What happened this week? I can't even remember ... after the previous week's adventures I felt like this week was just recovery from the last week. Did I do anything? Did I go any where? I think I just worked and slept trying to recover because when you are in Vegas, you don't really sleep much if at all. Although the past couple of years sleep has eluded me on almost every night except maybe once or twice a week. Those are the days where I do nothing but sleep. I guess that is recharging or just shutting down? Or both probably since you do have to shut down to re-charge. I think one day I woke up enough to eat, shower and use the bathroom while the rest was just napping the entire day. What is also interesting is when it came time for bed, I was still sleepy enough to go to bed. Go figure ...

The boss holds top honors for another week as "The Boss Baby" keeps the crown and earns another 26.3 million. On track to break 100 mil maybe in another week. Holding ground at #2 is "Beauty and the Beast" with another 25 mil and well over the 400 mil cume. Worldwide looking at 1 billion but domestic probably shy of 500 mil. New at #3 is Smurfs: The Lost Village with 14 mil and slightly below expectations. New at #4 is Going in Style for the older crowd with 12.5 mil and close to expectations. Rounding off the top 5 is "Ghost in the Shell" with an extra 7.4 mil as this one is quickly disappearing.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as The Case for Christ comes in at #10 with only 3.9 mil in its debut. Pretty much expected as most faith based film fall short at the box office but find their after-life in home entertainment. Plus the distribution company for this is not known to have a high presence or impact in the theatrical market.
Quote of the week:
"After the Battle of Midway there was a week in a rest camp at Pearl Harbor." - Jack Adams
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