Weekly Update:
Not too much to report on last week, it was pretty normal I guess. The weekend was a bit crazy though, was up way late Friday night playing a game and had to be up super early Saturday to pick up a dog and take them to an adaption event that was almost an hour away. Then drive them back after the event after which I went home and tried to take a short nap but that didn't really happen. So Sunday, I slept and slept a lot. Still had to wake up early and one of the dogs decided I should wake up 2 hours earlier than what my alarm clock was set for! Thanks Shadow! Why did they wake me up early? First I thought it was because they needed to go to the bathroom ... nope! I think they just wanted to wake me up ... I have no clue but I wasn't about to feed them that early. They sure are spoiled though.
At the movies:
Bit a shock at the box office this weekend considering the first major award program aired last night. In at #1 for its wide release is the re-telling of the assault on Osama Bin Laden's compound which lead to his death is "Zero Dark Thirty" earning a nice 24 million. In at #2 is A Haunted House with 18.8 mil. Showing up at #3 is Gangster Squad with a below than expected 16.7 mil. Slight drop to #4 is "Django Unchained" with 11.1 mil as it makes its struggle to 150 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is "Les Miserables" with another 10.1 mil as it shoots past the 100 mil cume mark.
Quote of the week:
"Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due." - William R. Inge
Other News:
Yahoo came out with a list a few weeks ago, the most popular cities of 2012. I am not sure of the scale they judged by or the order they are in but let's check it out. #10) Las Vegas, NV - it cites the most searched in Yahoo and has vast entertainment and fine-dining. I do love Vegas but just not for any extended amount of time. #9) Chicago, IL - dub'd the Paris of the Midwest ... I don't know about that but having recently been there, it is a great place to visit! #8) London, UK - not only historic but picturesque ... wouldn't mind visiting someday soon. #7) New York, NY - cultural hot spot and draws tourists from all over the world. Another place I wouldn't mind visiting other than a hold-over at the airport. #6) Washington, DC - Been once when I was in Junior High School and it was fun. Folks go for the many museums and monuments. #5) San Francisco, CA - Food lovers paradise apparently but I do love visiting with is generally cool/cold weather ... always a good crisp in the air. #4) San Diego, CA - beaches and culture, not my first choice on either one but has some neat areas to see. #3) Dubai, United Arab Emirates - apparently the shopping capital of the Middle East that is also tax-free. I wouldn't mind visiting someday too. #2) New Orleans, LA - all about Jazz, Mardi Gras and the French Quarter ... three things I would like to see. #1) Hong Kong, China (pictured) - both Travel and Leisure called it "Asia's most cosmopolitan city. Many compare it to New York City of the East. A lot more US cities on this list than I would have expected.

The official color of California's Golden Gate Bridge is International Orange.
"Ok, here's Biz's Beat of the Day!" - Biz Markie from the TV show "Yo Gabba Gabba!"
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