Weekly Update:
Last Tuesday we had our 3rd Annual Young Variety Pool Tournament and it was a big success. New venue, new look, new everything (almost) and it was just a great evening. We had more attendees than previous years and made almost an additional 25% from the previous year. One nice thing about this last event was a friend of mine who I have e-mailed back and forth several times, I actually got to meet her in-person! She has done a couple of movies (one of them a TV movie) that aired on Lifetime in January and she is just a very very sweet person. Hopefully we will see more projects from her soon: Rebecca Miller could be a rising star!
At the movies:

Quote of the week:
"When written in Chinese, the word crisis is composed of two characters. One represents the danger and the other represents opportunity." - John F. Kennedy
Comment Response:
That is a tall order to comment on for this little topic area ... let me see. I thought the Oscars in general were just "ok" but it did feel like a throw-back to the shows from the 1980's with all the musical numbers and such. Which, it does make sense since Hugh has a big Broadway background. The other comment, I think California has always gotten their water from CO. I mean honestly Southern California is just a big dessert. But being a dessert, the weather is rather consistent but over the last 2 years this has not been the case. Global warming basically has a lot of different levels to it but it isn't a myth. Of course it may not be as extreme as a lot of folks may make it out to be. The term "Slumdog" isn't a term but rather just the name of the movie, "Slumdog Millionaire" and "A-List" are the caliber of the star. And example would be George Clooney, he is an A-Lister while Maureen McCormick (Marsha Brady from the Brady Bunch) isn't.
Other News:

So I stumbled across an interesting article that says Facebook is on the way out. Or rather that the twitting social site is uncool now. The target demographic for a lot of these sites like Facebook and Myspace has been the late teens through the college crowd. It seems like Myspace lost a step or two back when 20th Century Fox bought the company and has gone from being a hip new music site to nothing but commerical and confusing. Facebook was to be the next generation as Myspace became more of a techno-geeks playground with customizing and applications. So what is making Facebook the uncool site to use now? Apparently the majority of users on it are 30+! END OF THE WORLD!!! I guess age does pay a factor in the business of the Internet and as more adults log into the hip site, the younger audience moves away to something else. I suppose some of the adults on there could be using it as a way of keeping an eye on their children and watching you they are "friends" with. Younger generations just do not want the parents in their "business" and start going else where.
Facts & Tips:
The average woman consumes six pounds of lipstick in her lifetime.

thanks for responding to all of my crazy questions! I'm sorry to hear that I'm pulling the FB ratings down because I LOVE IT. It is a fabulous site for mothers who want to connect with other women and friends.
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