Here in Vegas AGAIN but this time for a different convention. The sad part about it is I am at the same hotel and almost for the same amount of time as last time. Instead of Sunday through Friday, this trip is only Sunday through Wednesday. Technically though this convention is a Friday through Thursday night ... thank goodness I don't have to attend everything and stay as long. I like Vegas and all but not in such large increments. I tell people this all the time, 1 day in Vegas = 3 days in real life ... its like dog years. So

Weekly Recap:
Last Monday I had my Improv Showcase as I mentioned before. There were two groups there, the intermediate group (Grandma Smut) and our beginning group (first called "4 Weeks in May" and then became "Howard's End"). The first piece was a joint act between the two classes that went very well. Then the intermediates took stage left and we performed. I got to say, I was surprised at the laughs we got. The crowd wasn't HUGE, it was around 15 people but its also a very small space. We did about 30 minutes of various acts/games while the audience gave us situations much like the TV show "Who's Line Is It Anyway?". There was a camera crew there filming one of the guys in our group because they are doing a documentary on him possibly for HBO. His name is Howard (hence the team name) and maybe I can get a copy of that. But all in all it was a great night, much laughs and totally fun. We had an awesome teacher and friend!

X-Men The Last Stand takes the holiday weekend #1 spot with an estimated 120 million! The last installment for this action trilogy opens big despite a new director. The Da Vinci Code comes in 2nd with a big 43 million on the easy road to a cool 200+ million. Over the Hedge pulls in another 35 million as this animated laugher struggles to reach 150 million domestic. M:I:III pulls in another 8.5 as it continues its downward spiral and finishing off the top 5 is Posiedon with 7 million, this boat is pretty much sunk.
I haven't seen The Da Vinci Code but I am in no real hurry either ... I hear the movie is so-so and the question on most people's mind is "what is up with Tom's hair??"
Other News:
The Great Wall of Bush! So they are (or it seems they are going to) build a wall seperating Mexico from the US. I think of what walls have done in the past and who built them ... The Great Wall of China build to protect the dynasties from mongal invaders from Mongolia and Manchuria. Protection and preservation of a people from invading hordes. The Berlin Wall, built by East Germany (approved and occupied by the Soviets) to prevent the mass exodus to West Germany because there was a better life away from occupation. And now Bush Jr's legacy is a wall to divide two countries because ... um, what was the reason again? The Statue of Liberty states:
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
I guess that excludes Mexico ... or to quote a movie line from Lethal Weapon 4, "sign says no vacancy".
Facts & Tips:

Add up opposing sides of a dice cube and you'll always get seven.
"The Tuck Pendleton machine: zero defects."- Dennis Quaid as Lt. Tuck Pendleton in "Innerspace".
ah, Vegas...the sweet scent of cigarette smoke in my hair, svelte grandmas in miniskirts and polo-clad kids swearing.
Wait is Bush building the wall himself? Checks and balances....don't both the house and senate need to approve the bill? All the credit or blame can't be laid on the shoulders of Bush, wouldn't you agree? How do you think the problem of illegal immigration can be solved?
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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