Weekly Update:
Had an semi-eventful week. Tuesday helped out with some weird live action shoot for Cartoon Network. Apparently they are going to dabble in the live-action children's off-beat comedy so let's see how that does in the coming months. I am not sure when it will air though. Then on Thursday took a special visit to Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine. I have been here many times but this was a special "Diablo 3" event and got to meet some of the voice talents there:
*Robin Atkin Downes - Does one of the main character classes in the game and a nice guy. Also has done many feature films but just his voice.
*Jonathan Adams - Another great guy and another voice in the game. Also has done some actual guest spots on some TV shows like "Bones."
*Michael Gough - known as Decker Cain in the entire "Diablo 3" series and a really nice guy.
*Dominic Keating - Another voice but I know him best from "Star Trek: Enterprise" and a very cool guy.
Big surprises at the box office as a new crown is given to a stuffed bear! In at the top this weekend is the raunchy comedy Ted with a huge 54.1 million! Way above all expectations as this bear laughs its way to the bank. New at #2 is Magic Mike with 39.2 mil. Goes to show you that male strippers can earn a living! Slight drop down to #3 in its 2nd week is "Brave" earning an extra 34 mil as it passes the 100 mil cume mark and steady on its way to 150. New at #4 with a bigger than normal opening is Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection with a sizable 26.4 mil. Rounding off the top 5, and still holding strong is "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" with another 11.8 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Another one this week as the drama People Like Us earns only 4.3 mil and also the #10 spot.
Quote of the Week:
"The six stages of production: 1) wild enthusiasm 2) utter despair 3) total confusion 4) the search for the guilty 5) the persecution of the innocent 6) the promotion of the incompetent." - Roger Rothstein
Other News:
Another sad week in Hollywood as an amazing talent passed away on Tuesday night in Manhattan. Filmmaker Nora Ephron died on Tuesday after fighting leukemia. A best-selling author and successful director, Ephron is known for such hits as "Julie & Julia" and "Sleepless in Seattle." She also was up for three Academy Awards for her films "Silkwood," "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle." She was one of the very few women who wrote, produced and directed her own films. There is no doubt her films touched on every emotion of a relationship and cross the line from being a "chick-flick" to more mainstream that men and women could easily enjoy. Through her movies you can see her life. Having been married three times, her 1986 film "Heartburn," was almost autobiographical on her divorce from her 2nd husband. Later the issue of single parenting came up in her film "Sleepless in Seattle" in 1993 as she had 2 children of her own. Then in 1998 we saw "You've Got Mail" which tackled two people in the same city both struggling with their own relationships yet find each other online. Nora was 71.
With an average life expectancy of 81.2 years, the people of Okinawa, Japan live the longest.
"Boy, look at the neat lightning. I sure hope it hits our house!" - Butch Patrick as Eddie Munster in the TV series "The Munsters."
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