This past week actually got cold!! It rained pretty hard Friday night/Saturday morning which was both cool to see and hear. What was really nice was the crisp clean air right after the rain on Saturday afternoon and it had a very "Fall" season feel to it. The wind blowing into the room from the open windows felt and smelled ... fresh. No smog, no smoke filled air, no bad odors ... just fresh.Weekly Update:I pretty much spent the entire week at home, in fact I did spend the entire week not only at home but only in the upstairs part of the house only going downstairs once for no real reason other than to just go. I will probably be upstairs for another week till I have surgery on 10/2 for my neck. I feel like a hermit and all I am missing are a stack of rocks to throw at passing cars ... WHERE ARE MY ROCKS?!?!At the movies:
Zombies take over the weekend as Resident Evil: Extinction takes the box office weekend with 24 million and word is this is the final one on this trilogy based off a popular video game. In at #2 is the romantic comedy Good Luck Chuck with 14 mil with the very unfunny Dane Cook. Holding at #3 is "The Brave One" with 7.4 mil and should be done overall. Also holding on at #4 is the western "3:10 to Yuma" with another 6.4 mil. Rounding off the top is the drama Eastern Promises with 5.7 mil at the box office.New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week, the youthful comedy Sydney White with only 5.3 mil to its name. This modern day teenage version of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" but this time its seven geeks. This film also continues to support my theory that when they use myspace as their official website, don't look for a hit.
Comment Response:None at this time.
Other News:Legendary performer Marcel Marceau passed away Sunday morning, he was 84. For those who may not know the name, you may know the face. He was the iconic white faced, frowned French mime in his classic black and white striped outfit. Definitely a talent of very few words, if any at all, he brought his art form to world acclaim. His silence spoke volumes and now we all join in quiet to remember him, he will be missed.
Facts & Tips:Dragonflies have six legs but cannot walk."Yatta!"- Masi Oka as Hiro Nakamura in the TV series "Heroes."
Summer is truly over (not officially) as the weather drops from 120 to the low 70's during the day, that is quiet a drop and well welcomed at that. Hot is hot but 120 is WAY hot!! I always say, I prefer cold over hot because its easier to warm yourself up then cool yourself down ... well for me anyway.
Weekly Update:This past week was pretty uneventful but also a very short week as last Monday was a holiday and I took the Tuesday off to avoid traffic and just worked from home. So just three days in the office ... it was niiiiiiiice.At the movies:
Bang bang shoot it up western takes the box office crown this past summer weekend as 3:10 to Yuma earns a nice 14.1 million. Holding in at #2 is the "Halloween" remake with another 10 mil. The raunchy comedy of "Superbad" chimes in at #3 with another 8 mil and now over the 100 mil cume mark. Playing through at #4 is "Balls of Fury" earning an extra 5.7 mil more. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Bourne Ultimatum" with 5.5 mil and breaking the 200 mil
cume.New movies that did not make the top 5: Action was for the summer as Shoot 'em Up earns the #6 spot just missing the top 5 with 5.4 mil. At #22 in semi-wide release are The Brothers Solomon with only 525k to its name.
Comment Response:None at this time.
Other News:
The stage is quiet as the opera scene loses a renowned tenor. On Thursday morning the robust Luciano Pavarotti passed away after a year long battle with cancer. What made this singer so unique is he brought opera to the masses. It did not matter if you were an opera fan or not, you could still appreciate the energetic bellows of Pavarotti. If you did not know opera or singers, often his name was used to define and describe opera as a whole. He brought the art center stage for the world to appreciate regardless of personal taste. He will be missed and the stage goes quiet in a big way. He was 71 years old.
Facts & Tips:
The official state gem of Washington is petrified wood."Would it be indecent to ask the grandparents to stay at a hotel?"- Juliette Lewis as Audrey Griswold in "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation."