Monday, February 18, 2019

It has been freeeeeezing!!  This is not even typical winter weather for us.  Temps have been in the low 50's, I think it even hit 30 once this past week.  The days are in the 50's to 60's and again, not common for us around here!  I am curious though if we ever get a little rain again at night when it hits 30 ... will it possibly snow a little?  That would be a first ever for this area.  I have seen hail before but never actual snow.  I mean I've seen it snow, just never in Southern California so it would be a first.  Now if we can just get some rain!

Weekly Update:
I discovered cheap nuts!  So why are nuts like almonds and pistachios so expensive?  No idea but was going to buy some from Amazon because it was cheaper than in the stores like Target and grocery stores.  But ... I found out Wal-Mart has them for even cheaper!  like 4x times cheaper than Amazon.  Now I am not a fan of Wal-Mart at all but since I don't have to go into a store and got free delivery so why not.  Got my pistachios, cinnamon almonds, sea salt almonds and the thing I was craving the most ... garlic rye chips!!!  I get them all the time in cracker type mixes but never by themselves and I just want the rye chips ... AND I FOUND THEM!!!  And for cheap!

At the movies:
Big surprise at #1 this weekend as Alita: Battle Angel steals the crown with a hefty 27.8 mil and well above all expectations.  Special effects are driving this film but story seems to hold some interests.  Slight drop to #2 is "Lego Movie 2: The Second Part" with another 21.2 mil as it continues its climb to 100 mil cume.  New at #3 is Isn't It Romantic with 14.2 mil and very close to expectations.  Hanging on to #4 is "What Men Want" with another 10.9 mil and will continue to decline rapidly.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Happy Death Day 2U" with 9.8 mil and also as expected.

Quote of the week:

"Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt." - Herbert Hoover

Facts & Tips:
"Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia" is the technical name for brain freeze.

"I loved you in 'The House Bunny'" - Jordan Peele as Rell Williams in "Keanu."


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