Monday, September 21, 2020

Worst site ever!

A much better week this past week then the previous one on both weather and air quality.  The fires for the most part have either subsided or greatly reduced.  The hot temperatures were better, still hot, but the nights helped out by dropping down in the 60's.  We did have a nice 4.8 earthquake not too far in the middle of the week ... I feel like that can happen when you have some high varying temperature changes going on all the time.  Plus the shifting of the earth plates help too.  But as far as earthquakes go, it was a nice shaker and lasted for maybe 3 seconds (but always feels like 10) and no visible damage.  Definitely anything under a 5 is a ripple for us plus we have earthquakes going on all the time, we just don't feel them unless they hit maybe a 3 or higher.

eekly Update:
This new blog site just flat out SUCKS!!!  I know I've complained about it in the past but it keeps getting worse and worse.  What improvements were made with this move?  None that I can see so far and things are just getting worse especially with picture adding and placement.  I finally provided some feedback but will that even help or be read and recognized?  I don't know and if it does, will they or can they even do anything?  How difficult was it to bring the add photo/image from the old site to the new?  Why did they have to add 1 or 2 additional steps and change the format when it was just fine and ... I don't know, worked?  I very much dislike new programs that replace old ones to help make things easier but a lot of times, they make it even more complicated.  A prime example is when businesses started using a program called zendesk for e-mailing customers back ... HOW can you make e-mailing so much more complicated?!  Not sure but they found a way!

At the movies:
For the third week in a row, "Tenet" remains #1 with 4.7 million and now about a 36 mil cume.  Hard to say if this is good or great but I think it lands some where in between with the limited capacity.  Holding at #2 is "The New Mutants" with 1.6 mil and it has a cume of just over 17 mil so far.  New at #3 is Infidel with 1.5 mil and a good number for an independent studio.  Dropping down to #4 is "Unhinged" with 1.3 mil and a cume of just over 15 mil from another indie studio.  Rounding off the top 5 is "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run" with 210K being added to it's 4 million cume.

Quote of the week:
"Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." - Mother Teresa

Facts & Tips:
Alaska is the most Eastern and Western state in the U.S.

"One particle of unobtainium has a nuclear reaction with the flux capacitor - carry the 2 - changing its atomic isotoner into a radioactive spider.  Fuck you, Science!" - Channing Tatum as Jenko in "21 Jump Street."


At September 22, 2020, Blogger Unknown said...

That's funny. Today is the first time using this site in like 9 years and I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to add a photo. Once I did, I don't like it at all. Now I'm trying to figure how to get rid of dead links in the side table.

At September 22, 2020, Blogger Unknown said...

actually disregard my last post regarding this site... it's actually Wordpress I haven't used in forever but still same problem... adding photos not as easy as it used to be

At September 26, 2020, Blogger McDuck said...

Yep ... I sent feedback about the change, specifically the photo management last week. No reply as of yet but not surprised either.


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