How did the egg hunt go yesterday? I remember doing that as a

Weekly Update:
Wow, overall it was a pretty calm week! Other than some minor work things, I did go to the press junket for the film I am working on called "Dylan Dog: Dead of Night" which opens this weekend. While there I met up with one of the stars of the film:
*Sam Huntington- From "Superman Returns" and "Detroit Rock City" and an extremely cool guy!
After that, my good friend Joe was in town with his family from Antioch, CA which is Northern California for you geography types. They were taking their youngest to Disneyland for her birthday so all the kids got to enjoy the trip. It was good seeing him and the family. They are such an amazing group of people.

A little bit of a surprise at the box office but it also makes sense with the holiday and kids out of school that "Rio" takes the box office crown for the 2nd week in a row earning an additional 26.8 million and now just over 80 mil cume for the first 10-days. New at #2 is the ongoing series of long titled films Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family earning 25.8 mil for the weekend. New at #3 is Water for Elephants with a modest 17.5 mil for its debut. Hanging on to #4 is "Hop" for this Easter holiday earning another 12.5 mil and now hitting the 100 mil cume mark! Big drop to #5 is "Scream 4" with 7.2 mil as it quickly fades away.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Just one this week as Disney continues to release these nature type films on the big screen. At #6 is African Cats with 6.4 million and I am sure this film will make a lot of money as it was probably originally intended for TV and home entertainment anyway. Maybe even have a long 5-year run on stand alone IMAX screens for schools and such.
Quote of the week:
"The system of Western democratic capitalism never foresaw that in a society governed passively by free markets and free elections organized greed always defeats disorganized democracy." - Matt Taibbi
Other News:

Stumbled across an article about the top 10 businesses hiring this week. Kind of odd that it's this week and not in general because it actually specifies the dates. But let's take a look at it anyway ... #10: QinetiQ - Looks like a UK firm that specializes in robotics. They recently deployed robots at the Fukushima, Japan nuclear power plant and were controlled by XBox 360 game pads ... this could be a very futuristic and interesting field with a lot of growth. #9: Huron Consulting - They seem diverse with their portfolio ranging from health-care to Universities. It seems that these days it is cheaper to hire consultants than your own because you eliminate benefits and training needs. #8: Morgan Stanley - Financial services but this particular field seems very up and down. They could be up one quarter than do a 180 degree turn the next. Risky if you ask me. #7: McKesson - supplies over 40,000 pharmacy locations including Wal-Mart stores. Another lucrative field because everyone needs medical supplies. #6: Earthlink Business - honestly, Earthlink is still around? They are making steps to modernize but their strength is still in dial-up??? Personally I don't see them around in the next 5 years. #5: Stryker Corp. - Another medical field related company but they focus more on endoscopy devices, surgical navigation software and artificial joints. They are basically the tech side of the medical field and I see a lot of growth and potential here. #4: Chipotle - Fast food Mexican themed restaurant that I believe will suffer from over expansion. The food is sub-standard and not worth the price just because everything is "fresh." #3: Teavana - selling tea through their own locations mostly located in the South it looks like. I do not see this going very far and potentially could close locations and if they plan to survive need to probably enter the grocery store market more wide. #2: BBVA Compass Bank - Aggressive bank chain doing small business loans in a risky economy. Again, another business that could go either way in this topsy-turvy economy. #1: Corner Bakery Cafe - They have had a slow expansion which is smart however their food has been very hit or miss. I have been to locations where the food and service were fantastic and then I go to another location where the service was OK and the food horrible. They are very inconsistent from location to location and I would rather find a Panera Bread before going to a Corner Bakery. Could be a short term fad because they have had very slow growth at the start and lately have been picking up ... too much too fast?

Forty percent of America's population lives within a one-day drive to Philadelphia.
"No one gets dibs on the mountain guide." - Anita Briem as Hannah Asgeirsson in "Journey to the Center of the Earth."
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