Weekly Update:
What happened this week??! I can't even remember ... my brain is fried or something again. Oh, I signed up for that meal plan thing, Blue Apron. Friend of mine gave me a free invite for the first week free. So right now just waiting and seeing in the long run if it will be worth it. I noticed the dishes you pick, lot of cabbage! I loathe cabbage ... it is filler food and has no flavor. It serves no purpose other than to make a meal look five times bigger than it should be. How ever grows this stuff should be made to sit in the door for a week with no water because that is what it does, absorbs the water from your mouth and body! I once accidentally made a salad out cabbage when I was little because I had no idea what it was ... worst accidental bite of food I ever had! Cabbage ... you are my mortal vegetable enemy. I don't think its even a vegetable but a sponge of nothing.

The racers stay on top as "The Fate of the Furious" continues at #1 with an extra 38.7 mil and on its way to 200 mil cume domestic. Already an international hit, this movie should end up just past 200 for the US. Holding ground at #2 is "The Boss Baby" with another 12.8 mil and continues its Spring run. Also holding ground in its 6th week is "Beauty and the Beast" with another 10 mil as it is shy of 500 mil domestic, unlikely it will reach it but you never know. New at #4 is Born in China with a nice 5.2 mil opening and right on exceptions as well. Rounding off the top 5 is "Going in Style" with anther 5 mil as this will be going out of style next week.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Quite a few this weekend, Unforgettable was pretty forgettable coming in at #7 with only 4.8 mil and no surprises with that number. Coming in at #9 is The Promise with only 4 mil and again, not surprised with this opening. Finally is Fire Fall in at #18 with only 1 mil to open and fairly disappointing but not entirely surprising either.
Quote of the week:
"I like to listen. I have leaned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen." - Ernest Hemingway
Facts & Tips:
Mangoes have noses."Ha ha, payback's a bitch, yah." - Daniel Bernhardt as Alex Cardo in "Bloodsport 2."
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