Ah yes, Sunday was Daylight Saving Time again and it was my favorite, we fall back an hour so you get that extra time to sleep in. Most think of it as another hour to stay up, nope, not me. I use to get an extra hour of sleep-in time which I wish I could spread that out over the course of as week maybe 10 to 12 minutes per day till that hour is achieved. Like give us Daylight Saving Week! If someone wants to use it up in one day, go for it but if you want to spread it out, you should be able to do that as well. There must be a way to figure that out.
Other News:
Another tiring week and I spent this weekend just sleeping pretty much. But had a lot of stuff going on but the worst was Halloween night ... I left a little early to avoid some traffic, wrong. It still took me just over 3 hours to get home and there was no accidents that I could see, just a lot of cars. Even when I got off the road to take side streets, it was just as bad. It is not even a real holiday people!!! Now this week looks to be just as crazy but at least there is no "holiday" in there that I am aware of. I hope that little day isn't an indication of what the real holidays will be like this year because if so ... that is going to suck. I am going to request working from home the days before!

No big surprises at the box office this weekend but also a nice rebound from last week's fiasco. In at #1 is the animated comedy Wreck-It Ralph for a hefty 49.1 million. Landing in at #2 is the action-drama Flight with 25 mil and some Oscar buzz surrounding this film. Continuing its stride into the holiday season is the drama "Argo" with another 10.3 mil as it reaches the 75 mil mark and on its way to both Oscar buzz and 100 mil. New at #4 is the action film The Man With the Iron Fists showing a decent 8.2 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Taken 2" as this juggernaut film earns a little 6 mil weekend but now past 125 mil cume.
Quote of the week:
"If everyone voted, there would be an immediate revolution." - John Adams
Other News:
Here is an odd list I stumbled across ... 10 movies better than "Shawshank Redemption." One would think that they meant prison movies but they are saying movies in general. I agree that "Shawshank Redemption" is a great movie and could be in my top 10 to 15 but I don't know if I agree with this list entirely. #10) Inception (2010) - I didn't care to see this film so I can't really say but I hear it is pretty amazing. Christopher Nolan in general is pretty dark. #9) Any Lord of the Rings movie (2001 - 2003) - I would disagree with that wholeheartedly. Granted the trilogy was very good but not better. The flaws in the third movie were so outlandishly omitted that it fell short of my top 10 by far. #8) Fight Club (1999) - Another movie I never saw but the premise of it made it so unappealing to me. #7) The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - disagree again, I felt out of the trilogy the third might be the better of them all. #6) The Dark Knight (2008) - The Christopher Nolan reboot was pretty darn good and the franchise needed it. Better? I would classify it as maybe the same. #5) Schindler's List (1993) - Finally one I agree on, this was an amazing movie and well deserved accolades. #4) The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (1966) - the musical score alone makes this film worthy and I agree again on the pick! #3) Pulp Fiction (1994) - not really, pass. #2) The Godfather: Part II (1974-Pictured) - Great film and I would agree on this one. #1) The Godfather (1972) - Again another I would agree on.

The most widely eaten fruit in America is the banana.
"What a super man... "Superman"!" - Margot Kidder as Lois Lane in "Superman."
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