I am out and about traveling and was in Kansas City late in the week and then came into Orlando, Florida for an annual convention. Kansas was fun and there is so much to do there ... if you like to eat meat. Lot of places that serve ... beef but I guess it's about the BBQ. It was all pretty good but funny how the good stuff I had was seafood and Italian foods, go figure that one out. But I did get to meet A LOT of old friends I use to work with at the theatres so it was like going to a big reunion.
Weekly Update:

Other than the traveling, this week has been pretty basic but most of all tiring. Trying to adjust to odd and strange new places completely wrecks my sleeping schedule for at least a couple of days till I can just adjust. Hopefully by the time this week is over I will be use to it ... and then I go home which will throw me off again because of the three-hour time difference. I guess it does beat taking very small 1 to 2 day type of trips and having to go out, come home, go out, come home again ... I DO NOT MISS that from the previous job. I would say 98% of those trips were absolutely pointless and a big waist of time and money. I am glad now that I can decide if they are necessary and they actually take my advice. From what I hear, I have been pretty dang accurate on the meetings/"conventions" I have missed because they were either total duds or total busts. But I do believe I have said in the past that stupidity rules at the old job ... and I guess the tradition continues on.

No surprise here as the pooch takes the weekend crown for "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" earns another 17.5 million. New at #2 is the horror Quarantine as it scares up 14.2 mil. Also new at #3 is Body of Lies as it shows up with 13.1 mil. Hanging in at #4 is "Eagle Eye" with an extra 11 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" with another 6.5 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5: We do have some this week as The Express comes in at #6 with only 4.7 mil. Showing up at #10 is City of Ember with a very disappointing 3.2 mil for it's debut and FoxWalden continues to flounder at the box office.
Quote of the week:
"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell'em 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt
Comment Response:
Tina Fey is from SNL and "30 Rock", you are thinking of Julia Louis-Dreyfus who was in "Seinfeld."
Other News:

Seems like the only real news these days is the economy and even that is taking the spotlight from the Presidential race. Not only is our economy dropping like flies but so is the world market, namely Iceland as it plummets into a strange depression. What is funny about our system today is that we should be in a depression but compared to the 1920's and 30's you don't necessarily feel it immediately or the impact isn't as severe as it would have been then. But anyway you look at it or call it, it is there and we are in it but the majority of folks are able to stay above it even if so slightly. The US dollar continues to grow weaker and weaker in the global market but I guess if we still have checks in the checkbook, it must mean we still have money to spend!

A group of cats is called a clowder.
"To fight back when I'm attacked? A dog has that kind of courage."- Rose Byrne as Briseis in "Troy."
Duh---I do beat all.
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