What is the big fascination with getting an autograph from someone famous or of that nature were they are a "big deal" to you? I can understand if you get it in person or even have it personalized but buying it at like a collectors store or online? How do I know its authentic is my first concern and what they are asking for a signed picture sometimes is just crazy. Why? I will admit I have items that are signed but that is either because 1) I meet them, 2) Friend got it for me because of personal relationships or 3) I don't have a reason for this one but I thought 3 points was necessary. Fraud is a big business in this area so I question many items out there that I see. Once I was with my friend Tony Chui checking things on the internet and we found on E-Bay a signed jacket by "John Woo" (can't remember what movie it was for, maybe Mission Impossible II). Well Tony is the nephew of John and he spotted right away it was completely fake. We notified E-Bay but not sure if we caught it in time or not since the auction was only going for another day. But without him there and knowing it was fake ... how else can we verify these things? The item even came with a COA (Certificate of Authenticty) but obvioulsy that is fake as well. I actually make COA's all the time for various items that work has donated for charity ... they are EASY to produce and make-up.
Weekly Recap:
Last Tuesday night I took a free Improv class from my friend Bill Chott. It was pretty fun and it focused more on social skills and just being yourself rather than trying to be funny. The funny just kind of comes out naturally from there if you take everything more lightly. I may take some more classes and see how those are. Not that I want to be any kind of comedian, I just think its fun to have that in your background. More on that if it develops.
At the movies:

I went to another "Hollywood Collectors" show ... another nerd fest but got some cool, wierd and "ok" pics with some folks:
Allyce Beasley- so incredibly sweet
Bonnie Aarons- not so well known but was very nice
Cindy Pickett- so so
Cindy Williams- so so
Corin Nemec- very cool guy
Dick Christie- blah
Marla Pennington- blah
Gary Busey- woah ... crazy is a crazy does
Kevin Sorbo- very nice guy
Michael Bailey Smith- interesting
Michael J. Anderson- cool dude
Rip Taylor- sweet man
Vern Troyer- hmmmm, jury is still out
Michael York- very very nice, extremely cool
None at this time.
Other News:
No child left behind ... except in the US. So the drop out rate from high school has dropped from 3.8% in 2004 to 3.5% in 2005 ... that still seems bad. The program Bush put into place since he took office is nothing short of failure. One thing in his more recent update is he wants to do away with vocational programs (tradeskill classes). There are thousands of kids out there who are content with learning a specific skill like car repair or construction and either 1) do not want to go to higher education or 2) can not afford it. At least with vocational opportunities in high school, they stay in school to learn the trade and if anything walk away with a diploma and a valuable skill that can put them in the work force immediately (and probably earn more money than a college degree might offer). College isn't for everyone, not just in cost but on many other levels. Why eliminate an option?

Facts and Tips:
The Average American walks 18,000 steps a day.
"Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, d**kheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude."- Edie McClurg as Grace, the Secretary in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".
I agree about the autograph thing. Seems a little more than off. The teachers I've spoken to in Texas say that the "no child left behind" is just a bunch of extra paper work; teachers making documentation. That said, the only way to fix said problem is by restructuring the home.
Tony, you don't need an improv class--you are all ready funny! I suppose you are taking it to show off your skills.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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