Monday, June 12, 2023

Cold still remains!

Is it still Winter?  The weather this past week went very cold again!  I mean, awesome and I am saving so much money on electricity but it's just unusual.  Every morning has been very overcast and sometimes the sun comes out in the afternoon for a couple of hours and then it starts to become night or the clouds come back.  No rain though, some misting at most but it always looks like it will rain.  What is interesting is the nights haven't gotten super cold which one thing they would considering how cool to cold the days have been.  So, if this is our Summer this year, I am all for it!  I love good jacket weather since I rarely get to wear them and now I can!  Well, I remember to grab one when I leave the house.

Weekly Update:

I went to Disneyland on Saturday night for a fun scavenger hunt work event.  It wasn't really a scavenger hunt entirely but that is the closest thing to compare it to.  It was a office related event and we had teams of 2 to 4 (my team was 4).  We started with answering trivia questions and then moved into the park to find things on windows, rides and around the park in general.  Also had to listen to some music to identify songs and where they came from.  Also had to take photos of certain name tags and things like a non-Disneyland spirit style jersey.  It was a pretty fun night overall and ended off with a free churro since the stand was closing and had extras... how can you not say no and go wrong with a free churro!

At the movies:

Taking the box office crown this week is Transformers: Rise of the Beasts with a fair 60.5 million.  Clearly this franchise is done but the international numbers continue to beef up the overall box office numbers.  This will drop quickly though for domestic box office which is what really matters.  Drop down to #2 is Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse with 55.4 mil extra and now just over 200 mil domestic.  Still on course potentially to reach 400 mil but unlikely past that.  Sliding down to #3 is The Little Mermaid with 22.8 mil more and also now past 200 mil.  May end up around 300 which doesn't look great.  Still hanging on to #4 is Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 with 7 mil extra and it quickly slowing down.  Rounding off the top 5 is The
 with 6.9 mil more and this one is all done.

Quote of the week:
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist." - Indira Gandhi

Facts & Tips:
Pound cake got its name from the original recipe which called for a pound of butter.

"You will remove that black bitch from this property, or I'll take myself back to Cheneyville." - Sarah Paulson as Mistress Epps from 12 Years a Slave.


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