There has been these kind of cool four seater bicycle's for sale on the lot. They are a little big but its the kind of thing that would be a cool ride around the lot on or in a park ... they are selling them for $1,000 each which I guess is a decent price if they are constructed well. I think I would still prefer a golf cart though ... I love me them golf carts.
Weekly Recap:

Went out to Malibu on Saturday for the 5th Annual Pat Notaro Surfers Healing event. Children with autism got a chance to go out on the surf and it was a very cool event. Free food, awesome weather and autistic kids having the time of their lives. I only got lost by 15 miles, not too bad! This event also helped raise $15,000 for the organization and its also in memory of Pat Notaro.
Last Wednesday the charity in which I am the treasurer for had another mixer at Joseph's in Hollywood. We raised a little money but it was a good time. We were competing against two other events that evening that the same folks would come to our mixer so turn-out was noticably less than normal. But, what can you do ... still was fun!
Also during the week I met Don Payne, the writer for an upcoming movie called My Super Ex-Girlfriend. He is currently one of the writers of The Simpsons and was signed up to do the screenplay for the next Fantastic Four film recently. Very nice guy!
At the movies:

Q & A:
None at this time ... I don't think.
Other News:
Interesting stuff going on in the (of course) political circle. I guess it was considered "bad form" and "simply do not do it" to talk/discuss ill of your own political party publicly. Senator John McCain recently spoke about the lack of plan in Iraq and basically the party needs to fix itself if they are going to win in 2008. The president's popularity drops even more (can you go negative?!) and sadly as I posted before, 17 troops were killed in Iraq this past week not counting the two soldiers who were captured and beheaded. Bush keeps saying, "Stay the course ..." but there is no course. Also McCain discussed the economy and the even growing deficit since Bush took office. The surplus we were heading for after Clinton completely

Another interesting occurance is Schwarzenegger refusing Bush's request to send additional reserves to the US/Mexico border. Good for him ... however, the wall continues to be built. Funny how they say the reservist are there to help police the area (yet can not arrest anyone). Everytime they show a clip on the news or photo of the wall being built ... hey, lookie ... those guys look like reservist, not construction workers. Talk about building on the cheap and also, talk about avoiding the red tape for this legacy he is creating.
Facts & Tips:

The mouth of the Statue of Liberty is 3 feet wide.
"You know, there's a lesson here, which is never try to make life or death decisions when you're feeling suicidal."- Warren Beatty as Senator Jay Billington Bulworth in "Bulworth".
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