Weekly Update:
VERY tiring week and glad it is over!!! Had work stuff to do which was actually the light part of everything!! But on Tuesday had to take a friend to a recording studio for some dubbing and got to meet a film maker who was very cool and saw clips of his upcoming film which looks really good:
*Boak Yakin- Director for "Remember the Titans" and "Uptown Girls" and a really cool guy.
Then on Thursday was on the set for this promo piece being put together for the RED Camera which is a really interesting and cool new set-up for film making. What was even more interesting was I met the creator of Oakley Sunglasses there, I guess he is involved with this new camera. Also got to meet a few more folks:
*Bill Paxton- From "Apollo 13" and "True Lies" and a REALLY cool guy! He was directing the promo piece.
*Daniel Henney- Up and coming actor in small various roles and a nice guy.
*Craig Ng- Been in a few movies but does mostly stand-in work but a really nice guy.
The week didn't stop there as I spent the weekend at this convention called Monsterpalooza which focuses on horror and movie make-up to props for the genre. Got to meet a few more folks there as well:
*Joe Turkel- From "Blade Runner" to "The Sand Pebbles" and a nice guy.
*Mick Garris- Writer and director of mostly horror type stuff and a cool guy.
*Josh Sussman- Reoccurring role on the show "Glee" and a nice guy.
*Daniel Bernhardt- Karate expert from so many various films back in the 80's and a very cool guy.
*James Lew- I know him best from "Big Trouble in Little China" (BTILC) and was one of the good guy gang members ... really nice guy.
*Gerald Okamura- Another cast member from BTILC who was on the bad guy side and a really cool guy.
*George Cheung- More BTILC cast and another good guy ... REALLY funny guy too!
*Al Leong- Also from BTILC but Al has been in so many movies like "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" and the original "Die Hard" and "Lethal Weapon" movies. A very sweet man.

Interesting weekend as the live-action/animated feature "Hop" takes top honors for the 2nd weekend in a row with an extra 21.7 million and now north of 65 mil cume for its first 10-days. New at #2 is the remake comedy of Arthur with a mild 12.6 mil. What is funny is the star of this film is also the main character voice in "Hop" Russell Brand. New at #3 is the thriller action film Hanna with 12.3 mil. The true life story of Soul Surfer earns 11.1 mil and 4th place for the weekend. Rounding off the top 5 is "Insidious" with an extra 9.7 mil.
Quote of the week:
"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them." - Ray Bradbury
Other News:

Found an interesting article about the worst airline carriers but it isn't necessarily a list but the worst in different categories. Let's check it out ... Meanest Major Carrier: United, they had the highest customer service complaint rate but my experiences have been really good. Meanest Region Carrier: American Eagle, haven't flown them in at least 10 years so back then they were really good. Most Complained About Airline: Delta, found them to be good but this seems the same category as Meanest. Most Likely to be Unsafe: JetBlue, I have not flown with them but I know their fleet is very small so I have to guess if you have even one plane with a problem, it is a high percentage of problems overall. Most Likely to Overcharge For Bags: Delta/US Airways/Continental, I think any charge like this is overcharging. Most Likely to Bump You: American Eagle, again never been bumped myself. Most Likely to be Late: Comair, never even heard of this one! Apparently 73.1% of flights last year were late. Most Likely to Mishandle Your Bag: American Eagle, I have had at least one misplaced bag situation but got it back the very next day ... I think it was Delta too.

When the moon is directly over you, you weigh less.
"Look, I've boned a lot of fat chicks in my time, sure. But, as far back as I can remember, I've never fornicated anybody." - Billy Bob Thorton as Willie in "Bad Santa."
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