has started, now the summer is in full gear as the temps rise to the 90's and close to a 100. However the nights are gentler with the breeze and are do-able for me. We got this thing hooked up to our AC unit from Edison that regulates and monitors our usage over the summer and then we get a montly rebate for a certain amount based on the usage. It can actually turn off our AC but it only works during peak hours. I like to conserve if I can, maybe this will help.
Weekly Recap:
The Vegas convention last week was pretty much ... a snoooze. What I do not understand is why do you need an open bar during lunch when you have a full agenda of meetings and seminar type stuff well into dinner? Wine service as well as the bar during lunch, it doesn't make sense! In fact, they probably could have saved thousands of dollars if they eliminated those for lunch. Dinner, I totally get it. Lunch too if it was the only or last thing planned for the day but it never was!! These people do not make any sense to me.
At the movies:

Question was brought up about Bush and his wall - YES, Bush is building the wall himself! Didn't you see him in his construction overalls with some tools and bricks? He may be our dumbest president ever but he can work up a wall. Actually I am not 100% sure but I do believe he could build a wall if he wanted to using troops instead of contractors. Today governor Schwarzenegger finally approved the sending of CA National Guard Troops to help secure/patrol the border because the Bush adminstration agreed to pay the bill for them to be there. How would I solve the immigration problem? Not an easy question ... but I would probably start with more funds to border patrols as a start. More men, more and better equipment like night vision and dune buggies along with helicopters. And I like the idea of a work-visa program as well.
Other News:
On May 27th, Paul Gleason passed away. Many may not know the name but what they will know is Principle Vernon from The Breakfast Club. Additional famous roles include Clarence Beeks from "Trading Places" and Police Chief Dwayne Robinson in "Die Hard". However he was the principle ... and always will be. He was 67 and died of a rare form of cancer, will be missed...

Facts & Tips:
The US is the largest country named after a real person (Amerigo Vespucci).
"Don't mess with the bull, young man. You'll get the horns."- Paul Gleason as Principal Richard Vernon in "The Breakfast Club".
I'll go patrol the border if I get to wear night vision and drive a dune buggy:)
"Does Barry Manilow know you raided his closet?"
Oh, The Breakfast Club.
That is a great quote but not a Paul one =)
Judd Nelson
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
I find some information here.
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