I just noticed last Monday that when I post my weekly blog, it shows the date of the creaton of the post and not the actual post date. I can't seem to find an option on here to change it where it shows the date it was posted. I usually start the blog for the next week the Tuesday after because as stuff happens or when stuff comes to me to write down, I start composing it. So I guess what I need to do is add a date as the very first item so folks (who actually read this) know what week its for. Unless someone can tell me how to fix it where it uses the date that the blog was posted ... I can't find it.
Weekly Recap:
This week has been pretty busy work-wise for me. Its funny when you really don't have a lot going on yet it seems way busier? Traffic has gotten lighter though for the most part, my guess is summer classes are over and so I will get a good two weeks (this past week and this current week) before it starts to get busy again. The week after labor day is the worst though ... not looking forward to it at all.
At the movies:

Q & A:
None at this time.
Other News:

One has to wonder lately as nature goes into tailspins around the world how the typical weather patterns we are use to having seem to have disappeared. Is most of this simply coincidence or is there more evidence to support the theories of global warming? There is a move out called An Inconvienent Truth presented by former Vice President Al Gore where he points out these very issues. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet but everyone I know that has seen it highly recommends it and say its an "eye-opener". You also have to think, "What has this current adminstration done to prevent or help the enviroment?" The answer quite simply is ... nothing. In fact they have made it worse with opening up wildlife reserves for possible oil drilling, no funds to R&D for alternative fuel sources AND swept under the rug the idea of an 100% oiless consumer vehicle. Another movie documentary this year on this very subject points out the lack of government support called Who Killed the Electric Car?. Talk about leaving something for future generations ... too bad it won't be much.

Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific and set on the Atlantic.
"Harness in the good energy, block out the bad. Harness energy, block bad. Feel the flow Happy. It's circular."- Kevin Nealon as Gary Potter in "Happy Gilmore"
I had a Geology professor a couple of years ago who spent weeks on global warming.It was a pet peeve of his. He presented us with all the facts, took us through every detail and debunked it for us. It was both impressive and depressing. It's funny how many people can buy into a total falsity.
the falsity of global warming or the reverse?
i don'tknow if this is what you need, but you can change the posting date. below the "compose" box, there's an option to change that. maybe that will help you.
Maybe the dinosaurs used too many CFC's and that set off the ice age. "Walking in your footsteps..."
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