I am still pretty amazed how people can walk in the middle of the parking lot when you have cars coming both directions. I saw this again the other day while at Costco and they had one cart but made a wall (family of four) and I would say blocked about 70% of the parking aisle. There was a car facing them but further out and I was behind them not that much further out. What are they trying to accomplish except for being a jerk family? Do they own Costco? If they do, then I take the jerk family comment back but then I have a hunch they did not. I don't understand it and it makes sense if maybe they had two shopping carts but then you can push them behind one another. Why family? Why must you be such a jerk and block the aisle when your car is halfway down? And when they got to their car, one of the kids was still almost in the middle of the street! Great parenting of letting them stand out there while you load your car and other cars are driving up and down ... stupid.

No surprises at the box office this weekend but overall a nice boost to a very depressed time of year for grosses. In at #1 for the families is Hotel Transylvania 2 with 47.5 million to open and right on target with predictions. Word-of-mouth is good so this film should carry into the mid 150+ when it is said and done. New at #2 is The Intern with 18.2 mil and also very close to predictions. Movie seems fair and could carry for another week. Holding ground at #3 is "Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials" with 14 mil extra and end of the run soon. Boost to #4 after its limited run is "Everest" with another 13.1 mil and that is a 81% increase from the previous week. Both solid reviews and numbers on this one. Rounding off the top 5 is "Black Mass" with another 11.5 mil and should cap out around 60+ mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as The Green Inferno comes in at #9 with only 3.5 mil. About a third of expectations but then again we were not expecting much. It might have been too soon for horror films or that this genre is in a slump time right now.
Quote of the week:
"In every man's heart there is a secret nerve that answers to the vibrations of beauty." - Christopher Morley
The mouth of the Statue of Liberty is 3 feet wide.
"They caught me siphoning ozone from their atmosphere to sell on the black market. They're very touchy about this global warming thing." - John Alexander as Jarra in "Men in Black II."
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