Sunday saw the 89th Academy Awards ceremony and well ... it was interesting! Overall the show as pretty good compared to recent years. Some good jokes but could use some more. I do like the fake feud between Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon and I am glad they continued that on the show, it was entertaining to me at least. The biggest surprise of the whole evening was the last award and I think people over a certain age maybe shouldn't read the winners any more maybe?? That will be a moment remembered for a very long time in Oscar history for sure ... or just in televised history to be honest. But good on the both the "La La Land" folks and Kimmel when it happened. I think they took a good approach and were also very humbling when it was clearly neither of their faults. Also begs the question why do they have two envelopes for each category and they gave the same one twice. I understand back ups but don't have them together maybe? But congrats to "Moonlight" on the win ... didn't see though so I need to catch up still.

This past Wednesday we had our 11th Annual Young Variety Pool Tournament and it appeared to be a great turn out and event. The pool hall was packed but it is also just a tad smaller than previous locations. But it was still great and had a handful of celebrity friends attend again. Also met some new friends and added them to the collection:
*Erin Cahill - known as the pink power ranger in Time Force and so awesome!
*Aimee Garcia - from various TV show appearance and nice.
*Jessika Van - up and coming actress and very sweet!

Its Oscar Night!!! Who will win some gold (La La Land) and who will go home empty handed? Tonight should effect the next couple of weeks but not this weekend! New at #1 is Get Out with 30.5 million to open. Above all expectations and some decent reviews coming out of this thriller. Slight drop to #2 is "The Lego Batman Movie" with another 19 mil and making its way to 150 mil. At #3 is "John Wick: Chapter 2" with an extra 9 mil as it looks like it may fall short of 100 mil cume. Holding at #4 is "The Great Wall" with another 8.7 mil and this epic is losing steam fast. Rounding off the top 5 is "Fifty Shades Darker" with 7.8 mil and about to turn the light off on this one.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Have a couple this week ... up first is Rock Dog as it comes in at #11 with only 3.7 mil to open. Fell below expectations but also not very surprising. Coming at #13 is Collide with only 1.5 mil and again below expectations and again, not surprising.
Quote of the week:
"I don't go around regretting things that don't happen." - Virgil Thomson

A tiger's night vision is six times better than a human's.
"Boy, if this thing works it could be my ticket out. This job is starting to get to me. Lately I've been shoplifting just to feel in control. Because no one knows I took the candy bar. No one but Peter." - Scott Adsit as Pete Hornberger in the TV series "30 Rock."
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