Going Dutch!

Weekly Update:So I've been watching Amazon for this dutch oven I have been wanting to get and I noticed, prices fluctuate SO MUCH. Not just daily but almost hourly! I didn't get it right away when it was $54 with free shipping because I was waiting on some gift cards for Amazon. And when I got them, the price went up to $76 with no free shipping. Since then it has changed from that to $59 with and without free shipping and back up to $70 - $80 with and without free shipping. In one day it changed maybe 5 times and I didn't know that was possible. It was kind of like watching an e-bay sale go on but instead of bidding going higher it would change up and down based on popularity or something. Well I have the gift cards and in no rush to get it so I can wait till it drops back down (hopefully).
At the movies:
The new box office continues to grow slowly but surely. Up first at #1 is "The New Mutants" with 7 million. Not a bad number at all considering the limitations out there. At 2nd is "Unhinged" with another 2.6 mil. New at #3 is "Bill & Ted Face the Music" hitting theatres after being on VOD for 1.1 mil. New at #4 is "The Personal History of David Copperfield" with 520K. Last up is "Words on Bathroom Walls" with 453K.
Quote of the week:
"It is not so much our friends' help that help us, as the confidence of their help." - Epicurus
Facts & Tips:Before 1687 clocks were made with only an hour hand.
"I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell. An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance." - Craig Parker as Haldir in "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers."
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