Still trying to shake this running nose that came with the set of sore throat and cough last week from Vegas. Other than the non-stop nose issue, I feel perfectly fine.
The weather here lately has been very odd. It feels more like the midwest with the ever changing patterns.

Above is one of the pics I took on the road to Vegas last week. The skies were so blue and the clouds so puffy, it was one of the best scenic drives I have ever taken on that road.
Movie Review:
Recently I watched a film called Bride & Prejudice starring Aishwarya Rai and Martin Henderson. It is directed by the same lady who did "Bend it Like Beckham" and its a great mix of Hollywood and Bollywood.
I am not familiar at all with Jane Austin's Pride & Prejudice but from what I have been told, this is a pretty good version of it with a comedic and musical twist. It has several dance and musical numbers you would find in a Bollywood style film. Aishawarya (sitting on the bed in the below photo) has to be one of the most beautiful women on the face of this earth.
I won't go into the story because its kind of complicated and too long for me to type. But again, if you are familiar with Pride & Prejudice then that is all you need to know. I give this film **** (4 out of 5 stars) and its rated PG. Its odd though because there was no kissing ... I think for Bollywood one kiss can change the rating from a G to PG and two kisses from PG to R! This film is now out on DVD by Miramax Home Entertainment.
Q&A Section:
Some questions asked from the previous post. First one was about the "Female Star of Tomorrow" and who that is. Her name is Jennifer Hudson and she was a contestant on one of the seasons of American Idol. She is starring in the upcoming film "Dreamgirls" with Jamie Foxx, Beyonce Knowles and Eddie Murphy. She plays Effie White and its based on a Broadway musical about a trio of black female soul singers that cross over to the pop charts in the early 1960's.
The next question was in regards to Dakota Fanning and her award that she won. She received the "Best Supporting Actress" award from ShoWest from her recent rolls in both "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise and "Dreamer" with Kurt Russell. The difference is because Jennifer Hudson recieved the "Tomorrow" award because she basically isn't a name in the business and this could be her break-out role so to speak. Dakota has been acting for the past 6 or so years (she is currently 12) and has a large body of work which include "I Am Sam", "Uptown Girls", "Hide and Seek", "The Cat in the Hat" and "Man on Fire" in addition to the previous two listed ... and that is just some of her credits.
The last question was regarding the percentages of who was in the green room. I really don't know what the point was given who was in there. I don't think some of those folks should have been there but that is me.
"According to Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods. They ruled their universe with absolute power! Well that football field out there tonight, that's our universe. Let's rule it like Titans!"- Denzel Washington as Coach Boone in "Remember the Titans".
I love the snake dance in Bride and P. It made me laugh out loud in the theater.
I love it when Adena laughs--and even better when she tapdances!
ok I don't know what to make of that snake dance ... it seemed like it was added for filler and yet it was just awkward.
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