So last Monday a parody video hit youtube that I help with a key element in and a week later it is almost at 300,000 views. Kind of cool and interesting. If you are familiar with the "Gangnam Style" song and video, it is a parody of that but set to "Lo Pan Style" from the 1986 film "Big Trouble in Little China." I think you may know where this is going, yes, I got James Hong to do a cameo in the video. The video is here if you haven't seen it, the parody that is for
Lo Pan Style and you can just search for the original song and video from there. It was a fun shoot and overall the video turned out pretty good. The guys who did the video had a previous one mixing "Call me Maybe" to the new Dark Knight movie and titled it "Batman Maybe" which saw over 1.3 million hits in the 3 to 4 months it has been out. Hope this one hits a million!
Weekly Update:
This past week was exhausting ... did some moving around of boxes, not much but heavy ones, and attended some really strange events. One of those events was the Chinese American Film Festival, or CAFF for short and ... it was a total mess of a festival. I have been to a couple of these film festivals that center around Asian or more specifically Chinese ... please stop. These have all been really kind of pathetic and disorganized that it is embarrassing. I don't really know what the point of their festivals are because they have no direction and people just talk over people, especially during the important announcements. They are pretty rude. At one point, someone was making an announcement and these two ladies decided to talk over them because they couldn't hear themselves speak ... seriously?? I think I may pass the next time one of these comes up and attend real film festivals. These are just really bad parties with cold appetizers (which are meant to be warm or hot) and not getting my glass of water out of a punch bowl because they ran out the first 10 minutes of regular beverages.
At the movies:
A little bit of a surprise as the film "Argo" takes top honors being in its 3rd week in a row. It has declined since it's initial opening but the rate at which it has dropped is well below industry standards and made 12.4 million this past weekend. Another surprise at #2 is the family animated film "Hotel Transylvania" with another 9.5 mil as it now reaches 130 mil cume. New at #3 is the sci-fi fantasy big budget film
Cloud Atlas with only 9.4 mil for it's debut. Big drop to #4 is "Paranormal Activity 4" with another 8.7 mil, one would have thought this film should have a big more better legs than it did. Rounding off the top 5 is "Taken 2" earning another 8 mil as it reaches 117 mil cume thus so far after 4 weeks.
New movies did that did not make the top 5:
Several this week, in fact 3 out of the 4 new films this week! In at #6 is the over-the-top horror
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D only making 8 mil for it's debut ... probably a major issue with this film is that it had 3D in the title yet only half the screens were in actual 3D. PLUS, 3D is pretty much a dead and over priced feature no one cares about anymore. In at #10 is the college comedy of
Fun Size with only 4.1 mil to open with. New at #13 is the action-drama of
Chasing Mavericks only earning 2.2 mil for this wide release feature ... very sad.
Quote of the week:
"Elitism is the slur directed at merit by mediocrity." - Sydney J. Harris
Other News:
Business Insider online came up with a list of the top 10 states to retire in ... so where should I go in my future ... #10 is a tied between California and Texas. California has a struggling economy and high cost of living but the climate is consistent. Texas' economy is much more solid but crime is in the top 10 in the nation plus the heat is pretty unbearable I hear. #9) South Dakota - A tad cooler but it seems that older folks are starting to seek that out. #8/7) another tie - Florida and New Mexico. Florida has always been a senior state with its humidity, I guess that is good for the joints. New Mexico also known for seniors but crime is very high in this state. #6) Colorado -fast growing but not with just seniors but in general. #5) Virginia - mild climate but this state stands out for its violent crime rate. #4) Arizona - pretty sunny and hot but dry heat from what I understand. Also has seen a hefty population boost lately. AZ does have a higher than average crime rate. #3) Utah - both picturesque and cooler with a very low cost of living. #2) Idaho - pretty quiet and very low crime rate. #1) Hawaii (pictured)- very high cost of living but who doesn't want to live on a tropical island 24/7.
Facts & Tips:
The National Park Service manages over 350 parks on 80 million acres of public land.
"Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?" - Matt Damon as Will Hunting in "Good Will Hunting."
I am really tired of all the political phone calls. You know what, the best way to get someone to NOT vote for you, call them, bug them at dinner time or leave them a 10 minute message which I end up delete as soon as I hear the first word. So now I am writing a list of who calls me and those are the candidates I will not be voting for ... oddly enough, they have all been Republicans. Do they not understand that telemarketers are hated and they have hence become them?? And who calls about this kind of stuff anymore? Are we still in 1990's? Man, get with the times and e-mail so I can just let it go straight to spam at least or block it. Time to get with the times, not be behind in the times.
Weekly Update:
What a tiring week this has been, again! Came home most nights about 1130 to midnight and just completely wiped out. But in the end, Saturday was pretty fun. The morning was the our annual Hollygrove Halloween event and that is nice to see all the kids with their foster parents having a lot of fun. Then later that night I went to an old friend's 40th birthday party. It was all golf themed and they did an amazing job. It was a lot of fun to see so many familiar faces it became an old work reunion. But the highlight of the night was the In-N-Out truck parked on the driveway all night and I partook in a couple of burgers ... well one and then took one home which they do last overnight! But that was such a fun party and the burgers where of course great. Why can't all parties be like that?? Oh yeah, the cost. I am not sure how much it is to get one of those trucks but I am sure it ain't cheap ... oh and there was a three-piece female mariachi band who were great as well.
At the movies:
No big surprises at the box office this week since we are in the month of October and horrors will lead the way. In at #1 is the continuing franchise of
Paranormal Activity 4 opens with a decent 30.2 million which is much less than its predecessor by nearly 20 mil. VERY small drop and in at #2 is "Argo" earning an extra 16.6 mil for
this much talked about film. Still holding strong at #3 is "Hotel
Transylvania" with an extra 13.5 mil as it reaches just shy of 120 mil
cume. Dropping down to #4 is "Taken 2" earning another 13.4 mil but has
officially passed 100 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is the new
Tyler Perry movie but without the Tyler Perry name!! With only 11.8 mil
to open is
Cross as this action film will quickly fade away.
Quote of the week:
"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender." - Vince Lombardi
Other News:

Top 10 skylines in the world! Taken from Reuters, they came up with the list of the top 10 skylines from around the world. 10) Moscow, Russia - an old city in itself with some modern updates to keep it current mixed in with the domes of Saint Basil's Cathedral and the Seven Sisters skyscrapers. The Kremlin itself is a marvel itself. #9) Shanghai, China - as of late they have been building like crazy and I believe boost having the worlds 4th tallest building, Shanghai World Financial Center. #8) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Do not know too much about this region or this city. I do know it has the 6th tallest building in the world, Petronas Towers. #7 ) Chicago, Ill - This city I have been too and I must say, it is a great town. Yet another city with one of the tallest buildings in the world, the Sears Tower which is technically 2nd in the world but 1st in the US. #6) Dubai, United Arab Emirates - This city, as well as many Arab nations have sprung up over the past 20 years into pretty lavish citadels with humble groundings. Of course this city has the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa. #5) Paris, France - relatively a flat city with a few tall buildings and structures here and there, more specifically the Eiffel Tower. However this is the city of lights and I think that is what makes it such a beautiful skyline town. #4) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - a city on a bay with a big mountain sticking out of the water just outside that bay makes for a great and very picturesque city. #3) Sydney, Australia - with the Sydney Opera House right no the water, I'm sure every night gives it a stellar look. #2) New York City, New York - classic city although relatively newer than some of the others. With no where to build but up and having such iconic landmarks as The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building, it looks much better at night than the day. #1) Hong Kong (pictured) - Some say this is the New York of the Orient and rightly so since it is basically an island city as well with all the lights and whistles like any other modern town.

Facts & Tips:
Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
"Sorry. I'm just worried about Luke... A lot of parents are hitting again." - Ariel Winter as Alex Dunphy in the TV series "Modern Family."
You know what I noticed the other day ... I was sitting at a red light and the car next to me kept moving forward inches at a time as if to speed ahead when the light turned green. Is this guy in a race all by himself? The light didn't turn green for quiet some time but kept inching forward, break, inch forward, break. Eventually they ended up past the 2nd white line, technically in the intersection when it did turn green. So the light then turns green and they didn't go! I didn't even speed up and just went right past them and was just wondering why do all that at all. I don't understand a lot of drivers a lot of times. I'm sure that isn't the best for brakes as well if they happen to do it at every single stop light. I wonder if someone was going to cross the street, then what do they do since they are blocking the whole walkway. Huh, go figure.
Weekly Update:
Pretty busy week I just had, sure was glad when Friday rolled around and I got to sleep in a bit. Same time the weekend just flew by, why does that always happen!? But part of that busy week had some fun in there. I went to this little (and I do mean little) charity dinner but it was hosted by Ben Garant who you may know from "Reno 911!" and various movies. He also wrote and directed "Night at the Museum" and "Balls of Fury" which are two very funny and well made movies. He does almost everything with his writing partner, Thomas Lennon who was also at the event. The event itself, as mention before, was very small, probably around 30 people but it was nice and the food was really tasty. The event was to help raise money for orphans in Cambodia which apparently Ben is a big support of. It was just nice to hang out and chat with the guys.
At the movies:
No surprises at the box office this weekend as the action dominates. Holding ground at #1 is "Taken 2" with another 22.5 million as it passes 85 mil cume, sure to be past 100 in no time. New at #2 is the drama based on a true story of
Argo with a nice 21.1 mil. Also new at #3 is the thriller
Sinister with a decent 18.3 mil. Still hanging in there amongst all the older age films is "Hotel Transylvania" with another 17.3 mil as it just passes the 100 mil cume mark. Rounding off the top 5 is the comedy-light drama of
Here Comes The Boom with a decent 12 mil for its debut.
New films that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week and no surprise here. Coming in at #9 is
Seven Psychopaths earns a tiny 4.2 mil.
Quote of the week:
"What is the chief end of man? To get rich. In that way? Dishonesty, if we can; honestly if we must." - Mark Twain
Other News:
Another sad week as both the football and entertainment world losses another. Former Detroit Lions defensive lineman Alex Karras passed away last Wednesday after suffering from dementia. He was known first as football player in the 1960's, part of the Lions Fearsome Foursome defensive line and was even considered small back in the day. He played his entire career for the Lions from 1958 to 1970, missing only one game that entire time. In 1968, he portrayed himself in a nonfiction sports book "Paper Lion" in the film adaption. That may have gave him some notices to other film makers while he was still playing football because his name came up for a role in the original "The Godfather." After his release from the Lions in 1971, he did in fact begin acting as his next career. Playing a hulking brute from part to part but it was in 1974 when he took the role as the very strong and very slow-witted thug Mongo in the Mel Brooks comedy "Blazing Saddles" and immediately replacing Fred Williamson as a commentator on ABC's "Monday Night Football." Following that, he went on to do more movies and TV shows such as the raunchy comedy (for its time) "Porky's," "Victor Victoria," "Against all Odds" and great guest appearances on "M*A*S*H" and "The Old Couple." In 1980 he landed the lead role on a new family sitcom "Webster" with his real life wife Susan Clark. Karras was 77.

Facts & Tips:
The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.
"Bite me, pig!" - Kathy Kinney as Mimi Bobeck from the TV series "The Drew Carey Show."
Cool weather report! Finally we saw the days cool down!! This past week it hovered in the low 90's but hey, compared to the previous weeks of 100 plus degree weather, it made a big difference! This coming week looks to stay cooler and get back down into the mid 70's which is about right for this time of year. Even some rain is expected which would also be nice because we can always use some water since we are in a forever drought in Southern California! I wonder if we get rain, will that mean our winter will be nice and wet? Well, I hope so ... that would be nice.
Weekly Update:
What did I do this week ... too much stuff. I basically drove all over Los Angeles for two days and then went to two screenings yet I didn't watch either of the movies. One of the movies I wanted to see but was too busy that I couldn't stay but I ended up seeing that same movie on Saturday night, "Taken 2." I thought it was fine but the first one was way better. The action in this new one was way up close and it was just a confused mess watching it. Also, the film was suppose to be 90 minutes but yet it felt way longer which is never a good thing. I think I would prefer to have waited to see this on DVD because to top it all off, the seats at the theatre I went to were very uncomfortable. At least the auditorium wasn't crowded, in fact it was only maybe 10% full, sad for a new movie of his magnitude! Well, more films starting to come out as we quickly approach the holidays.
At the movies:
No big shockers at the box office as the action film takes the lead in a huge way. In at #1 is the sequel to the 2008 hit
Taken 2 earns itself a hefty 50 million for its debut in a non-seasonal time frame. Poor choice in websites though, using Facebook for your official site is always lame and cheap. I actually got to see this film ... save your money and watch it on cable. Good hold onto #2 is "Hotel Transylvania" with another 26.3 mil as it quickly approaches 100 mil. Big jump up to #3 is "Pitch Perfect" as it earns 14.7 mil which is up 186% from its previous week as it goes from limited to wide. Hanging on to #4 is "Looper" with another 12.2 mil as we head into the Halloween season of films, this movie will drop pretty fast. Rounding off the top 5 is
Frankenweenie with only 11.5 mil for its debut and just little short film made into a full length feature ... probably should have stayed short.
Quote of the week:
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
Other News:

Here is both an interesting a cool list I stumbled across the other day ... the 10 most reliable used-cars for 2012. I do not think these are in any particular order but I will list them from 10 down as I go through them. #10) Acura TL - overall I think Acura's are excellent vehicles so doesn't surprise me this is on the list. Very slick and holds it overall value. #9) Ford Fusion - Not a fan of American made cars and this is no exception. Very boring design but I am sure it is very reliable ... also the testimonial ads they do are so ridiculous and dumb. #8) Honda CR-V - Cute little SUV, I guess it is the compact of SUV types. The ones I have seen are pretty spacious though it wouldn't seem like it. #7) Lexus ES 350 - Never surprised to see a Lexus on the list but to me the 350 is a bit more sedan than I would care for. #6) Lexus RX 350 (pictured) - yet another Lexus and this is their very reliable and holds-its-own SUV. Mileage isn't that great unless you get the H series which is a hybrid. #5) Lincoln MKZ - more luxurious than other cars and could be a nice town car for limo services. #4) Mazda MX-5 Miata - Mazda in general seem pretty reliable but the Miata looks both dangerous in a wreck and not a great design for sports cars. #3) Toyota Highlander - I am sure these are reliable but too big for my taste being an SUV and gas guzzler. #2) Toyota Prius - No surprised to see another Toyota and the Prius. Boring little car but reliable nonetheless. #1) Toyota Yaris - rented one once ... wow talk about BORING, no style or design. It was like driving an aluminum box.
Facts & Tips:
The bumblebee bat is the smallest mammal on Earth. It weighs less than a penny.
"I look like the French Prince of Belarus." - Magnus Scheving as Anton Poldark in "The Spy Next Door."
Yet another hot week with temps again in the high 90's to low 100's. This upcoming week looks to be the same with Tuesday as high as 105. Seriously, it has never been this hot during this time frame. I do believe those series of earthquakes we had shifted us, even just 1 degree would make a huge difference on the scale of things. We are now in a sub-tropic zone!! We were in a low desert to seaside zone I would say ... but it has been so humid and Cali is known for dry heat.
Weekly Update:
Not much going on this past week. Did a lot of driving back and forth to LA and home but I did manage to stay out of the heat most of the time. This coming week looks to be the same of that but with some meetings and events in the evenings. But at least the weekends were relaxing ... except for the crazy heat!! And the heat, it remains according to the forecast. Well, not much I can do about it but try and stay cool. And attend all my meetings and events which should all be good this week I think. Looking ahead for the new month ... I don't really think I have much going on which is good? I don't know but it sounds good to me.
At the movies:

No big surprise at the box office this weekend as animation takes the crown! In at #1 for its debut is the animated monster comedy
Hotel Transylvania with a hefty 43 million. From the ads it reminds me of a throw back to the classic "Mad Monster Party" which was a favorite of mine. New at #2 is the sci-fi action
Looper with a big 21.2 mil. Both the top 2 films are from Sony so they had a great weekend. Drop down to #3 is "End of Watch" with an extra 8 mil. Slight drop down to #4 is "Trouble with the Curve" earning another 7.5 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "House At The End of The Street" with another 7.2 mil as this horror may be all played out.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Looks like we only have one wide release as the drama
Won't Back Down only earns a 2.7 mil and the #10 spot this week ... this film grades an F on the opening scale.
Quote of the week:
"The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow." - Rupert Murdoch
Other News:
Here is a very specific list I came across ... top 10 most famous Londoners. Basically the 10 most famous people who were born within the boroughs of the city of London in the UK. #10: Daniel Day Lewis (for acting) - Born in Greenwich in 1957. He is best know for his amazing performances and has won two Academy Awards for "There Will Be Blood" and "My Left Foot." #9: Michael Faraday (for science) - Newington Butts in South London in 1791. Often referred to as the man who invented electricity. #8: John Keats (for poetry) - from Moorgate in the city of London in 1795. Often referred to and has one of the most famous poems called 'Ode to Autumn.' #7: David Beckham (for soccer) - from Leytonstone, East London in 1975. One of the best soccer players in the last decade and now resides in California. #6: David Bowie (for music) - from Brixton in South London in 1947. Popular music for decades and continues to perform today. #5: Clement Attlee (for being the Prime Minister) - from Putney, South-West of London in 1883. He had one of the biggest impacts on the country such as a free health service. #4: Queen Victoria (for being the Monarch) - from Kensington Palace in South-West London in 1819. Ruled during the greatest transformation of the city into the modern day metropolis. #3: Alfred Hitchcock (for film directing) - from Leytonstone, East London in 1899. One of the biggest and best thriller directors of all time and had such classic hits as "Vertigo," "North by Northwest" and "Psycho." #2: Charlie Chaplin (pictured) (for acting/directing) - from Walworth, South-East London in 1889. Classic silent actor who always had a boyish charm and notable performances in "The Tramp" and "The Great Dictator." #1: Samuel Pepys (for being a Londoner) - from Fleet Street in London in 1633. He helped to keep a record of the city itself with his diaries. It represented and told the story as a witness of The Great Plague, The Great Fire and The Second Anglo-Dutch War.
Facts & Tips:
More Siberian tigers live in zoos than in the wild.
"I was thinking more along the lines of the dangerous type. What you hear about
the bad boy, the sexy scumbag, the serial killer who gets married in prison. I
have never felt like that. Until I met you." - Marcia Gay Harden as Liz Whitewood in "Bad News Bears."