I can't believe its been over a week already since my last edition ... where in the world is the time going?!? I have no clue, I'm losing track of time but I am not sure if that is bad or good.
Nothing really exciting happened this week. Had a charity mixer for the organization I am part of called Young Variety at a Spanish Tapas Bar. It was a mild success but still a very good time. What freaks me out the most is when people know who I am but I have no clue who they are! Ok, what have they heard and who do I have to silence?
General Movie stuff:

Its been fairly busy lately but that is a good thing. Eventhough Vegas is gone and done with, the next project is up and going. I have been working on our department's new website. Its still in development stages but by end of April it should be up and running 100% and the new look is pretty cool (IMO) and its bringing the current site into the year 2000! But I guess that goes for all technology type of things that they progress and get bigger and better. I also heard they are building some bungalow's for Nicole Kidman on the lot ... but who knows if that is true and its hard to tell because they are doing all different kinds of construction on the lot!
None for this go around.
Other News:
Was listening to the news recently and they were discussing the "Kyoto Treaty". Basically its an agreement by a country to make a more consencious effort to help the environment. It's not mandating anything or saying you must do this but merely saying, "hey ... give green a chance." 150 nations have signed this agreement except the US. Bush for some reason refuses to sign it but this is no big surprise to me at all since he is a big oil man (with MANY oil friends). Most of his personal income outside of what he makes from being the US President deals with oil and resources associated with that like electricity. A pact like this potentially can dent his income in a huge manner.
Facts and Tips:
When the moon is directly overhead you weigh slightly less.

"Ted, while I agree that, in time, our band will be most triumphant. The truth is, Wyld Stallyns will never be a super band until we have Eddie Van Halen on guitar."- Alex Winter as Bill S. Preston, Esq. in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure".
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