I saw something recently which I haven't seen in a long time (not the actual picture to the left but very similar). I was going to get some food and saw this car, maybe a mid-sized but not a big truck or anything, parked in the area that is left next to a handicapped spot. I am not sure if they just didn't see the marks or are just really big a-holes but they do realize that is there for a reason. Not for parking but to NOT block a handicapped vehicle in the event the person who needs to get out and requires assistance with a ramp or something from their vehicle. The stupidity of some people is really amazing and how they can be so nonchalant about it too.

A new queen at the top as Maleficent: Mistress of Evil takes top honors for it's debut. Opening to 36 million but well below expectations. Word-of-mouth is fair on this one and should reach the 100 mil mark but over a lot of time. Dipping down to #2 is "Joker" with 29.2 mil more and just shy of 250 which will be past that by end of tomorrow. New at #3 is Zombieland 2: Double Tap with 26.7 mil and almost right on expectations! Holding ground at #4 is "The Addams Family" with another 16 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Gemini Man" with a distant 8.5 mil as this one is soon to be faded out.
Quote of the week:
"A promise must never be broken." - Alexander Hamilton
Facts & Tips:

"Mom this is my friend Chanel, remember I told you about the Cheetah Girls?" - Sabrina Bryan as Dorinda in the TV series "The Cheetah Girls."
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