Monday, August 04, 2014

And the heat continues on!  It even brought some rain with it which was really nice but very little, we need some major t-storms and down pours for days please!  I don't want to run the AC because that uses so much electricity plus the fact it feels odd to have it running all day and then turn it off at night, open the windows and let all that created cold air go out the window.  Is it just me or does that seem odd to anyone else?  Anyone?  Anyone?  But I will say this, the humidity has been bringing some crazy clouds like it should be cold and going to rain soon ... but no cold.  Just rain ... would like a lot more of both please, we can really use it!

Weekly Update:
So this was a little interesting of a week.  Went to visit an old friend and in that course, we ended up staying to watch the Chelsea Lately show which, I have to say, runs like a well-oiled machine in just under 25 minutes flat but watching her do a monologue, she is completely dead-pan boring.  The round table of guests were over doing it for the most part and the main guest was Kelsey Grammer who seemed nice but alas, did not get to met him.  I just realized that is the third time he has eluded me but this particular time was the closest I have gotten to him, oh well, perhaps another time and place.  But other than that, the week was for the most part quiet as usual ... boring and quiet.

At the movies:
And the winner is .... no surprise at all as Guardians of the Galaxy hits BIG with a solid 94 million to open.  Way above all expectations and Disney/Marvel continues to steamroll all the competition in this film genre!  Holding ground at #2 is "Lucy" with another 18.3 mil as it gets closer to that 100 mil cume and should reach it in the next couple of weeks.  New at #3 is the bio-pic Get On Up with 14 mil, almost on point for opening expectations and should do well overall.  Drop to #4 is "Hercules" with 10.7 mil extra and just no more muscle in this film to carry it further.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" with another 8.7 mil as it struggles to reach 200 mil cume but should hit it sooner than later.

Quote of the week:
"Get your criminal attorney now.  Should something go south, you won't have the luxury of shopping around." - Paula Poundstone

Facts & Tips:
Louisiana is home to over 80% of the world's crayfish.

"*Him*? You fell in love with a boy?" - Abigail Breslin as Olive Hoover in "Little Miss Sunshine."


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