Monday, August 03, 2020

The New Blog Format!

HOT!  Wow, this week was definitely the hottest we have had all Summer, actually all year!  Though it didn't get to 100 degrees around here, it did hit mid 90's which is pretty dang hot and no breezes during those peak times to cool things off.  One thing I have noticed a lot lately is we seem to have this very unique weather pattern almost every single day.  So the nights are really nice and cool to cold.  But it stays in the 60's range till about maybe 10AM.  Then it heats up to the 70's (which is fine) till about 1PM.  Then it can go into the 80's to 90's from there but, at about 530 PM to around close to 8PM, we get this high amount of humidity which makes no sense.  But I can almost set my watch to it which makes it even more strange.  So next week it's supposed to be cooler, we shall see!

Weekly Update:
So Blogger changed it's format and it went into affect last month.  I held off on transitioning, I mean anyone who might read this, won't know the difference to be honest.  So far, it isn't great but may take time to just get used to it maybe.  Everything seems just as difficult as before (the things that were difficult) and the things that were simple, are a bit more complicated.  So not really sure why the change and if this will be better or not, yet.  A new feature is I can put a title to each blog, but I mean in honesty I could have done that anyway with the first line of the blog post itself.  Again, not sure if that made any difference.  So initial thoughts, below fair, I would currently rank it around a 3 in functions, 5 on comparison (to the previous tools) and 4 ease-of-use (so far).  One tool I would love to have back that they took away, spell checker.

At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

The Alameda Theatre in Alameda, Ca.  Originally built in 1932, it showcased two new movies at the time, “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” and “Laurel and Hardy in The Chimp."  In 1979, the theatre closed and became a roller rink and then later a gymnastics's studio.  Later, the theatre was closed and re-open showing movies once again prior to the current pandemic.

Quote of the week:
"Hope is patience with the lamp lit." - Tertullian

Facts & Tips:
If you doubled one penny every day for 30 days, you would have $5,368,709.

"Cartographer, linguist, plumber.  Hard to believe he's still single." - Claudia Christian as Helga in "Atlantis: The Lost Empire."


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