Weekly Update:
Let me see, what did I do this week ... a lot of driving around! Well, more than a usual week for me lately but still was semi-productive. I went to a recording session on Tuesday for a show called China, IL which is on the Cartoon Network for their Adult Swim programming (after 10 or 11PM). I haven't heard or seen this show before this session and what I did see looks really ... odd. But while there, I did get to meet one of the shows creators and writers, Brad Neely who also worked on some "South Park" episodes. Everyone there at the studio was incredibly nice but the snacks were kind of on the weak side compared to other recording studios. Hey, you have to want me to stay there, no?! But aside from that, it was just other various errands and such.
Sad week at the box office this weekend but it is a good indication that summer of 2012 is over. In at #1 for the 2nd week in a row is "The Expendables 2" earning another 13.5 million to give it a cume of only 52 mil so far. Holding ground at #2 is "Bourne Legacy" with another 9.3 mil as it struggles to reach that 100 mil cume mark. Slight drop to #3 is "ParaNorman" with another 8.6 mil. Laughing at #4 is "The Campaign" earning an extra 7.4 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Dark Knight Rises" with another 7.2 mil as it reaches a nice 422 mil cume so far.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
We have several this week as all three new movies failed to deliver. In at #8 is the suspense-action film Premium Rush earning just 6.3 mil for the weekend. Barely coming in at #10 is the "comedy" action film Hit and Run with only 5.9 mil for a 5-day cume since it opened on a Wednesday. Even with those 2 extra days, it still manages the #10 spot and I put "comedy" in quotes because, well it isn't funny. New at #12 and with only 800 screens is the thriller The Apparition with 3 mil and that will about wrap that film up ... as well as all of the new films this past weekend.
Quote of the week:
"The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel." - Steve Furtick
Other News:

Another "star" fell last week but this one actually went to the stars. Saturday it was announced that Astronaut Neil Armstrong passed away. Neil is credited as being the first person to transmit and walk on the moon back on Jul 21, 1969. With no atmosphere on the moon, his boot step still sits there on the surface of the little rock. He is credited for saying the first words from the moon, "Houston, the Eagle has landed" and then more of note the famous line when he first stepped on the moon, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." The whole trip of the Apollo 11 craft was 8 days, 3 hours and 18 mins with its crew; Neil Armstrong (Commander), Michael Collins (Command Module Pilot) and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. (Lunar Module Pilot). Neil is the first of the three to pass away and he leaves a grateful nation ... and a grateful race for his achievements. He accomplished what many doubted could happen and lead the US in the race to space. Neil was 82.
Right handed people tend to chew food on the right side and lefties chew on the left.
"That boy ain't right." - Mike Judge as Hank Hill from the TV series "King of the Hill."
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