30.2 mil. Much lower than expectations but pretty much what I expected. Hanging on to #4 is "Inside Out" with 11.7 mil and crossing the 300 mil threshold. It is losing it's steam so it should cap out around 340 or less. Rounding off the top 5 is "Jurassic World" with another 11.3 mil in its 6th weekend and a cume of over 611 mil. Getting closer to capping out for the Summer but it was sure a heck of a run!
Quote of the week:
"A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work." - John Lubbock
Facts & Tips:
The Japanese word "judo" means "the gentle way."
"Are those guys coming after me? Those guys are coming AFTER me." - Geoffrey Lewis as Orville Boggs in "Every Which Way But Loose."