Monday, November 02, 2020

This is Halloween ...

Halloween Edition

So this year I didn't get any trick-or-treaters come by the house but to be honest, I don't recall having any the past few years anyway.  So nothing has changed or the pandemic hasn't effected me in regards to that.  Several years ago, maybe 10 or more they started doing trick-or-treating at malls so kids can stop by all the stores for candy.  Not sure if that happened this year but also I know certain neighborhoods or church parking lots started doing trunk-or-treat and you would go by a car with your family for treats.  I heard and saw many people across the nation sit out in their drive-ways with candy so to let know kids know they could stop and get something.  So the tradition wasn't dead or this pandemic didn't stop it ... just simply modified it which it was already modified to begin with!

Weekly Update:
I am a big fan of recycling, I love doing it and hey if I can turn in plastic/glass bottles and cans for some money then even more the better!  What worries me is I have three trash cans I can put out each week; regular trash, green trash (leaves, branches) and recyclables.  So what worries me is I put all paper product in there (paper bags, cardboard) and bottles and plastic that I can't take to the recycle center for redemption.  But when the garbage truck comes by and picks up the container, I fear it's the same truck that just came through to pick up the regular trash and the are mixing it.  I know it's probably dumb to think that but I just wonder about that.  Also why can't they recycle or re-use like the leaves and twigs?  Can't those be helpful in the landfills since they are all from the ground? Or can we use them for mulch to help plant new trees and such?  I don't know but I am curious to know if my city is doing it's part correctly.

At the movies:

Traditionally the Halloween weekend (if Halloween falls on the weekend) isn't the busiest of times for the box office... and it was no different this year.  New at #1 this week is "Come Play" with 3.2 million to open.  Nothing exciting and likely will fade fast.  Drop down to #2 is "Honest Thief" with 1.4 mil as it closes in at 10 mil and should reach that by end of week.  Holding at #3 is "The War with Grandpa" with 1.1 mil and just passing 10 mil cume.  Holding at #4 is "The Empty Man" with 561k and quick burn on this as well.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Hocus Pocus" with 456K and should be the last of this as we close out October.

Quote of the week:
"It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well." - Rene Descartes

Facts & Tips:

Below the Kalahari Desert lies the world's largest underground lake.

"Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride." - Anthony Bourdain


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