Cold and wet again this week ... and the traffic gets worse. What is
wrong with people? The rain, for the most part, was not that bad and
most of the time it was drizzles yet people panic and slow down to 10
MPH! Really?? I hate to think what it would be like if it ever snowed
here, ARMAGEDDON!! I think part of today's California driving test should have some kind of water trap or sprinkler course to test driving in the rain. Come on people!
Weekly Update:
On Tuesday I went to the premiere of the Starz show "Spartacus: War of the Damned" as they launch the new and final season of the series. I didn't stay to watch the premiere episode but I did manage to grab some pics with some folks:
*Joel McHale - from "The Soup" and "Community" and a pretty cool guy.
*Simon Merrells - From the movie "Wolfman" and an OK guy.
*Daniel Feuerriegel - From "Spartacus" and SUPER nice guy.
*Barry Duffield - also from the show and really cool guy.
*Viva Bianca - from the show as well and incredibly sweet.
*Peter Mensah - from the show and both tall and cool guy.
*Manu Bennett - from the show and loves his fans!! So accommodating.
*Dustin Clare - from the show and a pretty nice guy.
*Lucy Lawless - from the show but of "Xena" fame and nice.
*Liam McIntyre - Star of the show and a really cool guy.
Then on Wednesday I attended the premiere for "Movie 43" which was ... odd. But the party was pretty awesome as it was at Madame Tussuad's. It was both very cool and very creepy as I kept thinking people were staring at me at out of the corner of my eye! But while there, grab some pics with folks:
*Zen Gesner - known best from "Shallow Hal" and a super nice guy.
*Will Sasso - MadTV and "Three Stooges" and a nice guy.
*Michael Lerner - I know him best from "Elf" and an OK guy.
*Brett Davern - from the show "Awkward" and a great guy.
*Patrick Muldoon - from "Starship Troopers" and a super nice guy.
*Patrick Warburton - from "The Tick" and "Seinfeld" and a nice guy.
At the movies:
No surprise again at the #1 spot this weekend for the box office as the new storybook heroes take the crown, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters pulls in a decent 19 million. Standard drop to #2 is "Mama" with another 12.9 mil, just sigh of 50 mil but I am sure it will get there within the next day or two. Small drop to #3 is "The Silver Linings Playbook" with an additional 10 mil. Also slight drop to #4 is "Zero Dark Thirty" with 9.8 mil more as it closes in closer to 100 mil but I think it will end up just shy of that number. Rounding off the top 5 is the new action film Parker with only 7 mil to open.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as the very disappointing "comedy" Movie 43 opens to just 5 mil. This number is pretty sad considering the amount of amazing talent in it.
Quote of the week:
"The future rewards those who press on. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have to complain. I'm going to press on." - Barak Obama
Other News:
Here is a list from that took research from TomTom navigation on the 10 most traffic-congested cities in North America, most (if not all) is not surprising. #10) Chicago, IL - residents can expect on average 24% longer to getting where they want to go. Public transportation is really good in this city though having experienced it first hand. #9) Montreal - Like Chicago, they spend the same amount of time in traffic. #8) San Jose, CA - They spend 25% more time in their car. #7) New Orleans, LA - Same as San Jose and I would think the traffic is more due to the sheer number of people walking around. #6) Toronto - 26% for them as this is probably one of their most populated city. #5) Seattle, WA - in the wet city, they spend on average 27% #4) Honolulu, HI - being stuck on an island, they average 31% but how much of that is tourist from around the world? #3) San Francisco, CA - spend about 33% but the city is narrow and roads are tight. #2) Vancouver - 34% longer in traffic as this city keeps growing and growing. #1) Los Angeles, CA (pictured) - no surprise here as we spend 34% longer in our cars but in our defense, the past 2 or 3 years have faced a lot of construction that is supposed to alleviate the traffic when it is done ... which I think by the time it is done, they will need to redo it again!
Facts & Tips:
Before mercury, brandy was used to fill thermometers.
"Well you are only half right, apparently you need me but it's not going to happen. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. And don't worry about mama and I, we'll muttle through somehow. Just finish your drink and get the hell out of here." - Patrick Duffy as Bobby Ewing in the TV series "Dallas."
Today is a day dedicated to Martin Luther King, Jr. who brought great awareness to civil rights and was awarded with the ending of his life. MLK shared his vision and dream with the world that all men and women are created equal. His words then continue to resonate today and could not still be truer. He was a great speaker and full of charisma. He preached and stressed non-violent fights, strength in both numbers and unity. He once said how he hopes he will be remembered after his death:
"I'd like somebody to mention that day that Martin Luther King Jr. tried to give his life serving others. I'd like for somebody to say that day that Martin Luther King Jr. tried to love somebody."
Weekly Update:
I must say this past week was pretty uneventful. That is both good and bad .. good because it was normal but bad because it can mean very boring ... the day-to-day yawn. This coming week looks like it will start off with some potential stuff but who knows, it could all be nothing as well. I did see a movie last week at a Korean movie theatre ... the new film "The Last Stand" which did horrible at the box office this weekend (see next section). I did enjoy the film and the director was there for a Q&A afterwards since he is Korean as well. The film had close to unrealistic blood shed but I think that is part of the Korean style of action films. I don't mind blood shed, I just hate it when it is so over the top and looks so fake that it's a joke and not in the comic/funny sense but in the ridiculous sense. But the film was fun.
At the movies:
Interesting box office this weekend as the horror film Mama takes the crown with a hefty 28.1 million opening! Usually not that high during this time of year with the award season in full swing. Slight drop to #2 is "Zero Dark Thirty" with another 17.6 mil as it continues to bring them in. #3 at the box office is "The Silver Linings Playbook" with 11.4 mil. Below average drop to #4 is "Gangster Squad" with another 9.1 mil as it struggles along. New at the #5 spot is the crime drama Broken City with only 9 mil to open. Pretty disappointing for its high pedigree cast.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as the graphic violent action film The Last Stand comes in at #10 with a sad opening of 6.3 mil. This film is Schwarzenegger's return debut to the silver screen after his governor duties of California.
Quote of the week:
"Love has its place, as does hate. Peace has its place, as does war. Mercy has its place, as do cruelty and revenge." - Meir Kahane
Other News:
Here is another interesting list I came across ... The 10 Most Hated Companies in America according to 24/7 Wall St. I am not sure if it is in the order from low to high but #1: J.C. Penny - this company has been struggling to survive and they changed their sales philosophy to everyday lose prices along with a new logo of which both have not succeeded for them. #2: Dish Network Corp. - Direct competition with DirecTV and have dropped channels which means dropped customers. Plus they seem to have a reputation for poor customer service so I am not sure how they are surviving with service is key now. #3: T-Mobile USA - Not sure on this one but apparently AT&T was in plans to buy them but the justice department halted that sale and the struggling company is in bad waters. #4) Facebook Inc. - no secret as the founder has always alienated both investors and users. Their IPO launched big for about 30 minutes and have since plummeted as most social media IPO's have (if not all of them). #5: Citigroup Inc. - Fired thousands of workers even though they survived financial crisis. But they also announced another 11,000 more layoffs so moral is very low. #6: Research In Motion Ltd (RIM) - Once hailed the best thing for businesses since the calculator having the blackberry device. But the company was unable to stay up-to-date with other wireless devices like the iPhone and Android smartphones. RIM took $485 million write down on unsold units. #7: American Airlines - Along with others, AA has been struggling a lot lately. Also they have ruined relationships with its own shareholders, bondholders, pilots, customers ... and employees. So everyone seems to hate them lately. #8: Nokia - once held the largest handset market but now has given it up to Samsung. It is struggling in the smartphone market (but not as bad as RIM). #9: Sears Holding Corp. - Much like JC Penny, department stores from yester-years continue to decline with online sales growing and they being stuck behind the times. #10: Hewlett-Packard (pictured) - HP once was the forefront on peripheral devices (printers, scanners, etc ...) and then went into the computer market. They were the 2nd worst ranked computer brand for 2012 plus a lot of mismanagement.
Facts & Tips:
A pelican can hold more food in its beak than its belly.
"To be part of all that majesty and animation history is just heartwarming for me
and I really feel privileged to have been part of it. It makes me think that
perhaps I did accomplish something that is indeed a part of Walt Disney's history." - Virginia Davis on her career.
Fark its cold!! It has been so cold lately compared to last year that it is an actual winter! This time last year I remember it to be a cool summer. Now, we have day temps in the 60's and at night just below 40. Little to no rain though, that is what is missing around here. I hear certain parts of Southern California has gotten hail and the grapevine area is snowed in. The mountains in the distance are covered in snow which is cool to see if the day is clear (still have the smog overcast). This coming week looks to be as cold but the day will be a bit warmer like low 70's. Still need some rain though, need a lot of it!
Weekly Update:
Not too much to report on last week, it was pretty normal I guess. The weekend was a bit crazy though, was up way late Friday night playing a game and had to be up super early Saturday to pick up a dog and take them to an adaption event that was almost an hour away. Then drive them back after the event after which I went home and tried to take a short nap but that didn't really happen. So Sunday, I slept and slept a lot. Still had to wake up early and one of the dogs decided I should wake up 2 hours earlier than what my alarm clock was set for! Thanks Shadow! Why did they wake me up early? First I thought it was because they needed to go to the bathroom ... nope! I think they just wanted to wake me up ... I have no clue but I wasn't about to feed them that early. They sure are spoiled though.
At the movies:
Bit a shock at the box office this weekend considering the first major award program aired last night. In at #1 for its wide release is the re-telling of the assault on Osama Bin Laden's compound which lead to his death is "Zero Dark Thirty" earning a nice 24 million. In at #2 is A Haunted House with 18.8 mil. Showing up at #3 is Gangster Squad with a below than expected 16.7 mil. Slight drop to #4 is "Django Unchained" with 11.1 mil as it makes its struggle to 150 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is "Les Miserables" with another 10.1 mil as it shoots past the 100 mil cume mark.
Quote of the week:
"Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due." - William R. Inge
Other News:
Yahoo came out with a list a few weeks ago, the most popular cities of 2012. I am not sure of the scale they judged by or the order they are in but let's check it out. #10) Las Vegas, NV - it cites the most searched in Yahoo and has vast entertainment and fine-dining. I do love Vegas but just not for any extended amount of time. #9) Chicago, IL - dub'd the Paris of the Midwest ... I don't know about that but having recently been there, it is a great place to visit! #8) London, UK - not only historic but picturesque ... wouldn't mind visiting someday soon. #7) New York, NY - cultural hot spot and draws tourists from all over the world. Another place I wouldn't mind visiting other than a hold-over at the airport. #6) Washington, DC - Been once when I was in Junior High School and it was fun. Folks go for the many museums and monuments. #5) San Francisco, CA - Food lovers paradise apparently but I do love visiting with is generally cool/cold weather ... always a good crisp in the air. #4) San Diego, CA - beaches and culture, not my first choice on either one but has some neat areas to see. #3) Dubai, United Arab Emirates - apparently the shopping capital of the Middle East that is also tax-free. I wouldn't mind visiting someday too. #2) New Orleans, LA - all about Jazz, Mardi Gras and the French Quarter ... three things I would like to see. #1) Hong Kong, China (pictured) - both Travel and Leisure called it "Asia's most cosmopolitan city. Many compare it to New York City of the East. A lot more US cities on this list than I would have expected.
Facts & Tips:
The official color of California's Golden Gate Bridge is International Orange.
"Ok, here's Biz's Beat of the Day!" - Biz Markie from the TV show "Yo Gabba Gabba!"
It is nice driving out one's home area and seeing the mountain tops all covered in snow. The weather has been CRAZY cold at night because I remember last year we had a relatively warm winter (average temps in the 60's) but this year ... much different with temps as low as 40 degrees. The day is OK, about 65 to 72 degrees but this is the kind of temps I remember growing up in where you can watch your breath when outside. Don't know how long this will last, we are not even halfway through Winter yet!
Other News:
This was a nice short week with New Years being on a Tuesday. I didn't bother watching the Tournament of Roses Parade ... I forgot about it to be honest. I actually do not go out of my way to watch it but sometimes I catch it while TV surfing but ... what did I do on New Year's? I don't think I did anything really. But I did enjoy the short week working from home and then over this past weekend ended up doing a bunch of handy-man type of stuff ... that is different! Replaced a sensor light assembly which I discovered that a whole new sensor with light is only $2 more than just getting a replacement sensor and less confusing to install! Also put in a new outlet that has a cool night light built in and Sunday disassembled a wire rack shelf, re-assembled it and built 3 more additional racks. I am pretty tired after that weekend.
At the movies:
Another first of the year horror takes the box office. This happened last year as well, is this a new trend? In at #1 is Texas Chainsaw 3D with a nice 23 million to open. Small drop to #2 is "Django Unchained" with 20 mil more extra which brings the film over 100 mil cume. Holding in at #3 is "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" with 17.5 mil more as it gets closer to 300 mil cume in just over 4 weeks of release. At #4 is "Les Miserables" with 16.1 mil as it also breaks the 100 mil cume mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "Parental Guidance" with 10.1 mil extra.
Quote of the week:
"Time sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug." - John Lithgow
Other News:
Here is an interesting list from which may some may find both interesting and informative. The top 5 cities with the most break-ins based on an FBI report which defines a burglary as an unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. This is more based on 2011 data as one can imagine it takes time to collect and consolidate this info. At #5: New York - 18,159 burglaries. Being one of the most populous cities in the US it is a surprise it is at #5. #4: Phoenix - 18,666 burglaries. The city has approximately 1.5 million people and once had an car theft epidemic. #3: Dallas - 18,727 burglaries. This is a consolidation of Dallas itself along with Fort Worth and Arlington areas. This area nearly 62,000 property offenses overall. #2: Chicago - 26,420 burglaries. Being the 3rd most populous city in the US, it has a history of organized crime such as Al Capone. #1: Houston (pictured) - 27,459 burglaries. Houston had over 108,000 property offenses of which over 68,000 were categorized as "larceny-theft" and over 12,000 were motor vehicle thefts. Kind of surprising two of the top 5 are from Texas and not one California city as one might expect.
Facts & Tips:
Maine produces more toothpicks than any other state in the U.S.
"Son, in my twelve and a half weeks at the El Segundo School of Finance, I
learned one very important word. Delegate. That word is the key to being a
successful manager. There's even a catchy phrase for when you've got too much to
do: 'Get it off your plate. Give it to other people.'" - Mark Christopher Lawrence as Big Mike in the TV series "Chuck."