I am not a HUGE chocolate fan but I do enjoy the occasional cookie or cake, but just not a big "chocolate lover" as I know many folks are and they "die" for it. I was in line today paying for my lunch when I noticed a jar of chocolate chips. They had other toppings like granola and such because it was right next to the frozen yogurt/soft ice cream machine and you help yourself to the toppings. Just like the chocolate chips I have at home in a jar for the next time I use them ... they were covered in the color white. What causes this or what makes chocolate chips get this way however they are still very usable? Curious.
Weekly Recap:
Kind of a very quiet week wich was nice. I got a chance to play a bunch on the computer ... fun times. The weather here overall was relatively nice. Some light rain, clouds, not too cold and was breezy a day. We are suppose to get some rain and thunderstorms late this week but t-storms here ... its like being stung by a bee that had no stinger to begin with, like some deformed/mutant bee ... poor bee.
At the movies:
Didn't see anything lately other than some stuff on TV. Like I said, kind of a quiet week this week.
Ice Age: The Meltdown was able to remain #1 at the box office again making just over 30 million. That puts the film over 200 million world-wide for the first 10-days. Other openings were The Benchwarmers that did 20 million (decent but not great), Take the Lead with almost 13 million (not that good) and Inside Man with 9 million (pretty good because its week #3 for them making it a total of about 66 million). Rounding out the top 5 is Lucky Number Slevin which did only 7 million (very bad considering its high powered cast) ... yep, another fine film from the new MGM distribution. They are now officially 0-2. When you make a come-back, you do not want to have these kinds of numbers out the gate.I got a last minute invite to the premiere of "American Dreamz" last night starring Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid and Hugh Grant. The basic movie premise is about a reality game show that makes one lucky American the next pop music idol and at the same time, the film views a President who doesn't have a clue what is going on merging the two worlds together while throwing in a terrorist faction cell who love the show but hate the President ...
That is the sum up and basically this movie is spoofing America's current "water cooler" topics. Unfortunately it lacks being funny when its suppose to be and the performances were all very sub-standard which is unfortunate with a semi-decent cast. The portrayal of the clueless President (Quaid) was actually kind of entertaining and clearly makes many references to our current President with so many similarities (ie: no grasp of reality, drunken-stooper past, father was President). With the President just winning his 2nd term election, "American Dreamz" gets rated the #1 show in America (if not the world) and they set for another season with an extremely shallow host (Grant). They try and recruit a spectrum of contestants (Moore) for the show trying to be diverse, controversial and human all at the same time. Some of the singing performances were pretty good but also a lot were just corny. Eventually a contestant gets in who was once training in Afghan in a terrorist camp and was sent to the OC because ... he kept fouling up. They sent him away just to get rid of him and in a strange twist of events, he gets on the show and they then call upon him for Martydom! However he has gotten a great taste of America and its people ... his dream(z) are now elsewhere. This all comes together when the President becomes a guest judge on "American Dreamz" ...I don't think I would rent this film and just wait for it on TV if I wanted to see it again.
It comes out later this month and its rated PG13 for brief strong language and sexual references. I give this * 1/2 (1.5 out of 5) stars because some of the singing was decent.
A good thing out of last night was I was able to get a few pictures with some peeps:
Dennis Quaid
Sam Golzari
Jeffrey Ross
Ralph Garman (mostly known for local radio station DJ at KROQ)
None this time around.
Other News:
I heard on the radio last week that ginseng causes ovarian type cancer cells to self-disentergrate or destroy itself! Wow ... this was only one study so far but I am sure with these kinds of findings, more studies are sure to be on the way soon! Can you imagine if this natural ingredient can do this ... buy ginseng stock and what a huge medical break through this would be!!Facts and Tips:
The first VCR was made in 1956 and was the size of a piano.
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning."- Robert Duvall as Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore in "Apocalypse Now".
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