Ah the weather ... and how much you suck. Well I guess the nice weather couldn't have lasted as a heat wave hit and hit hard. I mean the nights were good but the days hit the high 80's to low 90's and sometimes felt even warmer without the breezes. They say it will get cooler but we shall see. All you want to do is find some cool spot to do nothing and that is what I hope to do ... 1) find that cool spot and 2) hope to do nothing. Not too much to ask for, is it? I would sit in front an open fridge if I knew it wouldn't waste so much electricity but it sure does! Homer Simpson did that once and it looked like fun ... sitting in front of a fridge with a sheet to make it like a tent and eating food as you need it because it was all right there. But in the end the motor burned out and I suspect that isn't too far from the truth not to mention the electricity bill that may have rung up or could have it one did that but I won't find out!
Weekly Update:
So what went on this week ... hmmm, nothing again? I am that boring and doing nothing? I need to find something and soon or I will go a bit stir crazy ... unless I have already and did not realize it. That is a very distinct possibility!!! I want to be free (with snow!) like this little dog in the picture. He doesn't have a care in the world and rightly so. I wish life can be like this, snow running and not caring but alas, that is not how it is. But I think that is part of the dream, no? Problem with that is money ... need to work to keep working and then you have to work some more, it just never ends. Depressing, I know.
At the movies:
World domination has started for the apes! As expected, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes takes the box office crown this weekend with a staggering 73 million for it's debut. Over 10 million the predicted estimations but I did mention it would break 60 mil easily. Big drop to #2 is "Transformers: Age of Extinction" earning an additional 16.5 mil as it passes the 200 mil mark. Holding ground at #3 is "Tammy" with another 12.9 mil as it tries to reach 100 mil cume but will likely fall short. Holding at #4 is "22 Jump Street" earning 6.7 mil more as it tries to make its way to 200 mil cume but will also likely fall short. Rounding off the top 5 is "How to Train Your Dragon 2" with 5.9 mil extra and has reached 152 mil cume which isn't as hopeful of a number as most expected.
Quote of the week:
"A producer is a rare, paradoxical genius: hard-headed, soft-hearted, cautious, reckless, a hopeful innocent in fair weather, a stern pilot in stormy weather, a mathematician who prefers to ignore the laws of mathematics and trust intuition, an idealist, a realist, a practical dreamer, a sophisticated gambler, a stage-struck child. That's a producer." - Oscar Hammerstein II
Facts & Tips:
In Texas, it is illegal to graffiti someone's cow.
"They can't know the truth! The truth, you see, is bad! I will be branded with this mistake for the rest of my life! My children's children will walk down the street and people will point and say, "Look, there goes the spawn of Flik the Loser"!" - Dave Foley as Flik in "A Bug's Life."
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