Did I see some rain?? Are we heading into our traditional raining season (despite not getting it last year)?? We need the rain but will we get enough? My car needs a wash! But the rain we received was early in the morning and very little, just enough to get the ground wet. But I just hope it is the start of bigger and better dark clouds. Kind of funny hoping for rainy weather but when you live in a desert, you want the water and lots of it otherwise everything just dries up and dies. I just hope we are not in store for another dry winter because it is such an issue and problem that has been going on for the past 20 years in Southern California that it will take probably 5 years of good rainy seasons to recover from it, probably more as the population keeps growing the rate it does.
Weekly Update:
What in the world did I do this week?? I don't think I did anything ... Tuesday was nice, no traffic anywhere due to Veteran's Day. Kind of weird having it on a Tuesday rather than a Monday to make a three day week of it for people but at the same time, it is kind of nice to have a little broken up week. I found this cute and inspiring picture which is just to the side ... looks like veterans on a hill with a younger generation saluting them but what I find funny is the quote they choose to use for it ... "Never was so much owed by so many to so few ... " by Winston Churchill, the prime minister of the United Kingdom during World War II. A British quote used for a US image. I know they are allies but still, we couldn't find a US persons quote to use? But thanks to all vets ... they deserve more than just a day.
At the movies:
Not to dumb to take the crown this weekend as "Dumb and Dumber To" earns the #1 spot with 38.1 for it's debut. Just above expectations and word-of-mouth is fair on it. Could potentially crack the 100 mil mark when it is said and done too. Holding ground at #2 is "Big Hero 6" with 36 mil more and has broken the 100 mil ceiling as expected with a nice 111.7 mil cume so far. Potentially 200 mil? Also holding ground is "Interstellar" with another 29.2 mil and it is just shy of 100 mil but should hit it by Tuesday the latest. New at #4 is "Beyond the Lights" with 6.5 mil and almost spot on for expectations. Rounding off the top 5 is "Gone Girl" with 4.6 mil and hanging in the overall top 10 for the last 7 weeks in release!
Quote of the day:
"The best we can do is lean toward the light." - Joseph Campbell
Facts & Tips:
The pound sign, or #, is called an octothorp.
"Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig. Does whatever a Spider-Pig does. Can he swing from a web? No he can't, he's a pig. Look out! He is the Spider-Pig!" - Dan Castellaneta as Homer Simpson in "The Simpson Movie."
My favorite time of year! How sad is that? But honestly, I do like it that it gets darker sooner than later and that we get that extra hour of sleep. I mean I still work up what I thought was 8 but was now 7AM but knowing I could go back to sleep for nothing was still a nice feeling ... the POWER of time! The one time we get it and must use it for good. Unlike that nasty Spring where they take the hour away from us, strip us of this super power ... but to have it back. Silly?! Foolish mortal, this isn't silly, it is power! POWER!!! Ok, maybe it is a bit silly but it sounds like a lot of fun and still, I will take it because I like time but time doesn't like me.
Weekly Update:
Had a very busy week and glad it is over but looking ahead to this week, going to be just as busy I think!!! The days in general were hectic and had to deal with another sick dog. Shadow got sick again but it is her own fault for getting into a bag of what we believe was a bad bag of dog food. We know it was her because she would do that plus she got sick before eating a foster's food which is the same food she got into. So poop everywhere again, fun times. But then Saturday was a long busy day at the annual Stan Lee Comikaze convention. It was bigger this year from last year and managed to snap some pics with some cool folks:
*Jamie Bamber - I know him best for the "Horatio Hornblower" mini-series but a very cool guy!
*Gwendoline Christie - best known as Brienne of Tarth from "Game of Thrones" and super nice!
*Jewel Staite - from "Stargate: Atlantis" and very nice.
*Alex Borstein - from "MadTV" and "Family Guy" and very nice.
At the movies:
Not the superhero but the movie, "Nightcrawler" wins the weekend with 10.9 million for it's debut. Below expectations but still enough to get the crown. Should cap out around mid 20 mil when it is all said and done. Drop to #2 is "Ouija" with another 10.9 mil, just shy of taking #1 but to be honest, it may have been #1 but Universal may have conceded the week. Hanging on to #3 is "Fury" with an extra 9 mil as it continues to roll along. Still going strong at #4 is "Gone Girl" with 8.8 mil extra as it keeps heading to that 150 mil cume mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Book of Life" with another 8.3 mil as it struggles to get to 50 mil cume.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Two but honestly it should be just one ... "Before I Go To Sleep" comes in at #14 with only 2 mil which is pretty bad. New comer Clarius Entertainment hitting solid ... brick on that one. Re-issue 10th Anniversary "Saw" comes in at #21 with only 650k which is extremely below expectations for both films but Halloween fell on that Friday, people do not go to the movie theatre on the day of the event typically.
Quote of the week:
"Only in bed you can be slow, everywhere else you work hard and fast." - Janusz Kaminski, ASC
Facts & Tips:
The smallest mammal in the world is the bumblebee bat, which weighs less than a penny.
"Reno is a lot like Mayberry on the TV except that everyone's on crystal meth and prostitution's legal. " - Robert
Ben Garant as Deputy Travis Junior in "Reno 911!: Miami."