Weekly Update:
The other day I grabbed a diet coke and thought one or two glasses shouldn't affect me in sleeping since it was past 4 PM. So I am not 100% sure if that was the reason or not but I couldn't sleep till around 3:30 AM that same night! And I had to wake up around 6 AM as well! What was even more strange was through the day after I wasn't very tired as I thought I would be but believe me, I took some naps when I could! Falling asleep the next day was not a challenge for me and I just wish I could do that every night! But then I don't want to make that the routine of staying up till 4 AM every other night.

Laughing all the way the way to #1 is Joker with a hefty 93.5 million for it's debut. Well above all estimations and could be a record for an October release or at least up there! Solid word-of-mouth for this film and award buzz to boot. Look for this one to finish strong north of 250. Holding at #2 is "Abominable" with another (and distant) 12 mil as it quickly chills out at the box office. Drop down to #3 is "Downtown Abbey" with 8 mil as it struggles along in the theatrical realm. Hanging on to #4 is "Hustlers" with 6.3 mil as it is just shy of 100 mil, may get that within the next 10-days. Rounding off the top 5 is "IT: Chapter Two" with 5.4 mil as it just passes the 200 mil cume mark.
Quote of the week:
"Change before you have to." - Jack Welch
The human brain is about 80% water.
"Primitive cultures." - Eliza Roberts as Brunella in "National Lampoon's Animal House."
"Primitive cultures." - Eliza Roberts as Brunella in "National Lampoon's Animal House."
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