I seriously have no clue what is going on with the weather around here. Last weekend it was hotter than Hades (Holy Hanna!) and what is funny about that (well, not really funny) is I had to spend most of the weekend outside in the sun helping with a charity event last Sunday. So Monday rolls around, is it winter again?! The temps dropped like 20 degrees for the day and at night its borderline turn on the heater. This year has been nothing but unusual weather for So Cali, I mean I like the cool temps and all but make up your mind, I never know if I should wear long sleeves or short .... jeans or shorts ... 3 ice cubes in my soda or 1! CHOICES!!
Weekly Recap:
This past week has been full of meetings for me and on top of all of that I am still trying to get sleep recovery from my recent trip from Vegas. Wednesday night I laid down just to lay down and "snap" I feel asleep! This was like around 10/1030 which is very much not me. I plan to catch up on sleep this weekend though ... finally.

At the movies:

Pixar's Cars was the weekend winner zooming in with a solid 59 million (reported 62.8) at the box office. A much better debut than the #5 seat "Over the Hedge" which brought in an additional 10.3 million for a running total of 145 mil. The #2 spot goes to "The Break-Up" as the romantic comedy boast another 20.5 million. "X3" holds tight on the #3 spot with another 15.5 million and also puts it over the 200 mark domestically. The Omen with its 6/6/06 debut raises 15.4 over the weekend with a 6-day total of 35.7 million.
Q & A:
None at this time.
Other News:
So last week the big news is the US airstrike and killing of terrorist leader Al-Zarqawi. Bush is claiming this as a major victory and immediately following the announcement several bombings took place killing over 40 Iraqi civilians. I personally think the violence will escalate in retaliation. I do hope I am wrong however, I hate to admit this but my predictions and thoughts on the situation have been accurate or are happening which I wish was not the case (ie: increased US death toll, collapsing infra-structure, and more US resentment growing worldwide).

A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon.
"It is anchor*man*, not anchor*lady*. And that is a scientific fact." - David Koechner as Champ Kind in "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy"
Tony, paint has names like that so they can create and sell 500 variations on red! Actually, those names are for people like me who can remember "romantic rose" much easier than "red paint number 249." Oh yeah, and it's all about advertising, Mr. Maketer. Who wouldn't want to sleep in a room painted with "romantic rose?" Ok, maybe me.
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