Lately the parking lots here have been really good in terms of finding a spot! I think its because TV production is over so you don't have to deal with all the staff, crew and talent for one show which can mean up to a few hundred people. And I am sure a very small percentage are carpooling. So now I can come in an hour late and find a really good spot. I wonder when they start up again for the fall season?
Weekly Recap:

E3 is the big electronic gaming convention and I have been trying to go each year for the past 4 to 5 years. Been lucky on getting free passes from some really good friends who work(ed) either at MGM or Sony! So I went on Wednesday of last week and it was HUGE as always. Takes up all 3 convention halls at the LA Convention Center and of course Sony and Microsoft/X-Box were the two biggies. Nintendo was pretty big but they were really focused on their upcoming Wii which didn't seem that awesome to me while it floored others. I did some very cool W.W.II games that I would like to play but at E3 what you see is usually upcoming stuff so I may have to wait awhile on some. But boy, my feet were beat! It is a LOT of walking and my $2.50 can of Sierra Mist tasted only $2.23 worth.

Mission Impossible: III holds on to the #1 spot this weekend with a decent 24.5 million. I hear that is what Paramount folks expected however I am sure that is adjusted due to the poor opening weekend last week. Debuting in the #2 spot this weekend was Poseidon at 20.3 million which is a poor opening consider the price tag for this film. Sony's RV holds onto #3 in its third week at 9.5 which is a good number. Just My Luck starts off not so great at #4 with 5.5 million. To round off the top 5 is An American Haunting with a good 3.7 million.
Actually the four-leaf clover is not just from a kit but its a very random and rare occurrence in general. If you come across a field of clovers, there is like a 1 in 1 million chance that you will find a four-leaf.
Other News:
The "Minute Men" had their caravan to DC last week and boy, this is a group of vigilantes that is like a powder-keg ready to explode. What bothers me about this group is they are clearly centered and focused on one group, Mexicans. Last I checked, there were no Minute Men groups on the Canadian borders or even on seaside areas. They are primarily focused (well, actually all focused) in either Texas or Arizona. Yes, I can see them monitoring our Canadian borders from Flagstaff, AZ. If you are going to have an organization like this, it has to be national and not just one region. I am waiting for the day it becomes violent ...

Facts & Tips:
The first jukebox was located in San Francisco in 1899.
"I'm surrounded by idiots."- Jeremy Irons as Scar in "The Lion King".
Tony, I haven't read any stats on 4 leaf clovers before. I found them multiple times as a child, just looking through the clover patches and counting leaves. It really wasn't hard. So maybe scientists aren't as patient as children and it's just easier for them to calculate a statistic rather than sit down and count the leaves out first hand.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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